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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Running, I am thrilled for you!! It's K9 who always says, you never wake up the next morning and say 'DAM, I sure wish I'd gotten drunk last night!" Every single time you flex THESE AF muscles makes then stronger! See? Your work out ethic is sinking in to me! I bet you are chuffed up (isn't that what you say?). And well you should kicked AL's @$$ today!

    Hey Noodle! Glad you are sounds like you are in a great HATE AL, too! As you can see, we are having great success here! We are glad you're here...Have a seat right here adlock: and I'll get your seat belt! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Awesome work- RC- we knew you could do it! Welcome back noodle!



      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


        Newbies Nest

        Welcome Another Paul! You have landed in the best possible place if you are serious about taking your life back. I've never been to an AA meeting, so I can't speak to any of that....but for me, this place has been a game changer. I lurked for quite a while, and then when I felt like jumping in, I couldn't figure out how to do it! MWO is a bit hard to navigate to me...You won't find any judgment here....we have ALL walked in your shoes. I would encourage you to read back a couple weeks and get to know us here in the Newbie's Nest, and just jump in! Please notice in my signature line, there's a link to our Tool Box, there are 100's of tips and skills there to help you. Whatever crazy thing you've done or are doing, someone here has done it, too. As you can see, we have lots of success here...please tell us what brings you by. Is this your first attempt to stop? Looking forward to seeing your success....if I can do it, I have complete faith that you can too. (I was a very resistant case). Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Fin - Day 6 (Welcome hyper nova)
          belles - Day 14
          Catbuddy - Day 6 (You and Me, Fin!)
          ALLANKAY - Day 37 (Worried about consuming alcohol by mistake)
          rooniferd - Day 7 (looking forward to getting to double digits on Wednesday)
          RunningCourage - Day 21
          starfish1- day 7( feeling great and wow I can't believe I am smart enuf to figure out how to add to this list using my IPhone- lol)
          Limonada - Day 11


            Newbies Nest

            Fin - Day 6 (Welcome hyper nova)
            belles - Day 14
            Catbuddy - Day 6 (You and Me, Fin!)
            ALLANKAY - Day 37 (Worried about consuming alcohol by mistake)
            rooniferd - Day 7 (looking forward to getting to double digits on Wednesday)
            RunningCourage - Day 21
            starfish1- day 7( feeling great and wow I can't believe I am smart enuf to figure out how to add to this list using my IPhone- lol)
            Limonada - Day 11
            Nurdl - Day 32 (energetic today Woot)
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              Newbies Nest

              I wonder why it's so easy to forget the horrors that brought us here in the first place?

              11 days after quitting, and nearly a month after I decided that this quit would be "for good" and not just a temporary thing until after I get my year, get pregnant, have a baby, and finish breastfeeding...and I find a little voice in my brain that wants to tell me that eventually...EVENTUALLY I'll be able to pick it up again and things will be OK, even if it's 3 years from now. It's just not true! Things will get horrible again, and FAST! I know it!

              No flavor in the world, no warm fuzzy glow, nothing is worth the guilt and the regret of what follows that maybe-hour of pleasure before there have been too many ounces consumed and the crazy sets in.

              I thought of two more things I will NOT miss about drinking:

              1. Wine-stained lips/teeth

              2. HICCUPS, for the love of Jebus!

              Last night, when I was walking back from the grocery store (I'm lucky, as it's only 2 blocks away), I was walking behind two very young men. One of them was so drunk he could barely walk, and the other kept grabbing onto his arm to stop him from running into people and walls, cursing at him all the while. It creeped me out—like seeing a dead person walking. I got home, and one of my housemates offered me a glass of wine. I said no thanks and reorganized the pantry instead!


                Newbies Nest

                Day 7

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Looks like another busy day in the nest ~ great

                  Hello & welcome AnotherPaul!
                  Glad you decided to join us. If you haven't already be sure to download the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. It's a great way to get started.

                  Welcome back Noodle! What's your plan?

                  Re drinking & smoking dreams.......been there & they sure creeped me out but I think they are good in a way. Made me realize how happy I am to be without those addictions anymore

                  Congrats to everyone for sticking to their plans today ~ you'll never be sorry!
                  Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi all,

                    Settling into the nest at night has become my favorite way to end the day. Here is a shout out to many posts, and each and every one of you touches me.

                    RC - Congratulations! So, so glad you made it. I was on tenderhooks till I got to your post. :yay::band2:

                    Allankay - My second night AF, I had a terrible dream, terrible because I was drinking in it, and when I woke up, I was CONVINCED it had happened the night before. It took me a long while to sort out that it was a dream. Man. Byrdie, is that my AL affected brain actually trying to trip me up? JEBUS.

