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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    RunningCourage;1379166 wrote: :new: Hello everyone. New here. Been lurking, reading posts, and recognising some of your stories with my own.

    That I am here I feel is saying a lot about my personal relationship with AL.

    I'm not a colossal drinker by any stretch of the imagination. But I am the daily evening drinker, and recognising quickly how one single, innocent pint becomes 3, before picking up a bottle of wine for the last couple of hours of the day. I've been doing this for 10 years.

    I could lie to myself and say that due to the fact that i have both a f/t job and a freelance p/t teaching job, that i make time to train for a running a marathon, that really there's no problem here. But there is... And it is one I hide...

    I work in the Creative Industries which can be, in part, fuelled by AL. We all joke about the amount we drink. It all seems in jest. Normal. But that i return home most evenings for a private party of one, and wake up a bit groggy, fuzzy, and actually pissed off with myself for not abstaining for just one night, has me think that my actions are not normal. Or that my mind is telling me that if they are normal for me, it sure as hell aint doing that much good.

    I'll put it out there: I've not had an AF day in perhaps a year, maybe more. I would like today to be one. In fact, i would love to have the next 14 be AF... due to the fact that i run my first marathon on 30 Sep.

    Anyway, just saying hello, and thanks for reading...
    When was or is your day 1? You and I have very similar backgrounds and consumption habits. I'm kicking off today and would love to rally a few more folks if possible who are needing a restart, or are lurking just waiting for the "right" opportunity to go for it.
    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

    Go forward boldly and unafraid


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nesters!

      First, let me welcome all the are a lot of you and I'm so glad you've found us! Please forgive me for not remembering all the names right now, I will eventually! Stick around and keep posting and reading!

      I had a great weekend. Friday I was off at noon and spent HOURS at the Thrift Store. Today I am wearing a cute dress and boots, and I am proudly telling everyone I see that my entire outfit cost $7!!! That's including the tights that they had in a big basket that were donated by Target. I am such a bargain shopper. LOL Saturday I tested for a Community Service Officer position that I'm interested in. Then I organized my closet and my 100 pairs of shoes, then went to Pier 1 Imports and bought some stuff to redecorate my bedroom. I was going to "treat" myself at 30 days of no smoking, but I jumped the gun a bit, I am only on day no more treats until day 60! Sunday I went to church then hung out all day with my nephew (that lives with me)..we watched 5 episodes of Breaking Bad. He never hangs with his old auntie, so it was pretty fun. Now back at work...ugh...BUT thankful to have one!

      Hope you're all well. Stay strong and stick close to the Nest. We need each and every one of you here!

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        K9, that sounds like my perfect weekend! I, too, am a huge thrift store afficionado. And love to brag about my finds. So the last ones ... a mens thick Flannel Faconable shirt with denim trim at the collar/cuffs. The perfect high-end shirt for sitting by the bonfire at the lake. And, a women's Faconnable striped shirt with the tags still on. Price for both new? About $300. At Goodwill ... $7 for both.

        Today is my 2nd full day of not smoking. And I'm off work today just putzing around the house so it would be so nice...but none here and I'm not buying any.

        I also have just about the entire season of the most recent Breaking Bad for me ... and a great book. But it's a gorgeous sunny crisp day so I will have to get outdoors and it will be a fabulous day.

        Welcome to a new week everyone. Let's make it a good one.

        133 days/19 weeks for me, but who's counting?
        "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
        ~ from Goethe's Faust

        :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
        :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


          Newbies Nest

          I'm shouting a welcome to all the newbies as well. Hang tight - and do whatever it takes to get through those early days...

          Hi to Monique - it's so nice to hear from you and hear that you're doing well...your comment about waking up in the night and finishing what's left in the glass - reminded me of the similarities of our past drinking habits...such a gray world...

          K9, I wish we had a decent thrift store nearby. I love going to household sales for furniture but there is no place to buy decent second hand clothing....sounds fun!

          I am still waiting for things to settle down into a routine - since school started but there have been lots of little things going on that have kept me from having any down time! It's good to be busy but I'm feeling a little pulled into too many directions.

          Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy, so hopefully I will have some time to read through the past week or two on the nest....

          Til then -


          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all, and thanks for the warm welcomes - much appreciated.

