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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all. I hope this day finds you in good spirits and ready to enjoy another day.

    Quote from Lola's Brydlady quote: "Belle...when you hear me refering to going down the rabbit hole...I am talking about the thoughts that make you want to drink. One thought leads to another, until finally, thoughts are actions and you are sucked in."

    This is true for so many mistakes we make in life. It's like the initial spark that starts the fire. It can apply to drinking, diets, marital affairs, a myriad of wrong choices and actions we take. Every action starts from an initial thought. So, if a thought is watered and nurtured, it eventually is acted upon. The trick is in knowing which are to be nurtured and allowed to grow and which are to be squashed before they grow like a weed and cause harm. Many times we know right away we should not be having the thought, but we like it or don't want to squash it. Discipline is a great asset to have. It can save you from so many bad consequences from our wrong actions. (once just a tiny thought).
    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


      Newbies Nest

      All -

      Last year I made it through my 30 days over Thanksgiving Day weekend only to blow it during the Holiday season. And blow it but good...I made two somewhat half hearted attempts to get back on the horsey in and a lot of attempts to mod - but modding wasn't happening and my half hearted attempts at going AF weren't working.

      It took a dedicated will to do this.

      So - Day 30 Byrdie. I feel good.

      I will not quit. I am on this path. I am not turning back. No Matter What. No Matter Who. Not this time.
      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
      AF - August 20, 2012


        Newbies Nest

        BRAVO PF!!!!!

        Another mark hits the dust! Two days and I'm sitting with you. Curious how you feel about goals moving forward. I think I may still have to mark off weeks toward my 60 days. I'm not entirely sure yet, but I may still need those shorter term points to shoot for. How about you?

        Congrats! Brydlady still hasn't answered my question on whether the hats come in colors? I think we should get a different color for each 30 day successive goal post up to 6 months so we can match them with our clothing. Afterall, we are no longer smashed, so we should look smashing! :goodjob:
        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Everyone: :h

          Back in he Nest. Safe. Sanity. No monsters here. Life is Good.

          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest


            Newbies Nest

            Prarie...on behalf of the entire Newbie's Nest, it is with GREAT PRIDE that I bestow to you, YOUR hat!!! :day5: Sweeter it is the battle which is hard fought. Other than I, myself, reached that illusive 30 day mark, I don't know when I've been happier! You wanted this more than anything and you made it happen. Well done...indeed!

            Lola, I don't know how you come up with those old posts, you are the Nest Historian!! But the words still ring is a cycle and it hurts to break it. Thanks for taking the time to repost those...the holidays are coming right up, too. I hope you are putting the finishing touches on your acceptance speech next Wednesday when you hit ONE YEAR!! What a journey we have been on, no? Who would have thought this would have happened to us... but here we are and we are not alone! That is the beauty of this place we have here....

            To the Day 3'ers! Well done! This is a milestone! All the AL is out of your bodies and you are operating on full power! This is a time when the Voices will be loud...this is Dick Head (Addiction Head). AL will be pulling out all of his tricks to convince you to feed him. Don't fall for this! It is a trick. You DO have a problem or you wouldn't be reading this...AL has affected how you operate your day to day life. It IS interfering. Every single one of us was scared when we flew in....How the hell were we going to get thru ONE night let alone the rest of our lives?? HOW do you do that? You do that by putting one foot in front of the other, by making a plan and basing your decisions on that plan you have already made, and not looking too far down the road. Approach this just like you would eat an bite at a time.

            Slay, I'm already back in the hat closet getting yours ready!!! I'm so proud of all of us who are taking back control of our isn't easy, but it is worth it. Just get thru this day!! Hugs to all!! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Slay! Different colored hats?? Well, I'll have to look in the closet!! Are you liking my full moon for 7 days? You can be in charge of that if you like?? (K9, there's a joke in there somewhere!!) I'm so happy for you...I hope you'll also have a few words for us on your 30 day journey!! XXOO, B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Thank you very much for the hat!

                It's a fight - one I don't intend to stop fighting. I'm in this ring. I'm not done. I'm not giving up. Too much to do - This is 30 days - and I'm celebrating it because it's a BIG DEAL. This is wave after wave of craving - white knuckling it to sleep...

                I am determined to start a life that is AF. Where AF doesn't define my future but shades my past...

                One where I am ever vigilant not to give up the fight - but where I never expect or want a different world.

                I am on this path. I am not turning back. It's day 30. There are so many days to go...let them be days where the possibilities brought by being sober are happy and not limited by anger, blackouts and stupidity.

                Thank you for walking this path with me. All of you.
                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                AF - August 20, 2012


                  Newbies Nest

                  Byrdlady;1380210 wrote: Slay! Different colored hats?? Well, I'll have to look in the closet!! Are you liking my full moon for 7 days? You can be in charge of that if you like?? (K9, there's a joke in there somewhere!!) I'm so happy for you...I hope you'll also have a few words for us on your 30 day journey!! XXOO, B
                  ROTFL!!! You don't want my 'butt in' your face. I doubt none of you gals do. :H Carry on, Brydy.

                  I'm off to exercise shortly. Started walking several days ago, and yesterday, I put in my Slim in Six tape. Today...OUCH, OUCH, OUCH! Back at it though. Progress must be made and sticking to the plan is essential for success.

