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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Fin: I too am a soda stream addict!! I also add cranberry and also a wedge of lemon....yum!!

    Oneredshoe: been there, done that. This was before I was married, but I did sleep around A LOT....always when I was completely out of my mind drunk. But, that was yesterday and today is a new beginning....make the best of it and learn how to live life AF...I am still learning and each day brings me new revelations about myself. I feel like a new person....don't get me wrong, this new person still has problems and challenges, but they are being handled in a different, more healthy and productive way. Keep reading and posting!!

    K9: congrats on the new quit!! I am so impressed. I was always a light smoker .... or I only smoked when I drank at night so I had 2 or 3 cigs a night. That is now up to 3 or 4...I know, that is very bad....but I tell myself that it makes sense to deal with one addiction at a time. I must have to be more careful and not increase the nicotine intake...good for you!!

    I was up at 4:45am this morning so I could make a 5:30 to 6:30 strength interval class at the gym...I am bone weary so lights out for me.
    Have a great night everyone!
    I just won't anymore


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      Happy AF Tuesday, nice to see you Pinecone & jennie.
      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Happy to be back again - Great Support!

        I quit drinking and smoking in January of this year. Sadly it is all bitter sweet because my best friend died of lung cancer and I promised her I would quit smoking. Both go hand in hand for me. I was a wine drinker. I managed to drink a bottle and a half a night, sometimes 2 bottles. I managed to hold down a job and live what looked like a normal existence. Both my husband and my son have autism! My husband has Aspergers and OCD, my 14 yr old has high functioning autism and adhd. I was using wine as a way to deal with my stress and I did this for about 10 yrs. I tried so many times to quit and I would always manage 2-3 weeks and start again. I am very lonely and depressed.

        When my best friend was diagnosed with lung cancer, she died very quickly. She was 46 years old and a wonderful person. No amount of alcohol could numb the pain of loosing her. I promised her I would quit smoking and I wanted to do something good for her, in memory of her life. I quit both in January of this year. It was not easy however my life changed so much. My daily tasks were easier to manage and it was wonderful waking up without a hangover every day. I still had to face my problems but I did find it easier without feeling like death. I had terrible problems sleeping however meletonin helps with that problem.

        We went to france for two weeks in August and I decided to have some wine as stress levels were through the roof with my son and husband. Within two days I was back to drinking a bottle and a half of wine. When we got back I promised myself I would stop. I drank at the weekend thinking it would be OK. I wasn't, I was back drinking a bottle and half again.

        I had such a bad hangover on Monday I couldn't go to work. My 5 year old has an ear infection so I couldn't go to work anyway. I also decided to take today off and get myself back on top of everything. I decided the first thing to do was post on here. I often go onto this site and read posts and it helps so much to know I am not alone.

        I never want to go back to my old pattern of drinking! It nearly distorted me. Life is so much better sober and I know I want a happy life for my family and myself. I am never going to find it down the end of a bottle.

        It is a lovely sunny day here so myself and my daughter are going for a walk in the woods after lunch. It would be great to make some friends on here so please get in touch.

        Thank you for taking the time to read me post! :thanks:


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Poppy -

          As another person who got down to the bottom of the wine bottle and found there was no slack in the stress there - welcome. :-)

          Life's better without out it - I have quit before but never with the idea that I'm going AF. Always with the idea I could mod....I no longer believe I can mod. I just haven't told anyone that I've quit quit.

          I just stopped, did the withdrawals on my own with help from here, and am not saying I've quit quit. Let them figure it out over time. I want to build up credibility on my own and earn it. I want them to see it through action.

          I'm held accountable here and at my Celebrate Recovery group. And Lord knows, since I'm taking AB - I can't drink. So - each day I TTDP and move on...

          Hi everybody else in the nest today! XOXO

          Getting caught up and have much to do but wanted to dart in, be held accountable for doing so - have to be busting some work out - but here's to Day 22. Knocking out a new habit and a new sober life ODAT.
          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
          AF - August 20, 2012


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Poppy,

            It’s very demoralising to start on day 1 again; I have been in your shoes before, after giving up AL for 6 months. Alcohol does provide a temporary relief to stress, sadness and loneliness; however, it also brings anxiety and the feeling of guilt the following day. It brakes down our natural defences and makes it harder for us to cope with daily problems.

            Stay strong as the first couple of weeks are usually the hardest but you can come here for support and advice. I am on day 11 today after deciding to give up both nicotine and alcohol on the 1st of September. I am not sure that I would have made it this long without the support from MWO and sharing my experiences through my posts.

            AF since 1st Sep 2012
            NF since 1st Sep 2012

            If you want to feel better visit


              Newbies Nest

              Gawd Allan .... Is it day 11 already?


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Stumpy....

                Thank you for the reply. Yes it was only kissing., still horrible though! I am trying so hard to wrap my head around this. I know it was a huge mistake and all I can do is move forward and never drink alcohol again.
                "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                ~Author Unknown
                AF since February 4, 2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Stumpy....

                  Thank you for the reply. Yes it was only kissing., still horrible though! I am trying so hard to wrap my head around this. I know it was a huge mistake and all I can do is move forward and never drink alcohol again. I just pray that he doesn't say anything to anyone and make this mess any worse than it already is.
                  "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                  ~Author Unknown
                  AF since February 4, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    kuya;1376629 wrote: Gawd Allan .... Is it day 11 already?

                    good to see you here again! Yes this is day 11, I made sure that I gave up on the 1st of the month so it was easier to count.

                    How are you, have you had any weird cravings, thoughts or feelings?

                    AF since 1st Sep 2012
                    NF since 1st Sep 2012

                    If you want to feel better visit


                      Newbies Nest

                      No all sweet with me. Was just chatting with Mamabear about GABA and how I really think it has made a major difference to me compared to last year.

                      No anxiety, I mean none. Even that little niggle on here where I got slapped for saying too much too soon would normally have sent me scurrying back to the bottle but it just passed in a 'normal' way.

                      Not getting enough sleep but that is partly cos I can't stop reading and posting here and the time difference is a killer. But this is the best place to be ATM .

                      How's it for you?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Kuya, who or what is GABA?

                        This week seems easier than the last but we need to make sure not to get over confident. I have been reading a great many stories about how strong people felt after a few weeks/months and then after one drink were back to where they started. Need to make sure we don’t fall into that trap due to stress or cockiness.

                        Just remembered, there was one weird thing that happened to me over the weekend. I had a dream that I lost control and got very drunk. Woke up thinking - "damn back to day 1" before realising I was sober LOL.

                        AF since 1st Sep 2012
                        NF since 1st Sep 2012

                        If you want to feel better visit


                          Newbies Nest

                          GABA is gamma amino butyric acid, an amino acid found in the eye and the brain. It inhibits the firing of neurons and thereby reduces anxiety.

                          You are righ about the cockiness, also watch your diet, that tripped me the last time .... Not eating enough or well enough. And I didn't have MWO, and I had not changed my attitude.

                          As my son said scathingly a couple of months ago ......." mum, you didnt quit drinking, you just had a break".

                          This time isn't a break it is the beginning of my new life without alcohol. Freedom at last!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Kuya, have you had any success using the live chat feature on MWO? I am suprised that no one is using it.
                            AF since 1st Sep 2012
                            NF since 1st Sep 2012

                            If you want to feel better visit


                              Newbies Nest

                              I used it once and there was only one person on it. Don't know why no-one uses it. Maybe the seniors here can tell us.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Gotta sleep Allan .... Catchya later

