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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wow, lots of new faces in the nest...we are so glad you found us. You've landed in the best possible place if you are serious about getting this monkey off your back. As you can see just this morning, Lola B has one year! This may seem impossible to you now, just like it seemed impossible to us in our early days...but it IS possible and we are living proof.
    Next, Please, Quest, Belles, Belle (holy moly, at the bells!) Day 3 is a challenge...hunker down! Once you get past'll be well on your way to Day 7! I think D3 is hard because we've proven to ourselves that we CAN go without AL, then we get the notion that maybe our problem just wasn't as bad as we made it out to be! D3 is tricky, so stay the course...The Voices will be loud today! Today is the day that you are operating under your own power...all the AL is out of your body. You will feel tired, but stay hydrated and keep your tummy full! Get thru this day no matter what and no matter who!
    MommyKW here is the butt velcro...buckle in. I wish I could tell you I got this on the first try...but I didn't. Can you figure out what got you? And are you armed for when it happens again? The 'F* it's' are easy to get, but when you get bitten by them one time, the next time you're ready.
    Mrs. Archy, well done on your AF days!! You've got some help now! If you will find a message by Lolab, in her signature line, find the link for the Tool Box, in there you will find 100's of tips and tricks to get you over the every stage, too...from D1 on up to long term....we are so glad you are with us....settle on in, and tell us what brought you by.
    Nurdl, welcome to you!! one more week and you'll get a hat for 30 days sober!!! It's a silly little thing we do here, but 30 days is monumental in this is a real victory. From 2 weeks to 4 weeks, be prepared for the Pity Party you will be throwing...'everybody else gets to drink but me! (fists pounding)' 'If AL is everywhere why can't I have some of it?" ' I promise that I'll do better just let me have one' 'maybe I didn't have as much of a problem as I thought' and finally the one that got me time and time again...'I don't owe these people anything, I can do what I want to'. Trouble is, I AM accountable here. I DO owe these people something, I depend on this place, and you can, too. Listen to K9 and Rooni and Prarie...TAKE THE DAM PILL (TTDP). Alcohol is a damnable will tell you ANYTHING to stay alive. If it were easy, none of us would be here. Stay the'll be so glad you did.

    Have a strong AF Wednesday today!! Remember...just get thru this day!! B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all - I posted first think on LoloB's anni thread but I wanted to say Greetings!

      I'm up to my arse in alligators today and they are snapping...but love to all...welcome Nurdle to the AB bench...where each morning we TTDP - (Take The Damn Pill) while we rack up AF days and learn new coping skills...

      XOXO -
      Day 37 - eyes on the prize - 40 is just Saturday. :-) And yes - I TTDP....
      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
      AF - August 20, 2012


        Newbies Nest

        Congrats to all the newbies on whatever day you are on. The fact that you are trying and acknowledging the problem is the first step. Each step you take will help you to believe you can cross the pond and get to the other side. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!! Keep telling yourself YOU can do it and YOU are worth it. Life is better better on the other side of the pond because you can make it better with the change instead of just sitting still and stagnating in self pity and unhappiness. You will earn self respect and confidence and that is so worth it.

        "You can't cross a sea by merely staring into the water." ~Rabindranath Fagore~

        Don't beat yourself up and drink more when you fail. Find the pot hole that made you stumble and walk around it. There is a choice; there is a way.

        Be well.
        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          Newbies Nest


          "Today is a downer day for some reason. I'm grieving and haven't quite yet settled into this new life. I'll try to keep busy today. AA meeting at noon."

          YEP! Those ups and downs were so difficult throughout my first 30 days. I've been feeling better for a few days, and I don't know how my chemistry or adjustments will land my moods going forward, but I know I made it through them in the first 30 days, so I CAN do it moving forward. It seems easy right now, and I definitely stay clear of old hang outs. I have no illusions that at this point I wouldn't hear my old voices. I feel like my new life will be completely different. No bar hanging, etc. I will establish new habits of entertainment and living that don't involve alcohol. Maybe someday, I will be able to attend those places without an urge, but alcohol is associated with them at this point. There are X amount of hours in a day, so why not fill them with something more meaningful. Establish a new life that doesn't involve alcohol. For some that is harder than others because of job social environments, etc., but if you have the choice to avoid it, I believe why bother?

