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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning Nesters! How is everyone this morning? This little bird is extrememly tired and very hot!!! We are to get to 105 degrees by Wednesday...ugh!!!

    Chicken, glad you are feeling better! You are doing great racking up that AF time!!! Yes, the baby has a name. It is Chaelynn. She weighed 6 lbs, 12 oz. Yes, she does have hair, and lots of it!!! :H

    Nora, TWO WEEKS!!!! You go girl!!! :goodjob: I wish you much success in outwitting that mouse!

    Sunni, sounds like a great date with the weed whacker. Good job on only 6 drinks over a 9hour period. Good for you for declining the refills. I, too, drank on Saturday. It was soooo hot that I only had two beers over 7 hours, and tons of water!!!

    Lav, the christening sounds like it was absolutely perfect. It is nice that you took so many pictures. Do you scrapbook at all? Sounds like the photos would make a perfect scrapbook.

    Dill, how was your weekend? I hope the rain stopped and you didn't get swept away by flooding.

    SD, how are you doing girlie? I hope you able to take a break from all the emotions you have been experiencing. This whole battle can be so exhausting sometimes. We are here for you! :l

    Welcome to Jolenje and Grace. :welcome: It is nice to have you in the nest. I hope you stick around and post a lot with us.

    Prancy, how are you doing? How's the mare? I am happy to hear the news on Sunni's mare, and I hope yours is faring well too.

    My apologies if I have missed anyone. I am still not quite awake!!! So, the coffee, diet pepsi, diet coke, and muffins are out for everyone to enjoy!

    Have a fantastic Monday all!


      Newbies Nest

      Greetings all nesters, new and renewed!

      My horse is doing great. He is a boy, by the way, and a stud Arab at that! His temp is down to normal and now I just have to bring him back to condition. He is high as a kite from the lay up but I can't let him get too hot running around so he is going to be a challenge for a week or two. But I don't care. So glad that he is okay. I almost lost him. Now THAT would have been bad!

      Sunni, I am glad your mare is doing better. Hopefully, you can relax a bit now.

      I am on Day 23 now. Over 3 weeks. I can't believe it. It has been a while since I have had 3 weeks AF. We went out to dinner Saturday night and met first at our friends' house for cocktails. I had diet coke and then at the restaurant had soda water with cranberry juice. It was actually quite good. I am also going out to dinner tonight, on Thursday night and next Monday night. A bit too much socializing for me while I am trying to be AF but my husband keeps adding on the social events.

      I have ordered the baclofen and the tapes. I think my next goal after one month of AF will be to try to moderate. I have never been that successful with moderating before, but this time I have a plan tht includes the tapes, the supps, the baclofen, vitamins, and journaling. If it doesn't work, I will have to go AF, but with all the social events, it is really hard. But I don't want to ever wake up after a big drunk again!

      Good luck to everyone on staying motivated, no matter what your goal is!


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks everyone for the welcome!

        I got 6 hours of sleep and feel like a new person! Now my days and nights are messed up but luckily I work from home and can readjust the next few weeks.

        I received a PM and will answer as soon as I have some time today. Thanks!
        Well have to get to work.

        AF and that is good! Of course I have better control of my emotions and reactions to them sober.
        Looking forward to getting to know you all. Loneliness is a dangerous place to be with a drinking problem.


          Newbies Nest

          Hello all......getting ready to hit the sack. Went out and bought some new traps for my mouse/rat. Sort of odd that I'm the free spirited 'save the animals.....vegitarian' and I'm out for blood!!! I'm like get that thing out of my house!!!!! Once I found out it was walking around on my kitchen table on my stove, I was on the warpath!

          Anyway, I have been thinking and thinking. Hubby & I have been planning on going to a concert for months with another couple. It's a man that I work with and his wife. We've never gone out with them before. I am seriously considering having a couple/few drinks that night. I know it won't be more than one or two before the concert because I'm driving. (Hubby doesn't have a license) And I won't want to drink during the concert because I won't want to miss any of the show. The only reason I am hesitating is that this is so early in my not drinking days. It will only have been 18 AF days by then. I am still debating and will listen to any advise that you have to offer. I thought this was a good time to try it since I would be out & not doing my normal routine of sitting at home and drinking way too much. This would be the way normal people drink.

          Prancy - so glad to hear that Pransy is better. Great news! Congrats on the AF socializing. Very good!!

          SG (Saving Grace) - So glad you slept! Glad to hear that you are AF. Way to go!!

