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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MissTipsy;1380543 wrote: Quest - We are all in this together, the good, the bad and the ugly. If this was going to be easy then none of us would need this place.

    I came very close last night too. My partner was being a dick and I thought "Oh f**k it (sorry) I am going down the garage for a bottle of pinot". It is hard to resist when outer forces seem to conspire against you. It took everything in me to not do that. If it had been in the house, it would have been in a glass!!

    The best part is that you came back here and are keeping at it. I bet a lot of people have a "blip" and then think theyve screwed up and just give up. You havent given up - be proud. You are human lovely and you are stronger than you think!!

    I second this post. Those outer forces and they are beyond our control. You can only control how you respond to them and once you do, it becomes very empowering as you do have control over YOUR OWN ship. I fully realized how much my family members were triggers for me in both frustration, hurt and being overwhelmed by their demands and behaviors. But, that is their responsibility to change and I must work to steer my ship in the right direction regardless of all those outer forces. They can be mighty strong winds, but I still have access to my ship's wheel. Will I steer it into the rocks or steer it toward calmer seas?

    Oh tipsy, that partner thing...Grrrrr...hey hey Captain, easy now. lol

    If we see our slips as failures and defeats we are more apt to continue the sabotage. It's no different then trying a diet and you wind up eating a piece of chocolate cake or whatever your temptation is, then you say well I screwed it up now I might as well have another piece. Nah, just keep moving along the path and disregard the cake (drinking). Don't stay on the I blew it thought train. Throw the cake out, find an alternative to replace the cake on the next craving and get back to center stage.

    Ok, I think I went into a frenzy there. Talking to my past mistakes I think. LOL

    Success is just steps away.
    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


      Newbies Nest

      Kuya - last night I had been to my mums for tea so I had eaten which is why it was weird ! Normally I don't eat - just guzzle - as you say to not numb the buzz !!! But it was hanging over me all day yesterday ! I knew what was going to happen as if really, I was planning it ! Looking for that one excuse ! Tired, fed up, hormonal, lonely, bored, angry - anything !!! There's a y in the day - yay ! Lets have a drink !!!!

      Argghhh - I can see it - what I'm doing - stupid cow I am ! My own worst enemy - my nightmare !!!

      I must say though, in my defence, I refused a chunk of cheese from hubby before going to bed - he got up this morning complaining of trippy dreams lol ! I just had a muzzy head xxx
      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


        Newbies Nest

        patrice;1380567 wrote: Well girls as you ask I'm going into day 30 tomorrow.. yes, those headaches are horrid. I'm taking those amino acids.. might have overdone it on the taurine??
        Hi Patrice. I didn't realize you and I were on the same days AF. My day 30 AF is tomorrow as well. I'm going to have my hair cut in an hour and a half. I'll be 50 Saturday, being AF for 30 days is a present I'm giving to myself. Feels very good. It's been a tough week though. Those outside forces have been trying to trigger me for days, but I've battled each of them and won. I usually drink on my birthday, so I need to be strong Saturday.

        :goodjob: on 30 days.
        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          Newbies Nest

          kuya;1380562 wrote: I had a headache on week 3 or 4 that lasted the entire week......and I never get headaches
          In my third week, I had a bad headache with depression for five LONG days. I started to think that maybe one of my added supplements were possibly a culprit. I took several out and the headache went away. Then I added them in one at a time. It appears my brand of Vitamin D has to be changed. One of the ingredients are a problem for me. I have allergies to plenty of things. So, I need to get a new one. Just a thought for anyone who starts changing a lot of things at once. Something could be triggering symptoms as well. We all can be unique in our reactions to changes.
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Newbies Nest

            Quest for the key;1380575 wrote: But it was hanging over me all day yesterday ! I knew what was going to happen as if really, I was planning it ! Looking for that one excuse ! Tired, fed up, hormonal, lonely, bored, angry - anything !!! xxx
            Add another one to that list, try it on for size for a minute

            SCARED OF SUCCESS?

            Coming on here you hear people talking of their failures but in general you are talking to people still succeeding, bit by bit.

            Sometimes knowing that you CAN do it is overwhelming after so long of telling yourself you CAN'T



              Newbies Nest

              kuya;1380552 wrote: Hey Quest, two things strike me, relief from passing the drug test and , my favorite hobby horse ......were you hungry. So often us alkies, particularly the women, obsessed with body image are starving. We drank on empty stomachs so as not to kill the buzz. And even when sober don't eat often enough or enough good food.

              Interested to know if this rings for you

              KY, the nosy
              A big yep to that!!! I always ate on an empty stomach. I was even hospitalized a few years back from malnutrition and internal bleeding for doing just that. I really tackling that head game as well moving forward. I don't have to be a stick figure. It's time to be healthier.
              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                Newbies Nest

                Slaythefear;1380579 wrote: In my third week, I had a bad headache with depression for five LONG days. I started to think that maybe one of my added supplements were possibly a culprit. I took several out and the headache went away. Then I added them in one at a time. It appears my brand of Vitamin D has to be changed. One of the ingredients are a problem for me. I have allergies to plenty of things. So, I need to get a new one. Just a thought for anyone who starts changing a lot of things at once. Something could be triggering symptoms as well. We all can be unique in our reactions to changes.
                I look at it this way, after 23 years of tipping half a bottle of vodka down my neck every night, the very least I deserve is a f***ing headache ROFL


                  Newbies Nest

                  kuya;1380587 wrote: I look at it this way, after 23 years of tipping half a bottle of vodka down my neck every night, the very least I deserve is a f***ing headache ROFL
                  LOL!!! Well, I had plenty of headaches with my hangovers. Oh those AWFUL hangovers. I can't let go of just how awful they were. Sayonara old friend or should I say enemy?!!

