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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone
    I'm back in the nest after being out all day foraging for food. It was tough out there today! Spent most of the day dodging predators and squabbling to get a tiny handful of breadcrumbs.

    Chicken - that's a very poignant poem. Hopefully you'll find this nest gives you somewhere stable to rest and you won't need to hang on to the sides as tightly as you do out on the river. Keep 'peeping' encouragement and being kind to yourself.

    Nora - well done on not drinking during a really challenging day. Just the thought of that fridge dying would have been enough to set me off.

    Prancy - well done on resisting that free bar. I bet you feel SO much better today than you would have otherwise and you really deserve that as your reward.

    Loved1 - is this your first post back in the nest? If so, welcome and maybe we will be twig buddies.

    Thanks for the welcome and the tuck in, Choppersmom.

    SD - you're so right about this place. It's so lovely to know people here understand. Down with berating and up with relating, I say!

    I'm about to start serving the vegie soup if anyone wants some.
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning, Nesters and welcome to all the new beaks!

      GHE, that soup smells fabulous, but it being just 7:30 in the morning here in Ohio, USA, I believe I will save mine for later!

      Chick, that poem was very nice. Thank you. I guess we are all sailors! Hey, isn't there a place on the old time clipper ships called the bird's nest? I think it was where they went up on a mast to do "look out" duty. I'll bet it was really tough to hang on in rough waters up in the bird's nest of a ship! Kind of like not drinking on a really, really bad day like Norac had!:H

      SD, thanks for bringing me up to speed! I am sorry you hate your classes, but I can sure understand that! I am glad I don't have to go back to school for anything. I LOVE learning, don't get me wrong. But having to take classes and meet deadlines and take tests and write papers....well, I feel for you and Chops! Thanks for telling about your day at the cabin with the boys. It brought back very fond memories of going to my in-law's farm with my kids and their little friends way back when. Wonderful times and wonderful memories.

      Chops, back at the books!! How much longer til you get all finished up with your program? I really applaud you and SD! Yes, our fencing project is done and I managed to get through with just one chigger bite and it's a small one. No Poison Ivy, either. But the chiggers were so frustrated with me and my long pants and Off bug repellant that they decided to go after Mr. Dill instead!:H Yesterday's projects were: blanching and freezing green beans from the garden and making a home-made cheese cake from my Mom's old recipes. MMM!

      Lav, Prancy, Loved1 and all other peepers who I maybe missed, have a great day and keep up the good work, it's worth it, and, as Lav can tell you: it DOES get easier!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning nesters!

        So glad to see everyone came thru the weekend in relatively good shape!!

        SD and Chops, blessings on you and your classes. I really don't think I could push myself to do that anymore, it takes so much commitment, good for both of you!

        Chicken, thanks for the poem. I imagine writing poetry could be a wonderful safe, outlet for all of those thoughts & feelings.

        GHE, the veggie soup sounds vert good, I'll bake some nice, fresh bread to go along - my favorite meal!

        Sunni, I hope your boat ride was smoothe sailing the whole way........

        Prancy, Diet Coke rocks over Champagne anytime, good for you

        NoraC, you are doing great - into your third week now. Isn't it fantastic?

        Loved1 and anyone I've missed, welcome, hope you are having a good AF day.

        An important thing to remember as you tackle each new day - it does get better & easier, honestly!! The freedom from anxiety & worry is just priceless. I've only been AF for 4 months but it feels much longer and I am so grateful for that. The old Lav is becoming just a memory

        Dill, won't you be kind enough to share your bug repellant with Mr. Dill? Time to wage war on chiggers!
        How did that cheesecake turn out? Sounds good

        Have a great AF day everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters,

          Just wanted to pop in and say all seem to be working hard to their goals. Your group has a lot of support.

          And, Dill, how about sharing that cheesecake recipe? There is a recipe forum. Please? I love cheesecake.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Newbies Nest

            Morning Nesters - Wow! I overslept today. Does anybody else have problems with feeling just drugged?!!? Maybe it's not drugged - maybe this is natural sleep. :H It's been so long.....
            Anyway - thank you for the veggie soup - I'm vegetarian - so that was the perfect way to start my day.
            I get my new fridge this morning. So it's my turn to go off and forage for crumbs for the nest. I'll be back later.
            Have a wonderful AF day.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning Nesters! Is it really Monday already??? I am so glad to see that we all made it through the weekend.

              SD, hang in there with the classes hon. I know how you feel. There have been times I have absolutely HATED the classes I had to take. They do go by faster. I am working on my degree for Healthcare Administration. I wish I only had two weeks left! I loved hearing about Brayden and his friend being boys. Oh...the memories!

              Dill, I am glad that you frustrated those chiggers! One bite is better than 100 bites. How is Mr. Dill faring? The cheesecake sounds divine. Umm, I love cheesecake. Did you make it plain, or did you add fruit to it. Thanks for the kind words to me and SD on our classes :l I am done with my Associate's in March. Then, I will take the summer off and then start on my Bachelor's Degree

              Lav, how was your weekend? Thank you to you too for the kind words to me and SD on our classes. It does take a lot of determination the older you get. :l Thanks for the bread to go with the soup!

              Chicken, I loved the poem. Keep those coming. What a great outlet for feelings. Thank you for sharing.

              GHE, I love veggie soup. I will have that for my lunch!

              Nora, I sometimes have that "drugged" feeling too after sleeping. I suspect it is just good ole fashion good sleep, and your body healing.

              Hi Cindi! Thanks for stopping by. I agree, Dill should share the cheesecake recipe!!!

              Hello Sunni, Loved1, Robyn, and all others. Sorry if I missed anyone. Not quite awake this morning. Enjoy your Monday everyone.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters.