            MissTipsy - "wine-o'clock"... yep know it all too well. The other we have at work (there's a bar at my work, just to make things easy) called Spanish Time. It involves 5pm and pints of San Miguel. I don't feel you're stuck, i just think it can take time to shift mental thought into physical action. I've been wishing I didn't drink like I do for years, and I may not have made the proper mental shift into physical action yet, but it's getting closer... even when we have relapses. Please don't beat yourself up.

            The more i have been consciously thinking about how i drink, and how it is affecting me as i drink - the very subtle fudging-out of reality, the focus shifting from 'relaxing with a pint' to 'how much can i have without feeling too shite tomorrow' - the more i sense the drug does have a hold on me.

            Today was my first day AF for bloody donkeys - i think last summer there was a random day or two. I'm not thinking about tomorrow other than waking up without a vague veil of remorse clinging to me. Just now, it was just for today. Just today. I can't think beyond that for when i start i also start thinking about all the times i do love a drink. And i do love a drink.

            Fin - yep, very happy to join you and working together with this.

            Of course, being day 1, it did have to involve a birthday (not mine!) gathering in a pub. Can't say I particularly enjoyed it - i was tired and watch watching and not feeling particularly at ease - but this was just for tonight, today. Being home alone and bored will be the next battle...


              Newbies Nest

              I saw an interesting saying on FaceBook this morning that made me think of us all: You have to go around it and thru it, to get OVER it! So true...there's just not a magic bullet...but it is so worth it. It's just like being a prisioner in a bottle, like on I Dream of Jeannie! Stuck in that dam bottle! If you are having a rough patch, please do whatever you must to get thru it. Learning to cope in a different way helps you grow in every way...there will always be a business meeting coming up, or a wedding you have to go to, or somebody's shower, or a friend's matter when you commit to starting these things are going to come up. This is can't keep putting off your quit date waiting until there's nothing going on, because there will always be something going on. Start is not a sentence...being sober is the reward!
              Strength to all today...MindPeace! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Amen to that Byrdie!
                Sobriety is the reward & you won't know that until you have done the work

                Mediatation has helped me tremendoulsy these past 3 1/2 years. The MWO Hypno CDs really helped settle my butt down in the beginning, I hope everyone gives them a try.
                Last night it was a Chopra guided mediatation.....very nice

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Byrdlady;1379523 wrote: I saw an interesting saying on FaceBook this morning that made me think of us all: You have to go around it and thru it, to get OVER it! So true...there's just not a magic bullet...but it is so worth it. It's just like being a prisioner in a bottle, like on I Dream of Jeannie! Stuck in that dam bottle! If you are having a rough patch, please do whatever you must to get thru it. Learning to cope in a different way helps you grow in every way...there will always be a business meeting coming up, or a wedding you have to go to, or somebody's shower, or a friend's matter when you commit to starting these things are going to come up. This is can't keep putting off your quit date waiting until there's nothing going on, because there will always be something going on. Start is not a sentence...being sober is the reward!
                  Strength to all today...MindPeace! Byrdie
                  SO true Byrdlady. When i realised i would have to spend time in a bar last night on my first day of AF, it was a little like the alcohol beast-in-the-head knocking on his cell door and saying "perhaps not today boyo, eh? and it'll only be one. promise..."

                  I sat on the cell keys, and the beast sat in the corner of his cell, sulking. But at least i woke up sober. (I would like to say refreshed, however it was quite a fitful nights sleep, but them my body is used to having the equivalent of a bottle or 2 of wine to deal with as I snooze, but better that than a hangover).


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello nest :-) I'm on a week today. I don't believe in divine intervention but... some random guy staarted chatting to me at the tram stop today about how he drank for 30 years and how its a terrible thing ..
                    And I hadn't even said anything to him. Its like someone's trying to tell me something. Like I said I don't believe in that kind of thing but why me? Why today? Odd. But good.


                      Newbies Nest

                      timetofixthis: KARMA
                      I just won't anymore


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        Hello & welcome timetofixthis
                        Congrats for deciding to take back control of your life, you'll never be sorry!
                        AL is a slippery beast & gets ahold of us in a sneaky way. Be sure to go to the Health store here & download the MWO book. It has lots of good info for you.

                        Dark & raining over my portion of the nest today, oh well. I guess this is a good day to catch up with the housework I've ignored lately
                        Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Lav - morning Lola/K-9/Byrdie et all!

