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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Question : Is itching a withdrawal symtom ?

    I've spent all night itching (all over !!!) - even now my arms are on fire.............
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Newbies Nest

      Quest for the key;1385406 wrote: Question : Is itching a withdrawal symtom ?

      I've spent all night itching (all over !!!) - even now my arms are on fire.............
      Yep I got really itchy and still have itchy legs if I stand to long. Got it last quit and doc had no idea why.

      Well done on day 3 quest..... Keep it up ODAAT

      CLOCKWATCHER Hi and well done should be really proud


        Newbies Nest

        morning nesters! I will check in tonight my computer time is up! Good job allen and clock! have a great af day!


          Newbies Nest

          Quest, itching all over is a withdrawal symptom; not everyone gets it, but just another physical reaction to the toxins leaving your body. It is useful to have these symptoms, if only to reinforce just how much damage we have been doing to ourselves.You are doing well - stay strong!
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks guys - It's just so flaming uncomfortable !! But I bet my livers been itching for years and I just haven't known about it !!!
            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              CONGRATS on your 30 AF days Allan :yay:
              Now count those months & enjoy!

              Clockwatcher, great to see you again & congrats on your 85 AF days. So glad to hear you have found your way out

              Re itching.......
              itching can be a symptom of withdrawal particularly if your liver enzymes are a bit off. Keep drinking lots of water to help clear your system. Some people take Milk Thistle to aid in clearing toxins from the liver.

              I'm seeing sunshine & moderately cool temps this morning so I'm happy.
              Time to get my day into gear
              Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Clockwatcher and Allan!!!

                Woot Woot to you both!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations and MUAH!

                Echoing Lav on the itching...Milk Thistle comes in two strengths - but if you are getting the itching - it's likely you have some liver stuff going on...maybe enzymes, maybe fatty liver - but something's a tad off. The extra water will help a lot and Milk Thistle actually does help your liver boost your bile production and flush crud out. I'll bump the nutrition thread and you can look at the quick snapshot on how...
                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                AF - August 20, 2012


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all

                  I'm certainly into a sober and healthy October.. I've been Af a total of 37 out of the last 40 days but I haven't yet started exercising...I really feel it's a great new step in maintaining this new largely Af life..

                  Take care


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks PF - I'm in agony at the minute ! I must look like I've got fleas lol !!!

                    Top with with heartburn and feeling a bit sick - but I put that down to my home made soup lol !!!
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Well, stink bugs?.ick. I hope you keep them down there Lav! Maybe it?s too cold up here for them. And I can blame all this sneezing on the farmers?? THAT makes sense!

                      Belles, day 8! You made the one week mark ? awesome! You sound GREAT.

                      Nurdl ? we are close to celebrating your 30 days :-) I'm glad you're in the nest.

                      Allan ? congratulations on your one month or 30 days or whatever you call it ? I call it FANTASTIC! Thanks for all the support you offer. (Oh! And are we RICH!?)

                      Patrice, you are doing wonderful?I?m so happy for you. Whatever you?re doing, keep doing it!

                      Dottie, I STILL have so many projects started ? I run from on to another?.there just aren?t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that my very alert mind wants to! You?re doing great ? and wonderful that your hubby supports you. It?s tough to deal with the stress and pain and guilt and every other emotion you can imagine?..of watching a parents? health decline. But I went through it with my mom ? it started when I was drinking and she passed away after I stopped drinking?and the difference in how I dealt with her was like night and day. I was short tempered and annoyed most of the time while drinking?and not that I was always perfect while sober ? I found it so much easier to muster up compassion?.my heart goes out to you.

                      Prairie, I said a quick congrats, but I?m so happy for you ? getting past that mental hurdle of 40 days ? you are flying now?.

                      Welcome again, limonada. I?m so happy that you?re starting this journey now?.you will have one lucky little one ? that will have a fully present mommy who won?t miss a moment of his/her precious growing up time and set an amazing example.

                      Welcome colomissy?.I hope you had a good weekend. I wonder where I?d be if I hadn?t started posting here?maybe still trying to tell myself every night, that I have to stop?that I?m killing myself?.and then every afternoon, throwing caution to the wind, and buying some more?just because it?s easier than dealing with the unknown of trying to quit. I hope you stay connected. There?s so much wonderful information here ? and no matter what you?re going through, you?ll find somebody here that has had the same experience.

                      Rainyday ? I?ve been wondering how your weekend went?:l

                      Nextplease ? are we at 7 days yet? :goodjob:

                      I have to admit that I am struggling ? getting everyone straight ? I have NEVER had to read so far back just to catch up after a weekend! But that is awesome. Everybody?s fighting.

                      Ldemi ? welcome ? stick around the nest when you take the plunge - there's tons of support here!

                      RunC ? I hope you?re relaxing after your big day yesterday. What a beautiful spot for the race. I am quite sure that if I ever completed a marathon, I?d be gasping afterward that I?ll NEVER attempt THAT again! LOL instead of saying ?it probably won?t be my last?

                      Byrdie ? does Freefly get a moon??? I think she has 7 days! And count me in as one of those countless others that have been saved by this site and wonderful people like you.

                      Quest. Fantastic. Keep riding that wave, OK? Remember how amazing you felt last night ? how empowered that You enjoyed your Sunday without AL. I read a tiny bit and saw a suggestion to be sure you?re taking your B Vits ? all the things that help the detox along should help the itching to go away sooner. Just imagine it?s junk trying to get out of your system through your skin. Heck, it probably is! Oh, yeah ? and what Lav said. :-)

                      Hiya Kradle. :-) Nice to see ya. I hope your tough situation is totally behind you now.

                      Hi odat ? welcome to the nest. I?m sure you will find the support that you need here. Ooh! AF and NF! You are an all or nothing kind, aren?t you?

                      Clockwatcher. Welcome back. I do remember your name. yeah those weird moments still hit me at times. Now I know to look at them and go WTF? :H And keep going about my business.

                      Kuya ? another 30 day congrats!

                      Daisy, it's nice to see you too! How are you? Are you doing anything artsy?

                      I don?t have anything earth shattering to say this morning. Just needed to catch up. Wow.


                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all
                        PF = so proud of you, just fantastic.. My new record is slightly blemished but 37 out of the last 40 days and I've still got the mind for keeping Al away!!
                        Sorry about your itching QFK = hope it improves!!
                        Hi Lavande and all to come!
                        Sorry the previous post I wrote was meant for the fitness section!!

                        Patrice x


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Lolab!!! Thanks for you unwavering support and I love the way you remember everyone's names!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Allan, on behalf of the Newbie's Nest and all of us here, it is with great pride that I bestow, your hat :goodtime: We are all VERY proud of you!! To infinity and beyond!!

                            Clockwatcher, great to see you back and with all those days to boot!! Stick around with us and we will convince you to keep on track!! I am so happy for you!!

                            Happy AF October!! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              I had a miserable weekend...back to day 1. Work stress and my dad was just more than I could handle.
                              I ordered the CD's and got the book in Pdf so I will be reading that...started reading last night...
                              I looked for hypno therapy years ago but had no luck...I am hopeful...

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Patrice -

                                I couldn't care less about your blemishes. I'm just delighted your here. I mean that. We've been at this a long time old friend.
                                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                                AF - August 20, 2012