          Chops - 105??!?!?! Yuck!! I thought we were having hot weather. You've got us beat.

          Sunshine - So glad that Sophie is doing so much better too.

          Chicken - How are you doing? Still clucking? :H

          Lav - Glad that your Grandson's Christening went well. Also glad that the thunder storms held off.

          Hello to everyone else. I'm falling asleep. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful AF day.

          I just love this place. I love being in a place where people understand me. :l
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Newbies Nest


            18 days AF, great!

            I can only speak about where I am with alcohol. I have fought this for 15 long years. First year drinking, I was devastated I had this problem. Went for 2 years to AA, and then rehab. Convinced myself again I could drink socially.

            I have gone AF for up to 3 months. I am an alcoholic (hate that word), born with a gene, that makes me unable to ever drink alcohol like a normal person. Both of my parents families had alcohol problems and most of my 7 siblings. I would not want to try to drink socially. If even for one night, I forced myself to only have a few drinks, I would be opening myself up to a few drinks again. I might pull it off for two, maybe three evenings, then it would be over for me.

            I want to be normal
            ! I want to enjoy that little buzz a few drinks can give them. I would have loved to be the person at the table who walked away and left ? a drink sitting there (never me.) I hated being the person thinking, why are you all drinking so slow!

            So that is what a few social drinks would do to me. I don't know if it applies to you?

            Best wishes!


              Newbies Nest

              Hello Nesters!

              Confession time from this little fluffy chick!

              Went out to dinner last night with hubby and girls and had a lovely meal and ONE drink.

              Amazing thing about the whole experience was I did not crave another at any time during the meal or when I got home...there is still stuff leftover in the bar which I have not thrown away..cause I should be able to abstein from it even if it is in the house!

              I felt in control the whole time and although I enjoyed the drink, i just didn't seem to want the 'feeling' of drunkeness! Being sober for almost 8 days has really opened my eyes to how better I feel on a whole without it. So I'm not actually seeing it as a 'fall',more of a controlled descent and I'm on the incline directly after again! The freedom I feel from not 'needing' it just feels like a weight off my world.

              Even now, sitting here I am not wanting another drink and am only planning to have a nice Diet Coke tonight with hubby while cooking tea. I feel like I have turned a corner here, don't know for how long or if it will last (though hoping so with everything crosses ,but something inside of my brain feels different. The space away from it has made me see and feel how 'bad' it does make me feel.

              HOw is everyong else going? Got to dash now and go feed the old horse etc run errands but will be back tonight to catch up on the Nest!

              All the best


                Newbies Nest

                Hello to all you wise old birds and especially to our new fledgelings - Jolenje (sending moral support ? PM me if you need someone in your time zone to chat to), Time Machine (your family will forgive the latest transgression before you know it, just hang in here with us where it?s safe and cosy in the meantime), Venice (nope, he?s not behaving honourably and you need to look after yourself first ? well done on not using this as an excuse to drink) and Saving Grace (I?m glad you have had some sleep, there is no need to be lonely here).

                It?s so nice to be back on my twig for the night with you guys. I?m in the process of buying a new place to live and the last few days have been hectic, so I haven?t had a chance to come back to the nest.

                Prancy ? I?m so glad your boy is OK now! He sounds adorable. And congrats on day 23!

                Sunshine ? I?m glad Sophie is doing better too ? I have all fingers crossed! I think you managed Saturday really well! On those kinds of days I think all the drinks you didn?t have, but could have, are way more important than the ones you did!

                Chicken ? well done ? you are going great guns! I doubt that anyone in here would think having one drink was a fall! I?m really glad to hear you sounding so positive.

                Nora ? I think the question of whether it?s too early or not to try and have one or two drinks depends very much on the type of drinker you were before. I believe that whether anyone can go back to ?normal? drinking depends primarily on whether you?re physically or psychologically/emotionally addicted (or both). That may sound a bit simplistic, but if it?s a physical/physiological addiction, the chemical reaction caused by drinking will probably cause triggers that will make it really hard for you to go back to being AF the next day. If it?s a psychological addiction, you?re more likely to find it difficult if you start drinking in an environment that is going to be replicated on a regular basis (i.e. the glass/es of wine as soon as you get home from work, or whatever your previous habit has been) while drinking in a different environment might not be too much of a problem. I hope that makes sense, if not let me know and I?ll try to explain a bit better.

                Lavande and Choppersmom ? babies rock! Piccies please.

