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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi there, I have been reading for a couple of days and thought I might have a better chance if I get involved. First of all hello to everyone, and I can't tell you how happy I am to have found this place. I have always felt so alone dealing with my AL issue. Well I am on day 2. Hoping to rebuild my life, again. My latest actions have caused my teenage son to barely speak to me, and my boyfriend who I am madly in love with...Well lets just say its Saturday night and I have no idea where he is


      Newbies Nest

      Holy Buckets I've been out of touch for awhile...took me FOREVER to catch up on reading the posts!!! We have yet more new comers...awesome!!!:welcome:
      Oh you all sound like you're doing so well...Chicken3...keep kickin it girl!! You rock!! All the horses in the nest are looking up Haven't heard of any poison ivy or chigger bites lately...awesome!!!
      Venice--please don't take this wrong...but you don't prove your sobriety to anyone but yourself, girl!! If you are married you don't live with a girlfriend..."until"....nope, mature adults handle their problems WAY different than don't cheat, blame someone else and then give them an ultimatum! Don't drink to cover this break up...look at it as a time to shine..."f*ck alcohol"...not for him but for you...YOU deserve this more than ever!!! SD is stepping off her soap-box! LOL!!!

      Chopps--let us know about the baby...I need my baby fix...I would so love to have another child!!! You sound so busy with work and do you do it all????

      I'm soooo serious when I say...I've had my big 'ol butt in front of this computer since Wednesday night....pretty much NON STOP---doing homework!!! I can't believe all they have us doing...I'm serious...this has to be the most work I've done for any class...and I'm taking two!!! Both are kickin' my butt!!! I finally today stopped for a few hours and went out to the lake to see my son....yeah...I needed that!!! I love that kid soooo freakin much!!!! I should post some pix on here of him waterskiing...he's getting sooooo good!!!

      Ok...I'm off to do more work on my presentations for my two classes...ugh...good news I'm learning about computers and power point as well...LOL!!!
      BIG HUGS ALL!!!
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        Newbies Nest

        Hey nesters
        I have missed you all so much. My laptop should be back by Monday. I am doing pretty well. I am off the Topa, which was messing me up big time. I have a contract to work in Dallas TX, so I should be headed out there on August 18. I hope you all are well. Love you Renewal, dill, SD, Lil, Sunnibutt and everyone else. It is good to be back. Big changes in my life that have been very difficult. (Emylee).
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Nesters......I thought I was going to have time today to sit down & get on here more. Didn't work out. We are really enjoying babysitting but it does get tiring. They were still into the bickering today. Boy, they can fight about anything. :H

          Chicken - Way to Go!!! :goodjob:

          Venice - Good for you on 7 days too. :goodjob:

          Time - Yippee - Look at you - well on your way. :goodjob: Fantastic. I agree with you that I am so grateful that I found this place. I never knew that there was anyone else that felt like me.

          Everyone else - sorry I'm just rushing off again. Thank you ALL SO MUCH for all of the support. It has meant more to me than I can ever tell you. To know that I have this place to come and to have people that understand and that will be there to support me and help me. THANK YOU!!!

          I'll be back when I can.

          Have a Happy AF weekend everyone.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Newbies Nest

            Happy Sunday Nesters! Wow...sounds like everyone is doing so great! I had a terrific Saturday and did get to meet a special young lady.

            The baby is a girl, and she was born yesterday afternoon. What a sweetie she is! All is good. She is happy and healthy, and mom is doing great as well. I am now officially a GREAT GODMOTHER :H My niece is her Godmother, so I got the other title. It's ok with me, as my niece is my Goddaughter.

            I need to read back through the nest and see what has been happening. It sounds like everyone is reaching AF goals, horses are on the mend..this is great!

            :welcome: to timemachine! Glad to have you in the nest!

            Welcome back Sea!!! Glad you were able to post. We have missed you!!! :l

            Hello to Chicken (are ya feeling better?), Dill, SD, Lav, Sunni, Nora, GHE, Prancy, Venice and all others to follow. Have a great day, and I'll see you later.


