I am so glad I woke up this morning and came onto MWO's newbie nest!!!!! I woke up feeling the same as I did last night. But, then I read posts....I am tearing up about it. Lolab, Kradle and Kuya.....THANK YOU for putting stuff back into perspective. It is like a page has turned in my head....that is how it feels to almost instantly change your mood based on what you fine people posted. What a gift!!! Did I say THANK YOU???

I am also thinking a lot about counting days. People, including myself, count days in the hopes of reaching a goal of, say, 30 days or 90 days or 100 days, etc. I have decided that after 90 days I am no longer going to count. I consider these 90 days as being in intensive care with an illness. Once 90 days are up, I will graduate from intensive care to the regular ward.....I will stay there for a year. After that, I will be in the recovery ward forever. If I keep counting days, I fear I might trick myself into "celebrating" at certain milestones. What is the point of counting once I am out of intensive care? I will never drink again so I don't see the point.
Anyway, another day in the ICU for me. :l