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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello dear friends,
    AF still.
    I wanted to post just to let you know I messed up this AM on my Baclofen. I don't know if anyone here is trying that route or not. If I am intruding by posting about that here, please let me know.

    This darn insomnia is really wrecking havoc with my life. I had gone another 40 some hours without sleep. My nap the other day was not enough.
    Some emotional issues with husband, lack of sleep, crying, old crazy stuff.

    Anyway.......thought I hadn't taken my 20mg of Baclofen (still a very low dose) this morning, so took it again. Ended up vomiting for about an hour, dry heaves finally. Then slept for 6 hours, woke at 4pm. Still not rested, can't work.

    First time in my life, even drinking, my business is suffering!
    I gave up, took some OTC sleeping pills. Hope to sleep tonight! Maybe try again tomorrow.

    I'm determined to give Baclofen a fair try. Just need to make sure you don't take a double dose!

    I still feel so lethargic, nauseated. I would post to y'all personally but just can't tonight.

    Take care!

    Be back tomorrow.


      Newbies Nest

      Saving, Boy I am glad you posted that about baclofen. I have ordered some and intend to give it a try but glad to know that you need to be really careful about the dosage! Wow. I have read some really good things about it but I am a bit worried about take a drug from an internet provider.


        Newbies Nest

        HI !

        I'm lurking cause..well just because..urgh! *heaves a big sigh*
        Just when you think your on a roll you know............ inspiration seems to have left always, the long day at work...etc etc etc etc etc etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I sound like a broken record *tucks head under wing..peeps to self pathetically*



          Newbies Nest

          come on chicken get out from under your wing and try again. I'm struggling too and felt really down about it this morning but I'm feeling much stronger now that the day is going on and I'm determined not to give in tonight.
          Come and join me and we'll do it together


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks Sooty! *big smiles for you*
            I've given in though..was feeling so strong!!!
            It would have been a great Day 9 for me


              Newbies Nest

              ok lets make a date for tomorrow and try again - what dyou say?
              All the best


                Newbies Nest

                Okay Sooty it's a deal!
                Cause I was feeling so wonderful and at peace with myself!
                I will check in with you here if that is okay!
                I need the support (obviously)
                Thanks again


                  Newbies Nest

                  Fab chicken. I'm in the UK and its early afternoon for me - does this time suit you? See you tomorrow (I'm getting all excited now!!)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning Nesters!

                    Looking at another hot, humid, overcast day here with thunder storms expected this afternoon - oh well!
                    Guess I'll work on my 'things to do inside' list again.

                    Sunni, you and Sophie both look so gorgeous! I'm happy to see that you are both doing so well, together

                    Prancy, you should be quite happy & proud, 24 days - awesome!! It's a great feeling, isn't it?

                    NoraC, you have done so well too. I have to agree with Sunni 100%, staying AF is a whole lot easier than modding. I personally am not even interested in trying........I don't feel deprived, I don't feel like I'm missing anything. That's just my 2 cents. I'm sure you will do what's right for you.

                    SD, 2 days of school left - good for you! Rest that precious brain of yours for a while, you deserve it

                    Saving Grace, I hope you are feeling better. I am a retired nurse and can't help but be quite concerned about people using these medications without proper supervision. I have not used any of the meds myself but I have administered them to patients over the years. You have to be so careful with the dosage & time of administration. Using OTC sleep aids, cold medicines, etc. along with Baclofen can be dangerous. The lethargy & nausea you reported yesterday are common side effects. Please be very, very careful with Baclofen, you don't need to cause yourself anymore problems.

                    Chicken & Sooty, wishing you strength...........this journey we're on is not easy but worth the results

                    Have a great day!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Sooty!
                      Yes sounds good-it's about 9:20pm here-so just before bed for me! I will like to check in with you.I am excited too...cause I don't want to beat myself up over this night..already I feel positive knowing I have someone who is 'with me'!
                      Do I sound pathetic?LOL


                        Newbies Nest

                        Not at all pathetic Chicken - lots of things are easier if you do them with someone else.
                        And Lavande is sending us good vibes too so we'll be fine!
                        take care and talk to you tomorrow - feel free to send private message if that helps I'll always reply

                        ps Lavande we could do with some hot weather over here in UK, all we've got is rain rain and more rain!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Lav!

                          Thanks for the support! Just this morning my dear Mum was saying..."I don't know what your doing..but you just seem to have so much more energy lately!"I felt so chuffed,so why do I blow it tonight? Go figure huh-the human mind is a mystery..or is it just mine!LOL
                          I'm okay and will get on track tomorrow with the help of the Nest!
                          Chicken (the slightly disgruntled feathered one!)


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters
                            I only have a few minutes to check in but just wanted to say that I'm lurking and thinking of you all.

                            Grace - I hope your feeling a bit better now and can get some sleep at last.

                            Chicken - please don't be down on yourself. This is a tough journey and success isn't measured by the lapses, it's measured by your ability to recognise them when they happen and take steps to get back on the path before you do too much damage or give up entirely. It's incredibly easy to let a one nighter turn into two days, or three days, or ad infinitum until you're pretty much back where you started and I have huge admiration for anyone who has the strength to not let that happen.

                            Eight steps forward and one step back is still seven steps ahead! Stick with it petal, we're all here with you and have our wings extended for you to snuggle under if you need to. Keep on peeping on!

                            Night night nesters!
                            There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                            You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                            I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                              Newbies Nest

                              To the Nest!
                     guys make me want to are so nice!Thanks Glass


                                Newbies Nest


                                Is it normal to have slip-ups? Is that part of the whole process? Or am I just clutching at straws?
                                I was doing so well and feeling so why go back when all the good things were happening?
                                Perhaps I should change my name to 'Fragile'


