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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lavande;1384800 wrote: Greetings Nesters,

    CONGRATS to Kuya & PF on 30 & 40 AF days :yay:

    Thanks LAV and WTG prairie xxx


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      Enjoying a cool & sunny morning here in southeastern PA
      This weather is just perfect even if the farmers are kicking up all kinds of dust & driving my allergies crazy :H

      Hello & welcome Limonada!
      Glad you decided to join us. Sounds like you have a good start going & plans for a great future
      I'm at the granny stage of life & I love spending every single moment I can with the three of them. Make a good plan for yourself & stay close to the nest for support

      Quest, glad to hear you are hanging in with us too!
      Keep your eye on your goals, stick with your plan - busy & distracted is the best way to keep your mind off of AL. I know the CDs seem like an expensive investment but it's better to buy them than spend the same amount of money on AL. They were a great help to me, I used them daily for well over a year

      Greetings to everyone dropping in today & I wish everyone a terrific AF Sunday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Starting Day 4, thinking of setting myself small goals like 7 days, 15 days & then 30 days. I have never had 30 days, I've made it to 21 or 23 days but never 30. So 40 days sounds just wonderful, congrats! I certainly have thought about drinking thou all while feeling a sore liver. Why do I insist on "no self care" jeez louise!


          Newbies Nest

          Colomissy - good job - I'm just ahead of you on day 7 today.

          One week ago today I woke up hungover and worse yet horribly depressed. All day long I had to put a smile on my face for my husband who wanted to go out and enjoy a beautiful Sunday as any normal non-hungover person would want to do on the weekend. I strolled around a park with him and smiled and went to lunch. I drank a beer to help me feel better at lunch - but inside I felt horrible and I felt like I could see a huge depression coming in on the edge of my horizon. That day I decided I was stopping drinking once and for all. I did not drink any more that day and have not touched alcohol since. I truly believe it is a sinister evil and poison in my life and I don't want anything to do with it ever again.

          PF - loved the song you had the link for yesterday.
          Byrd and Allan thanks for your kind words of support. Yes, I have completely accepted I cannot moderate and I am just as happy for it. I don't want that poison in my life.

          Have a wonderful Sunday all.
          Life is better without Alcohol. 5/26/13


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nesters,

            An amazing thing happened to me today. I almost got run over and yelled by the motorist who didn’t indicate... Usually my heart would race for the next half an hour and would spoil my mood for the rest of the day. He yelled, I told him where he can **** himself and carried on walking. My pulse remained steady and I came home with a smile. Wow you really can deal with a lot of life's good and bad surprises much better without alcohol.

            AF since 1st Sep 2012
            NF since 1st Sep 2012

            If you want to feel better visit


              Newbies Nest

              Belles, you sound like a different person...on behalf of the Nest, please accept this FULL MOON, for 7 solid days of telling AL to go to hell and stay there! :moon: You have conquered every day that the week can throw at no surprises coming up! I am so proud of you!!

              Allan, looks like you've got a big day coming up, NO??? It has been amazing to watch your progress. I've know this isn't your first quit...but I have a feeling it's your last one. Enough is enough, right? So glad the motorist got a peice of your mind instead of squishing you. It really IS striking how much better our overall coping just gets simpler. Things become much clearer and decisions seem to be more clearcut than before (where I swept them away for later). Life is just easier all the way around. I'm glad to have such good company on this journey.

              I think RC's big race is today!! Make us proud!! Can't wait to hear how it went!

              Make it a sober Sunday....go do something nice for someone today! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdie, I quit on the same day as Kuya, so it’s nice to have a quitting buddy. But I don’t want to celebrate today (day 30) but rather wait until tomorrow, marking a whole month sober.

                I also have a big test coming this week. My friends are coming to stay with me for about 5 days later this week. It’s a couple and even though the girl rarely drinks, the guy can drink me under the table easy. Last time we got four rounds each after hotel bar's closing time, so we could stay up all night drinking. My excuse will be that I am on antibiotics due to an ear infection, hope that works

                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                If you want to feel better visit


                  Newbies Nest

                  OMG - cant you hear me squealing in delight where you are ?

                  Hubby's just said how surprised he is that I'm not having a drink !!!!

                  Oh believe me, it was touch and go at one point - but I've got to make more of an effort so I squashed the craving with chocolate and cheese !!! So I'll look like a spotty beached whale soon but at least ill be sober lol !!!!

                  (Can't believe I have got over the hump of Sunday !!! I'm so happy !!)
                  Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Slept in today...allergies driving me crazy...
                    Taking dinner to dad later today..crock pot port roast....
                    His memory is getting worse....I don't know what to him every night and repeat the same things over and over..I know it is not his fault.
                    Work is also making be crazy....I have to get out of there soon or my sanity will surely be in danger...
                    Other that that it is a beautiful day in Ohio...

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      allankay;1385075 wrote: Hello Nesters,

                      An amazing thing happened to me today. I almost got run over and yelled by the motorist who didn?t indicate... Usually my heart would race for the next half an hour and would spoil my mood for the rest of the day. He yelled, I told him where he can **** himself and carried on walking. My pulse remained steady and I came home with a smile. Wow you really can deal with a lot of life's good and bad surprises much better without alcohol.