              Newbies Nest

              Ok - I am going crazy!!! I am really going crazy. Stress just went thru the roof. I am sitting here about in tears. Started to post this whole drama and realized that compared to other peoples issues that they are going thru right now. My problems are nothing.
              So - I am taking a deep breath. Going to go take my L-Glutamine and am going to go vent on my journal.
              Sorry to be so down today. I'll be back later in a better frame of mind.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                Hi There!

                NoraC-what's going on? I hope you are okay and that you are not feeling alone? Every problem is a very prersonal thing and therefore not a little thing! Don't compare it to other people's problems, cause anything can be 'big' if you feel alone and unable to say how you feel! I am hapy to listen!

                Choppers- have they given her a name yet? How big and any hair?LOL (all the important stuff!)

                Hi Sea-nice to meet you!

                sd- how goes the mental gymnastics today?

                Time- maybe the space you now have could be a good thing, you can focus on 'you'! Then be in a better mind-space for when he does come back to talk things over!

                Venice- you don't have to be governed by anyone else's ultimatums! You are a good person and you are 'trying'.. is he trying? It takes two to make a relationship and two to have a fight!! It also takes two to re-unite! (Oops, in no way did I intend to rhyme then!)Stay strong and stay are doing a good thing going AL!

                Dill-thanks for the Time Zones,i have added it to favorites! Is the weather any better there? We had a lovely crisp,sunny winters day yesterday. I really enjoyed The Ten Sopranos-what magical voices. Had a great day even though I had one or two moments of contemplating a glass of wine..weekends seem to be hard for me,cause of relaxation mode! But managed to keep myself otherwise this is officially Day 8 for me and the start of my second week sober....been a long time coming!!!!!

                Have a good one Nesters and keep 'cheeping' on!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey there - I meant to come back earlier and say that I'm much better. Sorry for the little fit earlier. I hung in there & I'm doing fine. I went over to my journal that I have on here that I've been recording my daily happenings and I just vented. Then I called my best friend and I vented some more. She told me that was big progress for me because I usually hold it all in. So - I'm getting there......I'm learning to actually feel my feelings instead of drowing them.
                  Anyway....2 weeks ago, I would have run for a bottle. So thank you everyone!!!!! I am so grateful to be here!!
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters,

                    Sunday night check in - hope everyone has settled in!

                    My grandson's Christening went very well today. He slept through most of the church service but was rudely awakened by cool water being splased on his head He settled down quckly though. The luncheon afterwards was nice and although it was hot & humid out the thunder storms held off until everyone was gone. I am thoroughly exhausted now but happy that things went so well!

                    Hi Dill, we took about 100 pictures today, lots of friends & relatives here to celebrate.
                    Chicken, a big congrats to you on your 8 days, you're on a roll!!
                    SD, glad you came up for're working way too hard!!
                    Hello to Venice Beach & Sea. Venice, I sure hope things improve for you with your husband.
                    NoraC, hopefully you are in a better frame in mind now, sounds like you are making big progress. Congrats on your 2 weeks, that's awesome!
                    Chops - Great God Mother, now that's a new one to me, ha ha, enjoy it!

                    Wishing everyone the best as we finish off this month of July.
                    Good night all.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello All
                      Just a quick stop as I've just put my 2yr old down for a nap and have heaps of catch up stuff to be doing! Feeling good today,going out for dinner tonight with hubby and girls,so am 'planning' on diet coke!!
                      Wish me luck...I may need it by then *winx*. Anyhow, hope its all smooth-running for my fellow-nesters!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all, I'm new here, (sort of, posted my story a month or so back)
                        I recently have tried unsuccessfully to moderate my drinking, but fell off the wagon, needless to say (my partner drinks in moderation=makes it easy for me to slip back into the old habit)
                        After a friday night binge and around 2 bottles of wine later, lack of sleep, waking up feeling toxic, extremely guilty and absolutely detesting myself I decided to quit on the spot...That was 9 days ago...
                        I have had one relapse since, friday just's so easy to think I can moderate, but I know that is the addiction talking... I just can't seem to do it...
                        To make matters worse my partner has a new job which requires him to be away a few nights a week, and is away as we speak for two nights. I am struggling with the temptation to console myself with a bottle to ease the loneliness...that was always the reason I started drinking in the first place...
                        Lend me some moral support guys, I need it at the moment...
                        What do you do to ease the boredom?
                        Red Red Wine...My Love/Hate Relationship...