          Great that the husband is on board. Some here struggle with that. Mine doesn't drink much, so keeps it away for me as well. He has other bad habits, but those aren't mine. He, also, goes out of town to work on and off. That is both a blessing and a curse at times.

          Keep it going. You are doing great. The bad times aren't constant, so just slay them down one at a time.

          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Newbies Nest

            Byrdlady where is the toolbox hiding???
            Day 4 and feeling is so stressful and having major urges.
            Have any/all of you used the hypnosis CD's..
            Kind of overwhelming to know where to please...
            Dottie Belle

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              TOOL BOX

              Hello & welcome nurdl & Dottie!
              Congrats on your decision to take back control of your lives. This is one decision you will never regret

              The MWO Hypno CDs were excellent IMHO!
              They really helped me change my thinking & that's more than half the battle.
              Use your savings from staying out of the liquor store & invest in the CDs. You have to use them as instructed but they are very helpful.

              Lola, I had a pizza delivered to your party thread :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hello to all the Newbies and Oldbies,

                Welcome to the Nest, where you will find support and encouragement. You are NOT alone in this. Mrs Archie, I was drinking a 12+ pack of beer every single I can relate. Dottie, Nurdl...I know exactly how you're 4 was always where I hit a glitch, felt physically better, and then rewarded myself with a drink! Be prepared and know that it's coming. Buckle down and tell the damn beast that YOU are in cannot control you anymore! It has already taken your money, time, energy, and health...don't allow it to take any more! When I quit smoking 31 days ago (finally), I started viewing cigarettes as my enemy, instead of feeling deprived, I felt freed and empowered. Take that stance against alcohol, and see it for what it really is. When you start romanticizing the drink, fast forward to the morning after when you feel like shi*t and are overcome with anxiety...that is the reality of alcohol.

                Remember, a craving never lasts as long as a hangover and you will never wake up in the morning wishing you'd gotten drunk the night before.

                Lola - I'm sending red velvet cupcakes to your party (with Kool Whip icing)...and now I'm heading over to have a few. LOL You rock girl!!!

                Everyone stick close and velcro, tape or glue your butt's to the falling out!


                p.s. Last night I was eating Steak flavored chips (anyone ever had those?)...they tasted like an ashtray (ok, so I've never licked an ashtray, but they tasted like an ashtray smells...) Yuck. I've heard of Ketchup flavored chips, but Steak was new to me so I had to try I know
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thank you for the welcome. I hate to say but i have been reading on mwo for 3 or 4 years now. I have lots of books ,supplements and tapes anything and everything someone would mention that helps. I have done 2 weeks and 30 days before and then my damn head tells me " see that wasnt so bad maybe you dont have a problem" Then im right back to where i started but i really want this so bad i thought maybe if i post something. I have never done this before, maybe just maybe this will help me to stop if I had others to talk to. God I hope so Im just so sick of this.


                    Newbies Nest

                    K9 i have been reading ur post for along time now congrats on the not smoking. I quit for 2 weeks cigs and beer the first of the month then fell again. I would love to quit both again. That was my excuse for not drinking when poeple ask why arent you drinking i said i quit smoking and cant have a beer or Ill want a smoke. You know they dont give you any shit then all of them are like thats great you are not smoking. But if I tell them Im not drinking they look at you like you just grew a second head.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey peeps,

                      just running in to say :hiya:, off out to the coffee house to read stuff for uni.

                      Lovely to see other newbies here: nurdl you're doing so grand, so near day 30 - and hat time! Stick in there. There's many a wise and supportive word here for you. MrsArchie, lovely to hear you too - and the belles too!

                      And Lolab - wished you a well deserved well done on 1 year AF! but here's another :goodjob:

                      Find the pot hole that made you stumble and walk around it.
                      Good quote, Slay.

                      Right 'nuff procrastinating....


                        Newbies Nest

                        Well, here goes!

                        Hi everyone. I just joined the party. Thank you for the hard work at installing the hot tub and fireplace. Also, thanks for the robes and slippers. It is very comfy in here. I plan to settle in. Ugh, day 3 AF for me. Tonight will make 4 and oh, my, today is tough! I'm waiting for the Topamax to arrive in the mail so these cravings die down. I just threw another log on the fire.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Mrs. Archie;1383158 wrote: But if I tell them Im not drinking they look at you like you just grew a second head.
                          Who the Hell CARES what they think? But if you do care, just tell them you're on a new diet which doesn't allow alcohol.