                Hello and hugs to anyone I didn't mention personally. Night all.
                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Glass I think what you said to Nora is really spot on! I think perhaps that I have an emotional/mental need for the emotional crutch so to speak..which seems to realte to time/place & the people I'm with!! Does that make sense? But I guess I shall just have to wait and see. Tonight I am back on the Diet Coke.
                  Chicken (back later)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Day Nesters
                    So nice to see all the new folks. I look forward to getting to know all of you. I feel like a newbie myself. I have been away for so long. I hoping that my laptop will be back today and that I can catch up. I am using my roommate's laptop and cannot stay on long enough to catch up. I hope you all are well. I miss you all. I am doing well. I am looking forward to my Travel assignment. I have rented the condo out to two people so far and am looking for a third. Love you all
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Fledglings!

                      Look at this... we've got a busy nest again! Awesome! And, it sound as if everyone is holding things together quite nicely... even more awesome!

                      I don't have time right now to address everyone... congrats to you double digit AF days peeps... very well done! Chicken... 1 drink is hardly a fall from grace. Nora, in the end, only you can answer if trying to moderate is for you. Believe me, it's harder than staying AF. You know, it may just be a relief to say "NO, I won't drink", get rid of the arguments in your head and just enjoy the concert?

                      Prancy... I'd love to see a pic of your boy! Sophie is 1/2 arab (the other 1/2 is donkey, if you ask me... :H) She's still moving beautifully and if the weather holds, I'm planning on tacking up this afternoon.

                      Sea, my love... got your PM... will get back to you later... for now, please take this :l

                      Everyone - have a great day and keep this little nest hopping!

                      Over and out!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning everyone.........
                        GHE - You are so right on!!
                        That may sound a bit simplistic, but if it?s a physical/physiological addiction, the chemical reaction caused by drinking will probably cause triggers that will make it really hard for you to go back to being AF the next day. If it?s a psychological addiction, you?re more likely to find it difficult if you start drinking in an environment that is going to be replicated on a regular basis (i.e. the glass/es of wine as soon as you get home from work, or whatever your previous habit has been) while drinking in a different environment might not be too much of a problem.
                        THat is exactly what I have been thinking in my head but didn't know the words. I think some might be the physical. But my main problem is the psychological. And that is exactly why I wanted to try this experiment. No alcohol in the house. No alcohol nearby the house. Having a drink at a very special occasion. Anyway, I do think it's worth a try. We don't go to very many ska/rock concerts anymore. Here I am 50 years old and he is 54 years old and we are going to go see "No Doubt". You just watch me dance. :rockband::waving:
                        Thanks for the words of advise Glass.

                        Morning everyone or night as the case might be.
                        I'll be back later.
                        Have a wonderful AF day!!!!!
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          good morning all. Went out to dinner with a friend last night and declined a drink. Had soda and cranberry with lime instead. My friend is not alcohol dependent or alcoholic. She said she'd have an iced tea! I think she was relieved that I didn't want her to have a drink. She said she gets migraines and alcohol doesn't help. I have never seen her have more than 2 glasses of wine and I have known her for 20 years. Some people!! But that makes 24 days for me and I am so pleased with myself. And I feel great.

                          Sunshine, I have not got a clue on how to send a picture?????

                          Take care, all.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Sunshine...we posted at the same time so I missed yours. You are right. If I'm putting so much effort into thinking about this, maybe it is easier to say no.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              Quick Fly By!!!
                              TWO more days left of school....woohooo!!!! These profs. are killing me!!!! I'm taking off with my son (and Brad) on Friday morning to go to a couple Twins games in the cities...can't wait!!! Should be a blast!!!!

                              So good to see so many people in the nest...and that you all are doing so well!! :goodjob:

                              Sea--awesome to see you posting!!:l
                              Where is Dill??? Didn't see much from her!?!
                              Ugh...I hate to cut this short...but I have a 4-5 "surprise" paper to write....I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as 'surprise paper'...I think Dr. K just made that up!!!:H
                              Miss you all...can't wait to get back to work so I can catch up with all of you...DID I JUST JUST SAY I CAN'T WAIT TO GET BACK TO WORK????:brainfart:
                              BIG HUGS!!!!:l
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Newbies Nest


                                Just whohoo for horsie stuff.. but all else is good, too! :H

                                Here's what I did this afternoon - just had to gloat!

                                Hope you all had a fabulous day... I sure did. Got some work done, took my girl out for a trail ride and now I need to play domestic goddess for a little while (almost 10pm) eek!

                                Good night, birdlings... see you all in the morning!

                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

