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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Venice,
    That's a big hurt - I went through that twice in my life and it hurts like hell ( the ego also hurts) but you'll get over it.
    I'm think it's better to drown in your tears then drown in AL. Well done.
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      Newbies Nest


      Hello Dwellers in The Nest!

      Well it is half-way through Day 6 today (Saturday) in early afternoon and I have found myself wavering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      The morning has been busy with housework,but now I've slowed down and relaxation mode has kicked in. As a result I went so far as to go get a coke out of the fridge,pick up the bottle of bourbon,put it on the bar top.....stop...breath...look at it for about 10 seconds.....put bottle back in cupboard.....coke in out of bar, quickly boil kettle and make green tea, and eat some yoghurt!!!!!!!!!!!(phew)It was THAT close!

      Don't even know if I've made it through temptation yet, as I still have hours of the day to get through!!!

      On a bright note am feeling alot better flu-wise and am TRYING to take more care of myself! Anyone else wavering lately..cause today is a bit of a struggle?



        Newbies Nest

        Hi Chicken.....hang on!!!! You are on a tough day. (((((((((((Chicken)))))))
        It does get better. It really, really does. I didn't believe it right about then. But I'm happy to report that in another day or 2, you are going to be saying - cravings? what cravings?
        Are you using the L-Glutamine??? It is REALLY helping me. I was able to get the powder at a store here called GNC. Hopefully, you'll be able to find it there. It is amazing how much that has helped me.
        Hang on Chicken - you are not alone.
        Come on up and cozy up in the nest. :l
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Again!

          I think I will be here alot today and in the next few, as this is tough now that I am feeling better with the flu! But your words of encouragement seem to be doing the trick so far!

          NoraC-no I haven't used the L-Glutamine yet,or done anything really, other than listen to what you guys have all been saying here and trying to stay focused. It is about 2pm in the afternoon here and I have just allowed myself to have the can of coke (no bourbon)-so I feel like I am allowing myself some simple pleasures *smiles*.Thanks for the hugs and just being there-I am amazed at how much it helps to talk to others about this as I am actually experiencing it!

          Venice- Ride the Storm and you will come out the other side. Relationships can be a dog, but you are being so strong despite what you are going through! Day 6 for me too-so lets get to Day 7 together huh?

          I am hoping to begin some form of gentle exercise again this Monday,once the flu is gone and try to really harnass the good buzz of that to help me as well. What do you all do in the way of physical health/fitness etc? I keep starting and stopping, but not being hung overe will probably help with my motivation some,I am thinking *winx*

          Over and Out


            Newbies Nest

            Chicken - hang in there honey. You are MUCH stronger than a bottle of booze. Remember, it is NOT your friend, no matter how much it pretends to be.
            It will be kind to you for a couple of hours and then beat you around the head till it hurts afterwards. Just think how much better and stronger you will feel coming in here and telling us all that you were able to beat it once again.

            There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
            You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

            I didn't come this far to only come this far.


              Newbies Nest

              I loved a girl who I lived with for 3 years and wanted to marry. She then decided she was a lesbian. Now that hurts a man.
              Dance in Venice sands, tiny dancer.
              Long Road
              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
              Eleanor Roosevelt


                Newbies Nest

                Hello, feathered friends!

                What a wonderfully supportive bunch you are. Nora, you did a great job of cheerleading for our friend chicken!

                Take it a day at a time, an hour at a time, sometimes even a minute at a time, and you will succeed.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters,

                  Hope everyone had a good night!

                  Welcome Venice! You're doing great at day 6, congrats. Sorry about your husband, they can be the world's worst triggers. Wishing you strength!
                  Hello to Chicken, glad you are feeling better and congrats on your 6 days as well!
                  Hi to GHE, jessie, NoraC, Long Road and Dill.
                  I'm going to busy the entire day preparing for my grandson's Christening party tomorrow. It will be an AF event - needless to say

                  Have a great day one and all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning chicklets!

                    Welcome Venice and :l. Been there - not a good place. Remember that you cannot control someone elses actions... only your own. And you ought to be SO PROUD that you have managed 6 days (perhaps 7 by now?) AF.

                    Chicken!!! WELL DONE! Hang in there, clucky one! It DOES get better.... the farther away you are from that last drink.. the easier it gets. One hour at a time on tough days... you're doing it... VERY proud of you!

                    Good morning to Lav, Chops, Nora, Glass, Jessie, LR (Hey mate!), Dillarooney, and everyone else!

                    It's POURING rain here.. oh my... I think my garden is in Titanic state right now. Thunder boomers, too. Had a 'shopping day' yesterday (uggh... I'm so not a shopping person) - went to the big smoke and got done what needed getting done and then talked Mr. Wonderful into a trail ride Thankfully the rain held off until we were safely tucked into a restaurant because by the time we got out of the barn, neither of us felt like going home and starting cooking. So... not a bad day. And AF, of course. That helps.

