I came very close last night too. My partner was being a dick and I thought "Oh f**k it (sorry) I am going down the garage for a bottle of pinot". It is hard to resist when outer forces seem to conspire against you. It took everything in me to not do that. If it had been in the house, it would have been in a glass!!
The best part is that you came back here and are keeping at it. I bet a lot of people have a "blip" and then think theyve screwed up and just give up. You havent given up - be proud. You are human lovely and you are stronger than you think!!
Oh tipsy, that partner thing...Grrrrr...hey hey Captain, easy now. lol
If we see our slips as failures and defeats we are more apt to continue the sabotage. It's no different then trying a diet and you wind up eating a piece of chocolate cake or whatever your temptation is, then you say well I screwed it up now I might as well have another piece. Nah, just keep moving along the path and disregard the cake (drinking). Don't stay on the I blew it thought train. Throw the cake out, find an alternative to replace the cake on the next craving and get back to center stage.
Ok, I think I went into a frenzy there. Talking to my past mistakes I think. LOL
Success is just steps away.