                  Glad to see you are back and well. I was wondering about you. Have to run shortly. My daughter is giving me a haircut today. If it turns out bad, I'll get my 30 day hat tomorrow to cover it up. About that color thing....
                  Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                    Newbies Nest

                    Slaythefear;1380584 wrote: A big yep to that!!! I always ate on an empty stomach. I was even hospitalized a few years back from malnutrition and internal bleeding for doing just that. I really tackling that head game as well moving forward. I don't have to be a stick figure. It's time to be healthier.
                    It does my head in sometimes when I read people here, newly sober, and forcing themselves to the gym, or weightlifting or jogging. Most of us have cheerfully sat on our arses drinking for YEARS , yet only days after getting sober are out jogging etc then wondering why we have low blood sugar cravings.

                    I know that taking exercise is good for endorphins and well being but not at the expense of causing cravings due to low blood sugar.

                    I won't be doing anything strenuous for at least six months. After 23 years abuse I owe my body some healing time. My body will tell me when it is ready, and right now it is saying REST


                      Newbies Nest

                      Kuya, you make a GREAT point, Quest...when I came on and saw all the successes going on, I just thought I was going to be one of the ones that just can't do it. I didn't have whatever it took. I wasn't strong enough to beat this on my onw. I was JEALOUS of all the success and intimidated by it. And was beginning to look like self sabbotage! I can't give you the keys as to why that was...but I KEPT at it...I chipped away the layers until one DAM DAY IT STUCK! Now you know a couple really important things...get all the AL out of your house...we are NOT Mother Theresa...we do yield to tempation. You also know a big trigger....break the cycle of running to your old friend..he's not there anymore in that same way. REACH for something else. And finally, you know how shitty giving in feels. These are steps in the long journey. You are doing great, you came back and are up for round two!! WELL DONE, Quest...
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        kuya;1380591 wrote: It does my head in sometimes when I read people here, newly sober, and forcing themselves to the gym, or weightlifting or jogging. Most of us have cheerfully sat on our arses drinking for YEARS , yet only days after getting sober are out jogging etc then wondering why we have low blood sugar cravings.

                        I know that taking exercise is good for endorphins and well being but not at the expense of causing cravings due to low blood sugar.

                        I won't be doing anything strenuous for at least six months. After 23 years abuse I owe my body some healing time. My body will tell me when it is ready, and right now it is saying REST
                        I just started exercising again. I think, for ME, it is important because I need to add in replacements for my bar time, and the exercise makes me feel better, but I'm not going to overdo it. At least this time I'm doing it for me and my health, not to look like the perfect woman for a man and my vanity. I started with two days of walking in the park and loving nature and added a video tape the last two days. I'm pretty soar though. My goal is to just do some form of exercise daily and not the same thing everyday, so it doesn't become boring. Whether a walk, video (Slim in Six), Floor exercises, an outside activity...just something to increase my health and repair my brain damage. I posted a link in the research section about how body and mind exercise rebuilds neurons in the brain. So for once, this is strictly for me and not to meet the societal standard.

                        I hear you loud and clear though. You do what works BEST for YOU!

                        Well off to get my hair done. Everyone have a great and successful day. Even if you learn something about yourself, it's successful.
                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Newbies Nest

                          That wasn't aimed at you Slay cos I don't know who does and who doesn't. All I know is I haven't had any craving and I am trying to figure out why. I think resting during these early days is important, that's all


                            Newbies Nest

                            Day four - craving my wine like you wouldnt believe (of course you do). *sigh* None in the house and just hope I can make it through the night. Struggling big time right now. :upset:


                              Newbies Nest

                              hey miss tipsy - can you eat something? Is there some task that you can immerse yourself in? K9 always suggests cleaning a closet - I like that. Change your thinking to "I can't wait until I DO make it through the evening...I'll be so proud and will have taken another huge step" PIcture it...see yourself in a couple of hours if you DO drink....but then picture yourself waking up tomorrow morning after not drinking - the smile that will be on your face.

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Miss Tipsy -

                                Lolab makes great forward to AFTER a few drinks, will you be slurring words, stumbling around, saying things you don't mean? Will you black out and then eventually pass out? Will you wake up tomorrow with a pounding head and mysterious bruises? Now imagine brushing your teeth, washing your face, putting on some jammies and getting into bed with a good book...falling asleep and waking up refreshed. Which one do you prefer? Remember...a craving never lasts as long as a hangover and nobody ever woke up in the morning wishing they'd got drunk the night before! Stay strong, you CAN do this!

                                Byrdie, Lav, Kuya, Slay, FD and everyone else...have a great day! Stick close to the Nest!

                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