                  Good day to all! Success is within an arms reach, just unroll one finger at a time and soon that clenched fist is open and the arm is reaching forward.
                  Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters!

                    Day 3ers - Great job...keep up your awesome work! The question of the day is this: Is drinking really a reward? What's the rewarding part...the blackout, the hangover, the shakes, or the anxiety? Sounds more like a punishment to me. Switch "I can't drink ever again" to "I don't HAVE to drink ever again!"'ll be suprised how freeing that thought is. You're not a slave to alcohol anymore, isn't that great??

                    Lola - You're sweat shop chicken image cracked me up (in a sad
                    Lav - Please give Stella and the gang a break!

                    PF - You are amazingly awesome! 30 is HUGE....I promise to moon you at 60, so beware!

                    Slay - You're right about the hats, we really do need to be more color coordinated around here, I mean jeez, you'd think we shop at the thrift store or something...oh wait, I do. HA

                    Well peeps, I am 24 days, 1 hour and 27 minutes free of about feeling free! It's finally hitting me how enslaved I actually was. Like drinking, it was such a habit that I'd do it whether I wanted to or not. I'd rush home at lunch to get a smoke I can take my time and do whatever I want, and if I never make it home...oh well! Free at last, Thank God, I'm free at last!!! (
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello all!

                      PF great Job on the 30 days!!! We need to think of something special to give you on your 40th day milestone. Slay are you in charge of the hats now?

                      K9, "Free at last, Thank God, I'm free at last!!!", Amen to that. Thats exactly how I feel. Cigarettes made me go and smoke outside in the cold, in the rain, at times that I didnt even want to smoke but just smoked anyway. My lungs are very thankful.

                      AF since 1st Sep 2012
                      NF since 1st Sep 2012

                      If you want to feel better visit


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening nest,

                        Was just reading other older threads and came across this simple yet lovely principle from Guitarista - sage advice for us newbies (and indeed anyone else!)

                        Day 3 - over. And sober.

                        "Feeling good here, and healthy. I just keep an eye on what sort of food i eat, and make sure it's nutritious. Daily fruit and veg, and a multi vitamin, fruit juice, water, and some exercise. Simple. Which brings me to the K.I.S.S. principle. Keep It Simple Stupid.

                        For me, it's important to have a simple, do-able, realistic plan where i can achieve small, do-able goals step by step, and actually notice and see my progress. Simple, small, daily goals that give me a sense of accompishment, and that i'm moving forward in some way.

                        I know there are many folks out there doing it hard right now. Hang in there, and hold onto your vision of who you want to be, and where you want to be, with both hands and don't let it go."


                          Newbies Nest

                          runningcourage - funny, I had a half page of Guitarista quotes that helped me immensely...:-)

                          I will have to dig that out and post...

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters!

                            Wound up having a very nice day here after yesterday's monsoon :H
                            PF, CONGRATS again on your 30 AF days!!!!!

                            K9, awesome on your 24 days & counting. Today is my 40 month smoke free anni
                            Although it seems like a lot longer.....
                            My lungs are thankful, so is my wallet!

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            Babysitting starts promptly at 8 am tomorrow.......say prayers!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              RunningCourage;1380340 wrote: Evening nest,

                              Was just reading other older threads and came across this simple yet lovely principle from Guitarista - sage advice for us newbies (and indeed anyone else!)

                              Day 3 - over. And sober.

                              "Feeling good here, and healthy. I just keep an eye on what sort of food i eat, and make sure it's nutritious. Daily fruit and veg, and a multi vitamin, fruit juice, water, and some exercise. Simple. Which brings me to the K.I.S.S. principle. Keep It Simple Stupid.

                              For me, it's important to have a simple, do-able, realistic plan where i can achieve small, do-able goals step by step, and actually notice and see my progress. Simple, small, daily goals that give me a sense of accompishment, and that i'm moving forward in some way.

                              I know there are many folks out there doing it hard right now. Hang in there, and hold onto your vision of who you want to be, and where you want to be, with both hands and don't let it go."
                              Agree! I often agree with G. He's clocked some time in on getting to know himself and what works for him. SIMPLE, ORGANIZED and PEACEFUL for me. Paragraph two is, also, a big BINGO for me, too. Seeing the progress keeps the incentive going to keep moving forward. The progress is a reward. Animals (us humans)respond to rewards.

                              He has such a simple way of stating it, too! I sometimes say the same thing, but it just doesn't sound the same. lol
                              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                                Newbies Nest

                                allankay;1380247 wrote: Hello all!

                                PF great Job on the 30 days!!! We need to think of something special to give you on your 40th day milestone. Slay are you in charge of the hats now?

                                K9, "Free at last, Thank God, I'm free at last!!!"
                                , Amen to that. Thats exactly how I feel. Cigarettes made me go and smoke outside in the cold, in the rain, at times that I didnt even want to smoke but just smoked anyway. My lungs are very thankful.

                       charge of hats you say? Oh that would be a big mistake. The Christmas tree would be missing it's presents. lol My life is a little bit crazy right now. Keeping up with the Christmas list would be a disaster at this point. Brydy seems to have it under control. I was just hoping for some color. She was just asking me if I cared to moon some people around here.:H
                                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