                      "HEY!! I'M WAWKIN' HERE!! IM WAWKIN HERE! " . I can just see you doing a a Ratso Rizzo at least in your head, Allan :goodjob:

                      I too had such a crazy awful event I got blindsided with and couldn't believe how great I handled it outside the AL fog!

                      It is amazing, isn't it?

                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening nesters xxx just a quick howdy do before I settle down with the X factor and a cuppa x great innit ??? Love it love it love it xxxx
                        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Things I won't miss about drinking:

                          - That weird "I'm emitting toxic fumes" flavor in my mouth about an hour after the first couple of drinks (which is "best" combatted by drinking more to cover it up—NOT!)

                          - Waking up the morning after getting drunk, probably still a little drunk, and feeling like I have to "destroy the evidence" and go on a clumsy cleaning spree before the hangover hits.

                          - That weird disconnect where I *AM* drunk but don't FEEL drunk, it just feels like my body won't listen to my brain. Silly me, how do I keep dropping my keys??

                          - The look my boyfriend gives me when I've drunk more than my share of the bottle of wine, so my suggestion is to crack another one open so HE can have HIS fair share (yeah, right, I drink most of that one, too). After all, I say, we can always save the excess for tomorrow (or I'll just finish it tonight...)

                          - Mentally scanning the previous night's events to determine a) if I was an asshole, b) how much of an asshole, c) if I was an asshole, did anyone notice, and d) are they mad at me?

                          - Visually scanning Facebook to see if I was posting sappy/grumpy/TMI things.

                          - The bloating the second or third day after a binge, that seems even fatter after the dehydration-slim of hangover day.

                          - Looking in the mirror and seeing a tired-eyed old-looking face even though I'm only in my early 30s. I secretly think of it as Mrs. Krabappel (from the Simpsons) face. The tiredness goes almost completely away when I quit drinking, to the point where I get carded for cigarettes (when I smoked), so I know it's from the drinking and not just getting old. LOL.

                          - Meeting people and then forgetting I met them so it's awkward when we meet again.

                          - Being a total attention whore, when normally I am serene and reserved.

                          - Being that person that other drunk people appear to be when I'm sober: slurry, talking too loud, sounding unintelligent, brash and over-opinionated.

                          - The burns/messes/ugly food that results from CWI (cooking while intoxicated).

                          - Rolling down my car window so just in case...JUST IN CASE I am stopped, the smell of alcohol won't be all cooped up in the car.

                          - Spouting off like I know everything about something that I've barely heard of and am trying to drunk-reason my way through on the spot.

                          - The effects of bar tabs on my credit-to-debt ratio.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Limon...I could have written that list. Adding to it, sneaking gulps of wine when I come in to check email, or go to the bathroom. 7 chugs is what I would do. Also add trying to get rid of the empties. This is intensly personal, but putting a lipstick mark on the counter to remember the next day if I had wifely fun with hubs. Unbelievable.....
                            So proud of you for making that list...that took a lot of guts. Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Things I fear about not drinking, and think-arounds to them:

                              - Waitstaff in restaurants feeling like I'm a waste of time because I'm only ordering food. (I worked in the restaurant industry for years, and we would scoff behind the scenes at the "teetotalers"). Think-around: become a regular at a few places, and establish myself as a good tipper despite the small bill I run up.

                              - My best friend thinking I'm a party pooper because I won't get f-ed up (on drugs or alcohol) with her anymore. Think-around: remind her that I'm way more pleasant when not drinking, and way more lucid/social when I'm not on anything else. Bonus: she gets a built in DD.

                              - I'll never have the flavor of my favorite occasion-specific drinks again: a crisp, lightly sweet white wine on a hot afternoon, mimosas with brunch, mulled wine on a cool fall night, a bold glass of red while writing. Think-around: assign new favorites for each of those occasions...Pellegrino's blood orange soda or a cold root beer on a hot afternoon. Hot spiced apple cider on a cool fall night. ??? while writing? A new flavor of tea I haven't discovered? Lemonade?

                              - Missing wine paired with food. Think-around: when I go out to eat for the first while until I'm used to not drinking, I'll go for cuisine not traditionally associated with wine-drinking: Thai, Indian, Middle-Eastern, Ethiopian, pizza slices at a N/A restaurant.


                                Newbies Nest

                                hello all, I was recommended to come over here by allen. This is not my first rodeo so I know the drill but I need to support so I'm dropping in. I hope i can contribute to this thread as well as take from it. It's 4:30 here on sunday. No way to buy vodka, have no money, and have no want, but the fact remains that my problem times are 5-9 and I start thinking about al at 3 or so, if I know i won't drink I start thinking about it around noon. It's gotten bad, and ugly, and I haven't driven home from work with out drinking in 6-9 months, that is so sad. I hope to recover gracefully and honestly I really don't ever want to drink again. I am stronger that to let a liquid rule my life.
                                ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF

