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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    :l Chicken!

    Yes, stumbles along the way seem to be common. I find, the most dangerous time comes when you've been doing well for a while... you feel great, and you get cocky. I do, anyways.

    Hop back on the wagon, dear... we'll all scootch over a litte

    And, how is everyone else today? Grace... did you manage to sleep? Insomnia is just so debilitating... :l Lav... ya know? I'm IGNORING all this talk about hot weather to the best of my ability! Sheeesh. This summer here 'up north' SUCKS this year! And, here's you complaining about heat! :H

    Ok, chicklings... I gotta run. Goofed off yesterday afternoon... need to make up some ground today. Have a fab day - will check back in later!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      good morning nesters. At least it is morning here. And not a particularly hot one today, thank the lord. Anyway, just checking in to say good luck to everyone on their goals today. I am mostly lurking these days since I am busy.

      Sunshine, you and your mare are a lovely sight! I don't know how to add a pic or I would post one of pranser.


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Chicken - I'm feeling fragile today too. So, please hop on up in the nest & cuddle up over here. Having a 'craving' day today. :upset:
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          Hello fellow nesters
          Nothing new to report here, doing ok. Wishing u all strength.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            Newbies Nest

            Hi All. I'm new here. Just discovered this little nest. I'm only 9 days af and looking forward to another busy weekend - which for me are always full of tempting triggers. Golf plus Chicago summer heat typically adds up to beer, beer then some more beer. I never drink and drive, or putt for that matter, but post-round libations are the norm. I'm playing golf two or three times this weekend starting Friday -- it's a long weekend. So I'm looking forward to fun on the course, and looking for the strength to skip the sauce.

            I was just reading about what chicken said a few days back about how good you feel after several days af, how much energy and good vibe happens. I feel the same way, but cautious 'cause I know how easy it is for me to say 'flip it all' and just toss it all away. I've been there before chicken, and feel for you. I'm just hoping I can remember how bad the downside feels and catch it before I lose it. Hope that makes sense.

            A little late here and want to do some hypno. g'nite all - it's always nightime somewhere.
            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


              Newbies Nest

              Right then!

              Back on track today,so the hiccup that was last night was a learning curve!
              These are the things I learnt from it.....

              1.Stopping after one is difficult (I knew that..but hey,go figure!)
              2.I was aware throughout the whole episode of how much I was drinking and how I was pacing it.(Self awareness is a good thing at this stage for me..still caring for self).
              3.I did not drink myself into massive guilt the next day (alright.....just a smidge), a wee bit tired and with renewed determination.
              4.Drank more than I was going to...but not as much as I once would have
              5.Noted how I was somewhat irritable by days end today...which I wasn't previously while AF.
              6.Lost the 'zip' from my step due to tiredness.
              7. Triggers were..hubby drinking when got home from work,long day at work!!!

              The strange thing is I actually feel quite positive about the whole thing,because it has renewed my determination to continue to be AF! Tonight I feel fine and not craving anything as yet!

              Thanks for all the support everyone in my 'struggle',much appreciated!
              I will be back soon,but for now....big hugs for you all:l


                Newbies Nest

                Day 2, and it still sucks. Slept badly but better than yesterday and now I have to start my day, which I dread doing. I dread everything, including driving my crappy old car that I have now that I had to give up my beautiful Jeep. I know it's just a material thing, but right now things look so bleak, it seems nothing will ever get better, and even worse: that I do not deserve for things to get better.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning everyone...just been kind of quiet lately...doing alot of reading and reflecting lately. Maybe a growth spurt...that would be good, lol.
                  Wishing everyone a great day

                  Sunnydaz AF since Feb 6, 2009
                  Smober since March 23, 2009


                    Newbies Nest

                    I just found this site last night and it seems to be chock full of wise, wonderful and real people.
                    After 4 days with a lack of wine I was so mood altered last night it took all of the control left in my angry struggling brain not to push the fight I had with my SO well over the edge.
                    Then trying to stop myself from telling him to drop dead, realized that without him I would probably just want to jump off a bridge. (literally)
                    The good news is I survived a fight without going for the wine.
                    How do I cope with my brain like this?? Honestly, I'm beside myself and freaking out.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey Nesters!!! It's been a few days since I have posted! I am crazy busy again, which is great. Keeps me out of trouble and away from the AL

                      Everyone seems to be doing well and meeting goals. Sorry that I can't address everyone individually, I am so behind on reading this thread!!!