                          Or tell them you don't want to waste the money.

                          Who are "them" anyway? Friends, family, coworkers?

                          If they are true friends they would understand. If they are family they would understand. If they are coworkers, just don't go out with them anymore. Say you're saving money.
                          I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Winning!

                            Welcome to the's a good one! Glad you found us, and I hope you keep posting so we can get to know you!

                            I was just posting in another thread how when I first got sober, my daughter and I would spend our evenings with rental movies, pizza, popcorn and candy...I remember thinking at the time "Well this is fine for a few days, but I can't imagine spending EVERY night without drinking." But guess what? After a few days, I started finding different things to distract me, then one day I realized that I hadn't even thought about drinking that night. I only drank at home, so changing the look of my drinking "spot" helped...moved furniture and lamps, etc. Pretty soon it became normal to be at home not drinking. Now the thought of drinking is so far off my radar...I never thought I would get to this point, but it happened! It will for all of you too if you just STICK WITH IT...remember that you actually are powerful over alcohol, it's your decision to drink...or not.

                            Hang in there everyone...take it one day, hour, minute, or second at a time!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mrs. Archie;1383155 wrote: Thank you for the welcome. I hate to say but i have been reading on mwo for 3 or 4 years now. I have lots of books ,supplements and tapes anything and everything someone would mention that helps. I have done 2 weeks and 30 days before and then my damn head tells me " see that wasnt so bad maybe you dont have a problem" Then im right back to where i started but i really want this so bad i thought maybe if i post something. I have never done this before, maybe just maybe this will help me to stop if I had others to talk to. God I hope so Im just so sick of this.
                              I was just on an AA In The Rooms website and went to an online meeting. The topic was Why Do People Relapse. Many said it was because they weren't doing their program (in this case the 12 steps) each and every day. Whether it was because they thought they were finally ok and didn't need it or because they were injured or too busy, whenever they stopped, be it for 2 months or 2 years, if they stopped working the program on a daily basis, is when they gave in during a moment of weakness.

                              I know many here don't believe in AA, and I do think that's sad, because even if you don't believe in God, I am sure you believe in SOMETHING! I was a Wiccan once (crazy college years) and believed in the damn moon and earth and ocean and fire, etc Goddesses, for God's sakes, so I am sure there is something you can believe in to help you. A Buddha Statue. Whatever! I think AA is a strong program, and when combined with all the other millions of tools, can really help many.

                              That being said, whether it's an AA Face to Face meeting, or any other non-AA Face to Face meeting, I also think that is where people seem to have gotten well and stayed well. By getting out of your comfort zone and going to a meeting. And getting a sponsor (whether it's through AA on non-AA)

                              And if you're not going to do the AA thing in conjunction with MWO, then you should at least use your tools everyday.

                              I am probably the least competent to speak here, but I am only speaking on what I've seen with others.

                              I'll shut up now!

                              I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                                Newbies Nest

                                K9Lover;1383183 wrote: I was just posting in another thread how when I first got sober, my daughter and I would spend our evenings with rental movies, pizza, popcorn and candy...I remember thinking at the time "Well this is fine for a few days, but I can't imagine spending EVERY night without drinking."
                                Yes, that is my thought! But so far I have movie night OUT planned! Finding Nemo (the original) is out on the big screen this weekend. E.T. is out next Wednesday! I can go to Club Kid with them. It's opened until 8pm. Go to a playground far from home that is FUN.

                                [QUOTE=K9Lover;1383183]I only drank at home, so changing the look of my drinking "spot" helped...moved furniture and lamps, etc. Pretty soon it became normal to be at home not drinking. QUOTE]

                                Me too! And I hate my home! I want to love it again! That's a GREAT idea about changing things around!!!

                                I have made the decision to get tv and internet back into our house. We haven't been able to afford it. (now we will be able to!). I want to use those as distractions. I can't take another minute of the Star Wars series which my 7 and 8 year old girls LOVE and we have it on every night!

                                I want to watch the cooking channel again!
                                I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!