                    Sophie is doing a little better - not sure if whatever she did is on the mend or perhaps just the meds are kicking in... in any case, she was moving a bit better yesterday. Haven't been out to see her yet this morning... if this down pour keeps up, I should probably bring a bar of soap and shampoo and call it my shower! :H

                    Well, that's it for me for now... hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Quick fly by for me this morning! How is everyone? Happy Saturday!! My niece just sent me a message that her best friend is in labor! I am sooo excited and ready to meet this baby. I must get up to the hospital.

                      This is a wonderfully supportive group, and it is so nice to see so much cheerleading go on!

                      Hello, Nora, Lav, Sunni, Dill, Jessie, GHE, LR, Prancy, Chicken, Prancy, Venice and all others. I am off to see the new baby. What a day this is going to be. Love you all!!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Lav, That is so exciting about having the Christening party at your home! I'm sure it will be a memorable occasion for you all.

                        Sunni, Man the lifeboats! It's raining like nobody's business here, too. I will have to wear a life jacket when I go out to feed the dogs!:H I'm glad your mare is doing better.

                        Chops, What was it? Boy or girl? Did everything go OK?

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Newbies Nest


                          Goodmorning my friends!!!!

                          How lucky am I to have found you all!

                          Thankyou NoraC for your special hugs and words-they helped SO VERY MUCH! GLass,you too. I was really wavering yesterday and just your words were enough to make me pull up my socks! I am so glad I could get through yesterday. I know its not over yet, but it was a difficult day and not for any other reason than the demon drink came 'acalling'!

                          So it is with VAST quantities of respect and awe that I hear about Venice and Prancy and all you others who actually have some major stress factors going on lately and not giving in to the drink!! Wow, that is inner strength..that is character and personality!!!!!

                          Hello to you Long Road..I hope your heart has mended since! What a 'tangled web we weave' huh?

                          Hope the Christening goes well Lav,tell us all about it! I had Naming Days for my two girls which was very much like a Christening. Now they have 'Naming Candles' which I light on their birthdays to remember how precious they are! I think traditions are very important for all of gives us a solid rock to start off from!

                          Sunshine..I know where yuour has been raining cats and dogs here lately,with major windfactor! The other night I laid in bed and wondered if our roof my lift off. Hubby is sleeps through anything LOL.

                          Choppersmum,tell us about the baby, I love to here about the wee babes! Can't have anymore now myself (can you tell I'm clucky? *sighs*) so I will live vicariously!

                          Dill did you have to swim back from feeding the dogs? Hope you are having a good one!

                          Well it is early here,about 6am on DAY 7 AF (woohoooo!!!) and I am feeling pretty darn good. I seem to wake up with headaches though , is that the toxins going? Otherwise feel great and even better after my first coffee. I think I am having caffeine withdrawals as well as the alcohol, cause I've gone from ?how many diet cokes with my bourbon to zip!
                          Which is why I allowed myself the coke yesterday. Oh well!

                          Today involves going out to feed my very old horse 'Mojo' (about 35yrs old) and making sure he is still upright after the storms! Then taking my girls and their Dad to Bunnings for a Sunday morning escapade.... then a quick visit to the G'parents.

                          Then more housework..have tumbleweeds of dog & cat fur rolling around my house as I speak. THEN *excitement* going to watch a theatre production called "The Sapranos" with my sister and Mum as a treat! Then a lazy Sunday afternoon with my little family followed by a lovely roast dinner which hubby cooks mmmmmhhhhhhmmmm!!!

                          Can you tell I'm a bit chuffed with myself? *grins coyly*

                          If I've missed anyone out great big apologies and (((((((hugs)))))) for anyone that needs one. I reckon I have a few I.O.U's!

                          Over and Out


                            Newbies Nest

                            I'm flying in for a rest. It's Saturday evening here in Ohio, USA, while it is Sunday morning for you "Chuffed Chicken". I'm really pleased for you, girl! You're a week in to this!:goodjob:

                            Lucky for me the rain stopped and the sun came out. No need to swim to feed the dogs: just a pair boots was all that was needed!

                            Here's a link I picked up on another thread. I think it was Opal that posted it. It helps me get a grip on the time differences.

                            The World Clock – Time Zones

                            Have a good night, or day, depending!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Newbies Nest

                              thanks sunshine , you always seem to have the right thing to say and yes today is 7 days af . I feel like this is a dream . you have no idea what I have been through . I love this program. I have my moments. Saw the ex today , he denied living with a woman , said he loved me , but he can't trust me to stay sober . He finally admitted to living w/ her . But it was my fault , I kicked him out. Then he cries and says . GIve him time , he would like fix this... I guass he wants to live with her , intil I can prove my soberity.....


                                Newbies Nest

                                is that offer never to be refused or what ..... were marrid and he wants to live wth his new girlfriend until I can prove myself.... can anybody help me with this...I have neverstayed sober during a breakup
                                wow ..... and I thought I was hurting before. I love this man ... and I am trying to keep my sanity.