                Like some of you, I am starting on Week 3. And feeling pretty darn good about it. My husband got home last night after a week fishing in Alaska. It is interesting to share the house after the lovely quiet just being here with me and my dogs. However, my horse is not eating so I need to go figure out what is going on with him. He is an eager eater most of the time so it is weird. It has been super hot here, but he is an Arabian after all so the heat should not bother him.

                Lavande, thanks for the enouragement. I can't say I am to the point yet that I think Diet Coke trumps champagne but I am sure I am better this morning for having chosen it! LOL.

                Chicken, the poem as lovely. And a great way to express those feelings instead of acting on them.

                Well, off to the horse supply place for a thermometer and some electolytes! Later all. Have a wonderful AL day.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello Nurturing fellow Nesters!!!

                  I want to say hello to everyone, but my two girls are demanding breaky and an active day-(stuck inside all yesterday with winter storms etc). So I am going to go collect my dear Mum and take them all off to the animal-farm for a day-maybe even a picnic while it is fine!
                  (Currently my 2 yr old Danika is walking around in jeans, t-shirt and a lovely white tutu!!!)

                  Today is day two and last night I felt really good. Woke from a lovely solid sleep this morning and feel ready to take the day head-on!

                  Thanks for the nice words about my 'weird/rambling'poem! (Most of them are like that!)

                  By the way, what are Chiggers?????

                  Will be back later to say a more involved hello to all my lovely new friends here!



                    Newbies Nest

                    Is it really bedtime already??? Geez, this bird is kind of tired tonight, ready to settle into the nest!

                    Chicken, I hope day 2 went as planned for you, day 3 coming tomorrow - that's great! BTW chiggers are tiny little insects that hang out in damp, grassy areas in some parts of the country. Their bites leave intensely itchy red bumps on the skin, a lot like poison ivy does. Both can drive you crazy!!

                    Prancy, good luck, I know week 3 will be a good one for you. I hope your horse is feeling better. I don't care much for the extreme heat myself. Such strange weather patterns across the entire country. We all have great big, beautiful tomato plants in our gardens loaded with tons of green tomatoes. They won't ripen becaue we haven't had a whole lot of sunshine. Strange!

                    Chops, Health Care Administration??? I wish you many blessings in that area. I'm a survivor of a 27 year career in Health Care.................

                    SD, I don't remember hearing what your major is??? Whatever it is, I wish you blessings as well. Does your son like the fact that you are taking classes? My kids thought it was funny when I did.

                    NoraC, enjoy your new found ability to sleep. I'm still having some difficulty but I'm sure mine is age related. Did your new fridge arrive OK?

                    Dill, Cindi, GHE, hope you all had a wonderful day and are heading back to the nest for the night
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello everyone...I'd like to join you nesters. I have about five and a half months sobriety (Feb 6) and have four months quitting smoking. I'm hanging in there just learning how to live without these addictions. I can't say it's been easy but I do know I can't do this alone. I had joined in other areas but I'm a newbie and I think this would work better for me. Looking forward to getting to know you all.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Bad day here with my horse's temperature at 106 degrees. So I sat is a super hot barn all day while he was hooked up to IV fluids. His fever did come down and I have unhooked him from the IV as directed by the vet. Am headed out to check him again at 9:30 p.m. and give more drugs if the fever has come back up. I am totally exhausted but at least twice today I though thank the lord that I am not hungover and having to do this. This on top of last week my dog had a tooth abscess and had to have surgery. Not a good week for vet bills but at least I stayed AF.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Oh, Prancy. I am so sorry your animals have gotten sick. The vet bills bite, too.

                          I am with you on dealing with these things without being either too drunk to handle it or too hungover to handle it.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Newbies Nest

                            This post is for Lav....well and for all of you cuz I luv you!!! But I'm going back to school AGAIN and then AGAIN!!! My undergrad is in elementary education and SPED and masters is in Guidance and Counseling...I've taken classes to be accepted into the DR. program in our state, am currently working on my LPC (Counseling License) and now taking classes to become an Administrator......yet I'm "a drunk" and am told on a daily basis I should either go into my own counseling practice, be a principal and a college prof..... are you kidding me...if they only the heck do I keep pulling this crap off????
                            Love you all~~
                            Big HUGS!!:l
                            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                              Newbies Nest

                              Night Nesters - sorry I wasn't around much. Busy, busy day. So sorry to hear about the animals Prancy. Welcome Sunny.
                              I'll be back tomorrow & hopefully be able to actually post more. :h
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello all
                                I'm back in the nest again tonight after another day foraging for crumbs amongst predators. I don't mean to complain, but phew - sometimes it's really a tough old world out there where I spend my days.

                                Sunny - welcome! I'll shuffle up and make room for you on my newbie twig if you haven't yet found a place to settle. I have a bowl of soup ready for you.

                                Prancy - I'm so sorry to hear about your horse. I hope the poor love is on the mend and you can soon have some rest and peace of mind.

                                SD - you are so much more than "a drunk" or any other label anyone (including yourself) may put on you. I'm sure you are also an incredibly intelligent, educated, articulate person who truly deserves to be in any of the positions you've talked about.

                                Chicken - how are you going today? Still feeling strong? Wouldn't it be lovely to be like your 2 year old and wear a tutu over our jeans whenever we felt like it? Maybe we should - even if it's just around the house. I'm already probably becoming that 'weird old cat lady' anyway, so it couldn't do that much harm to my reputation. Please keep the poems coming, too. I would love to hear your poetry readings while we're all snuggling on our twigs.

                                Nora - how is your new fridge going? I'm a vego too, so you can rest assured that the soup is authentically veggie.

                                Night all. :thanks:
                                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                                I didn't come this far to only come this far.

