Cat, I want that book as well!! Thanks for posting that. I would have missed it otherwise. :thanks:
The mind chatter is like a heard of elephants in my head too.
Or as I've said before, my mind station is permanently tuned to radio station K-FCK. There's no fricken off switch.
Congrats on Day 2. I think that's the worst least it was for me. Three wasn't too great either but 4 and 5 were better.
One way I stop all the people dialoging in my head is I talk and talk and talk and talk either to my husband or the kids or the tv or the radio....sometimes I wear the Bluetooth in the car just so people think I'm talking on the phone....actually I'm just talking to myself.
I talk a lot in the car because im driving the kids, collecting the kids, shopping for the kids... Running from the kids....i talk also on my walks Where if I'm caught out by a biker or a runner I pretend I'm talking to the dog ...

It sounds insane I know but it helps. Not sure why except I think I just exhaust myself.
Sleep well. Try Books on tape so you can hear someone talking outside your head:h
PS everyone sound so wonderful these last few days in the nest. Have been reading the threads, working, pretty much okay. Glad to be back. Think I'll stay here awhile. It's safer...