                          Day 29 - the client has a million things she wants today on - I don't know - NO notice. UGH.

                          Time for some Pandora, coffee, and cramming...but wanted to say hey! :-)
                          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                          AF - August 20, 2012


                            Newbies Nest

                            A little cleaning for me today too Lav (well, OK – A LOT!) I think those of us who live in these “seasonal” climates tend to feel obligated to do things outside when the weather permits – I’ve got lots to catch up on!

                            Itsmytime, congratulations on your 60 day milestone! That’s just fantastic!

                            Oneredshoe – did I see you are just past one week?? :goodjob: How was the weekend?

                            Allankay, day 18 I’ll say those emotional swings do get milder – I think they slowly lose their strength over time! I can tell you that I am now feeling pretty much like a normal person – instead of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde…

                            Stumpy, also day 18? How was your weekend? The AA meeting? I apologize if you updated on another thread…

                            Destiniey, thanks for checking in….LOVE hearing the change in the way you see the world without alcohol…

                            Prairiefairy – you sound amazing! And tomorrow? You don’t even have to do your HAIR! Because you will be wearing a beautiful 30 day hat and nobody will see what's under it!

                            K9 – I’m inspired by your determination. Great job on the smokes – and thanks for teaming up with miss Byrdie and providing the laughs…:H

                            Byrdie, how’s it goin sista?

                            Jenniech, you’re doing so great! That’s also one of my most effective techniques….think the whole situation through to the end….”ok, so I want to drink…what am I going to be thinking and feel like in an hour? In two hours? In 6 hours? Tomorrow? What stupid things might I do? How long will I actually feel this so called good feeling that I’m chasing? And the rest of the time I will be lost in space…”

                            Cuddledemon – I hope you’re still here with us…

                            Fantastichaircut, welcome to the nest – and congratulations on your 13 days!!! Byrdie says we turn a corner around that time, and start really believing we can do this.

                            Kissthebull, it’s amazing, isn’t it? The things our kids have noticed that we thought no one did….

                            Monique, congrats on giving up the smokes, too! This paragraph also spoke to me…”It's so nice to know that my day will be much more constructive than it was just 4+ short months ago when I might have already been drinking wine and then nursing a bottle or two all day/night in my robe, ignoring people, bills, my house, laundry, feeling depressed to really ugly depths, beyond caring for anyone, isolating because I hated being with me so why would I inflict myself on anyone else? A very sad, selfish, 1-dimensional life. Yes, today will be different. The sunshine doesn't hurt my eyes/psyche. Another cup of fresh French-pressed coffee, some Pilates, a drive out in the country with the boyfriend, finishing up the wash, a little cleaning, a new book, making a bracelet for a friend -- simple chores, simple pleasures. Enjoying the difference and the wonder of it all.” Well said…….

                            Hi Patrice loved your post on the 16th…I hope you’re still doing well.

                            And Kuya, I hope you’re still around. And a big hello to Freefly, Kradle, finallydone and porquoi.

                            Holy cow, slaythefear – you’re pushing right on through – I am loving the success in the nest!

                            Runningcourage and misstipsy, welcome to MWO! That stuck feeling goes away SOO fast with a couple of days of toughing it out without alcohol. That stuck feeling IS alcohol. It wraps around you and makes you think that you have no way out…

                            Fin, Next, please - Did you both start yesterday as well?

                            Timetofixthis, congratulations on your 1 week! Yep, I’d say that was a pretty cool coincidence…the universe is trying to tell you something.

                            ok. I feel a little more connected now. I know better than to stray too far from the nest for too long. I needed a nice rainy morning to catch up.


                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              TimetoFix! Wow...on Day 7 I've started giving out full moons!! :moon: Well done! You have faced every single day of the week, so no more surprises! Push on thru to Day 13, and you won't believe the difference in your head!! There is space in there for actual thoughts!!!
                              Push on thru everyone! You are doing great!!!! Don't give in no madda what and no madda who! (where did my saying go wrong? K9???) Hugs to all, B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Lola, my weekend was busy. Last Friday, I said that I was going to an AA meeting and I was going to buy a good book and all of that. I ended up taking a shower after work and going to bed lol I haven't been sleeping much. I'm pulling along better then I ever thought I would. Thank you for asking.
                                AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                                AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                                STUMPY IS A LADY!