                          Newbies Nest

                          I really don't know where I should go to post on this forum. I always seem to end up in the wrong place. HA I'm on the Baclofen thread but need some personal support also.

                          I've been without sleep for 46 hours at this point. Not good. Took some OTC sleeping pills, hoping they kick in soon. I'm in the southern states, USA, 3:30am here.

                          My husband drinks quite heavily, not sure he has my problem. Anger issues with him when he is drinking though.
                          He works nights on the weekends so know that lonely feeling.

                          He drinks here at home nightly, difficult for me. I am AF for one day. Need to try for that, can't mod.
                          Extreme stress right now. He came home angry Saturday night and took it out on me, I did not do anything. We had been closer than ever for weeks now, hurts very badly. But I'm calming down, not drinking.

                          I have a home business and have so much work to do in a few hours. May try to get a few hours nap hopefully.

                          I know from going months without drinking, the stress and anxiety do ease. I need to be back there. Baclofen seems to be helping some, I'm slowly increasing my daily dosage.

                          Moral support here. I hear you! Willing to help in anyway I can.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Saving Grace and Jolenje!

                            I am a newbie too...just starting this road..with all its interesting curves! Nice to meet you, and yes Saving... this is a great place to post...I think you've found the right Nest!!! Its comfy here and cosey,so snuggle in!

                            You've both found a really 'gentle' place to be yourself here!



                              Newbies Nest

                              Monday, Monday....

                              Good morning, birdlings!

                              Sorry - haven't checked in yesterday... had a date with my weed whacker! LOL Wow, I forgot how those things beat ya up - phew... not gentle on the old bones!

                              Sophie is doing HEAPS betters! She's moving nicely,we did some light lunging yesterday, tapering off her meds and if all stays well I'm hoping to take her on a short trail ride tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed

                              I must confess that I had a day of drinking on Saturday... but it sounds worse than it was. 6 drinks over 9 hours. I thankfully declined several refills and was without a doubt the most sober of the bunch. And, no hangover yesterday.. thank God.

                              I'm going to have to catch up on the weekend happenings here... congrats on the new arrival and subsequent title, Chops! Nora, I hope you're still feeling better! Chicken, how are you doing? SEA! Good to see you posting, girlie! Welcome Jolenje and Grace... good to have you here. Dillster and SD... how goes the battle?
                              Lavande, sounds like the christening was a great success! 100 pictures, you say? *AHEM* And? Do we get to see some? :H

                              K.. folks... gotta get working.. have a great day!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters.....morning to our new nesters too!!! So glad to have you here.
                                Jolene - I know about using the bottle to console yourself. Do yourself a favor and FORCE yourself to do something else this time. You are doing so great. Hang in there and it will get easier. :l
                                Saving Grace - Wow! 46 hours no sleep. Not good. I hope you finally got some sleep. I know what you mean. I can't mod either. Hang in there. :l
                                Chicken - You are doing GREAT girl!!!!! Woohoo!! :goodjob:

                                Hello to everyone else. Have a wonderful, wonderful day!!!

                                We still have a mouse. :egad: And it's smarter than we are. It bypassed all the traps to go eat an apple off our kitchen table out of the fruit bowl. :stomper: Dang mouse!

                                Anyway - got to go to work.

                                By the way. Officially 2 weeks for me today. Hope everyone has a wonderful AF day!!!
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

