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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    Hello &welcome cuddle! The nest is a safe & comfy place to settle in for a while
    I was scared to death too when I first arrived but quickly realized that there's nothing to fear. A great place to start is by downloading the MWO book from the Health store here.

    I'm watching my 18 month old grandaughter today & loving every minute
    Wishing everyone a great & AF Friday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      good morning from me too! :-)

      It's pretty strange all right....on one hand there's this feeling that everything is "right"...this is the way life is supposed to be...but on the other hand, it's like learning to do everything all over again. i literally wasn't even used to brushing my teeth in the morning or driving my kid to school without the effects of alcohol. Sometimes feeling like crap while i was doing those things? But other times, actually feeling the effects from waking up and drinking during the night. What a profoundly different world surrounds me now. Sometimes it sucks and I have a pang of wanting to numb everything out - but the huge majority of the time, I am looking around in awe - because - like Byrdie says - the world went from black and white to full living color. It's still kind of new and sometimes the colors feel too bright - so I have to listen to my intuition and retreat within myself for a little bit - and that surprises me....that I can't just walk around "enjoying" everything all the time. Sometimes I still need to tune out and I have been working on learning ways to do that rather than using alcohol. I bought a bunch of old cheap furniture pieces this summer at garage sales and I've been having fun with paint and sandpaper and getting creative....Garage sales were NEVER my keep your mind open when exploring new interests - you might surprise yourself. :-)

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        Cuddle/Jackie...welcome to the best possible place you could have landed to get your life back on track. We were ALL scared spitless when we first came here...but thru wathcing and learning new coping mechanisms, we are all getting there. Is it scary? Yes. Is it hard? Yes, but doable. Is it worth it? Absolutely!!! You will not believe the difference even 3 days sober will make. We will help you every step of the way...I'd suggest you read back 2 or 3 weeks to get to know us...then when you feel like it...tell us what brought you by. You will see under Lolab's by-line there is a link to the tool box...there are 100's of tips and tricks for your use way of other people's experience, it will tell you what to expect and when. It is a valuable resource...and not put together by some slack-jawed, pointey- headed, is compiled by people who have been there. Welcome to this wonderful place!!!

        Each experience that you push thru is a win....and then they add up, and you have an arsenal to draw from. Don't give in to AL no matter what and no matter who!!

        Everyone else, battlestations!!! Lav sez FRIDAY IS JUST ANOTHA DAY! ( I Souternized that). MindPeace! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Everyone, Welcome Cuddle, you will find that most posters on here are very caring and offer a great deal of help.

          Prairie, Can you tell me the name of L-Glutemine that you ordered?
          AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
          AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
          STUMPY IS A LADY!


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Nesters!

            Welcome to the Nest Cuddle (Jackie). The Nest is a wonderful place to hang's full of caring, supportive people. I know it's scary to quit drinking, I NEVER thought I would be successful at it. It seemed so overwhelming at first. I was drinking 12+ beers every night and blacking out about 5x a THAT is scary! I was finally able to quit when drinking became harder than not drinking. Please stick close to us and let us know what's going on with you ok?

            :cheering::cheering:IT'S FRIDAY!!!:cheering::cheering:

            Ok people, let's buckle up our sober seatbelts and get through the weekend. What does everyone have planned? I am off at noon today and I can't wait...yippee! AND I'm on day NINETEEN of no smokes!!! What are you guys happy/thankful for today? Let's hear it! :listening:

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi K9, tonight is my first AA meeting. The weekends seem to be the hardest. I have to clean my house and I thought I would go to Boarders Books Store, find a great book to get lost in, my daughter is visiting later this evening.
              AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
              AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
              STUMPY IS A LADY!


                Newbies Nest

                Stumpy -
                What kind of books do you like? I have a few suggestions if you want some! I had to stop buying books a long time ago because ALL of my shelves are full (and my wallet is empty), so now I just go to the Library. Let me know if you want some ideas! And good luck at AA tonight, I know it's not for everybody, but I've been to a few good meetings here and there, and I'd never knock it! I really enjoy "Speaker" meetings where you can just listen. Let us know how it goes!!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  K9, I read books on spirituality. I actually like most everything, except mafia books. my book shelves are all full as well but I hate loaning books out, they never get returned. I'm going to AA tonight because it's Friday, two hour away from home is two hours not thinking of a glass of AL. Weekdays are a breeze for me.
                  AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                  AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                  STUMPY IS A LADY!


                    Newbies Nest

                    I'm proud of you for doing whatever it takes to stay away from AL at difficult times. The hardest part, I think, of getting sober is finally being honest with ourselves. Good for you for knowing when it will be hard, and taking action! You are rockin' this sober thing!

                    p.s. Your hair looks lovely today

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      K9, lol about the hair. Thank you.
                      I really can't believe that I have no desire to drink during the week AT ALL, Weekends as you know sux right now but I'm feeling stronger.
                      Have a great weekend.
                      AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                      AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                      STUMPY IS A LADY!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Getting Psyched

                        Happy Friday all. Some good posts this AM...lots of optimism and successful folks in this group. I'm gearing up for a fresh go at the beginning of next week. Is anyone else out there lingering and needing to try again? I'd love to sync up with someone on Monday if so.

                        Cuddle. You've come to the right place. There be angels here.
                        Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                        Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                        Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                        Go forward boldly and unafraid


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          K9 asked what we are grateful for being AF......
                          I was able to carefully watch not one but all three grandkids alone today & survive :H
                          I never, ever woud have been able to do something like this 4 years ago

                          Fin, we all all be here next week cheering for you!

                          Everyone please have a safe night in the nest & be sure to fill up all of your free time with a healhy alternative to AL - you will never be sorry

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            ya know, Lav - you're always talking about watching your honestly, I don't give it a second thought when you say you are again...:-) But your comment tonight for whatever reason, made me stop and think about the reality of the situation. That you are watching over 3 LITTLE ones ALL DAY LONG - (well not always 3 - but...) and considering how rotten we used to feel after drinking the day before, and how "necessary" it was to not miss a day of drinking - but how to do that while watching them?...well, it just all clicked. You WOULDN'T have been able to do that before. How can it not be obvious to us how limiting alcohol is??? :l

                            Goodnight everyone...sleep tight...or if you can't sleep? just know that tired for a couple days beats hungover and depressed every sho....

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello everyone

                              So I finally made it to the nest.
                              Day 11 for me and I'm sorry to say that the mosquito's are loving my new alcohol free blood.


                                Newbies Nest


                                I'm a serial lurker and would love to join you on Monday. Was planning on getting back in the game with another Day 1 on Sunday. But.....I guess I can wait to start on Monday.

                                Yes, of course I know I can still not drink Sunday. Unfortunately, I don't need much of an excuse to delay a day at this point....sigh.....