                      :welcome: to all the newcomers!! Glad to have you here in the nest. Keep posting, asking questions, and we will help you on your journey.

                      :welcome: back Sea!!! :l Hope you are well. Good to see you again!

                      Have a wonderful day everyone. I must get back to work now. Keep up the great work. I am so proud of you all and all the support and cheerleading I have been seeing here!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi new here. I have no willpower right now. Any advice on how to go AF would be helpful. Thanks. Good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi The Nest

                          Krazy,Girl and bar..stay strong girls and check in with us later. Got to run for work, but will think of you all and want to know how you are going. I'm struggling too....ride the storm and we will all get there!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters!

                            Wow, what a busy nest it's been the past day day or so!
                            A special welcome to new nesters TranqWilly, KrazyKatt, girlhero and barbah! Pull up a twig and get comfortable. We know how hard it is in the early days of your journey, we're here to help Tell us a little about yourselves, we're all friends here.

                            GHE and Chicken, hope you're both feeling stronger today, you to NoraC! Take it one day at a time or one hour at a time, whatever you need. Just hang in with us!

                            Hi Sunni & Prancy, hope you & your 4 legged friends are doing well.
                            Sending a special hello to Sunnydaz, you are a strong lady, I know!

                            Hello to Chops & Sea - busy, busy.

                            I'm preparing for another weekend of 'Granddog' sitting. The last time I watched my son's Golden Retrievers I ended up with a broken toe.................long story. Keeping my fingers crossed (and my toes covered) for a successful & pain free weekend here

                            Best wishes & strength to everyone!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Lav, Glass, Sunshine........Thanks for thinking of me and all the encouraging sentiments.

                              I've had a really rough 3 weeks on Baclofen. I had slowly tiraded to 80mg a day, mostly AF, first week several times had 1-3 beers. My side effects have been extreme insomnia (did take OTC sleep aids), nausea, vomiting and getting very ill when I accidently took a dose twice ( took me two days till I could eat after that), headaches and feeling my brain is swelling and pulsating, heart palpitations and difficulty breathing, lethargic and feeling I had no strength in my limbs. The final one is alarming hair loss. I can tell I am going to go bald if I don't get off this. My side effects are all getting worse as time goes on. I'm going to slowly over 2 weeks go off Baclofen. I'm just not able to take it. I'm happy for those who can and are getting great results.

                              My husband thinks I should go to the doctor, he is really concerned about me. I think if I slowly come off it I will be OK. Taking all my supplements and vitamins, etc.

                              I can see I'm going to have this insomnia for some time yet. Trying to get enough energy to finish up orders tonight and ship tomorrow. My business has really taken a beating through this.

                              Take care Nesters! I'm sticking around.:thanks:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi again. I'm up to day 10 af and going into my second weekend. That's the tough part for me as I'm really a big weekend binge drinker -- once I start I don't stop. I stay pretty active during the week, after work I'm either at the gym or running or working on my golf game. I love music (esp. live music) and play a little guitar; so I have no lack for hobbies, trouble is they all go so well with a beer nearby.

                                I went af for most of January and part of Feb earlier this year. That stretch seemed easier since it was hibernation time in Chicago. This time all the fun, outdoor summer concerts, patio bars and sidewalk dining kind of turns the town into a big party that's hard to resist.

                                I am truly appreciating having a clear head and a ton of energy, but I'm also wary of all the triggers I'll encounter as I try to stay active, hang with friends and have whatever fun I can over the weekend. I'm not sure I'll know what to do when someone puts an ice cold Heineken down on the table in front of me. Just deal with it I guess. I like Sunshine's DINAO bit -- I'll try to keep that in mind.

                                Lavande, careful with those toes -- I once had two broken on the same foot at the same time. And the doc was absolutely no help at all. Take care everyone and good luck with your journey.
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