                    Starfish1 - your post moved me to share a thought I've been having for days. I am so in awe of you guys who are doing this while there is another drinker, typically your mate, in the house. I think you did a smart thing in telling your Dh to get rid of the beers, and it shows love/support that he did so. I'm thanking I don't have that risk around me, and hats off to all of you who deal with it.:goodjob:

                    Limonada - My God, I had the exact same thoughts today. Brief story: Sunday was spent at a child's birthday party at the park, with the all the really neat families I would love to really befriend in my community. There was wine and beer, and I was offered many times to join. I kept sipping water, wishing I could be a part of that relaxing mode, but still chatty and social. The party ended at 5:30pm, and my son and I walked to see where a friend lived (very nearby; our neighborhood is wonderfully small). The couple invited me in for a glass of wine. This was my moment of deep regret, sadness and anger at my situation. Why couldn't I share a glass of wine, and forge that friendship? I declined, spent just a few minutes, and headed home. I thought, you know, I just need to get this out of my system, get rebalanced, and in a few months/years I can accept that glass of wine. Then I voice I REALLY didn't want to hear said no you can't, you will remember why shortly. I think this is a huge danger zone for me - the social acceptance and expectation that we all share wine/food/love of our kids and community. I so want to be a part of all that. There is no denying I am losing something here. BUT BUT BUT. :upset: People deal with much worse losses.

                    AnotherPaul, welcome. I've been here just six days. I hope you find solace or whatever you are looking for. I found a community. :l

                    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                    AF since Oct 2, 2012


                      Newbies Nest

                      MORNING! :hiya:

                      Have a lovely day Nesters - what i am currently calling 'Phewday' for the fact that "Phew, i got through the weekend"... It's Monday, and despite the weekend at work, there is no rest for the wicked as I'm teaching at 08.30am today ... Though currently binging on Lemsips due to a could/cough brewing...

                      Cat - really relate to your story, although in different circumstances. Hmmm,for what it's worth, I think it's no bad thing to break the relation beween AL and 'having a good time' or being a good way to 'getting to know you'. If your decision is to be totally AF, then from what I've read and certainly from the little i have experienced, it does get easier. You WILL find a new Cat-confidence to let your hair down with out the need for AL, you will enjoy meeting and bantering with families and friends new and old AF - indeed likely enjoy it more. Whatever I decide about whether i ever have a drink again, I do think breaking the association with drink and the need and/or expectation to have it on social occasions, or those times where it is suppose to help forge friendships / break the ice, is incredibly important. It's similar to what K9 was saying about changing your environment if any of us were home drinkers (as i was), the moving of the lamp, or the seat, or whatever it is that helps the association of that 'place' and the drinking is really important - breaking the associations and building new AF ones. Well done Cat!

                      Limonada - Yup, i think it is VERY easy to forget the horrors, or the reasons why we come here in the first place. Especially with some of the false-confidence about AL that being AF brings.



                        Newbies Nest

                        RC, you show wisdome beyond your years. I have been extremely shy my entire life. I became a heavy drinker in college to join the social circle, backed way off for many years when alone, but drinking has always been part of how I socialize. Sadly, it is prevalent throughout my environment (even, for gosh sakes, couldn't escape it at a triathalon!). So you are so right; regardless of any other issue, having confidence socially has to come from something other than AL. A way overdue realization for me.

                        Good 'night all.

                        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                        AF since Oct 2, 2012


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning All,

                          We have three more milestoners joining the 7 day club today. So I would like to recognise this major achievement accomplished by Catbuddy, Fin and Mootsbill. I present you with your well deserved moons :moon::moon::moon:

                          Keep riding those waves guys.

                          AF since 1st Sep 2012
                          NF since 1st Sep 2012

                          If you want to feel better visit


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning, all! Day 8 for me, and I'm trucking forward.

                            I was thinking about Einstein's definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I can really relate to those words when it comes to drinking. I don't know how many times I've decided to drink and thought "this time will be different. I will just have a couple. I won't get drunk. I will cut myself off when I've had enough. I will wake up feeling just fine tomorrow."

                            But then you know what happens.....I pull a huge drunk, which turns into a mulit-day bender and a whole bunch of horrible emotions that lasts for days and days....

                            Alcohol is a poison - a bad allergy - whatever you want to call it. But whatever you call it, I know that it turns me into an INSANE person. It's time to face the facts. Every time I drink, I can expect the same results - PURE HELL and MISERY.

                            I hope everyone has a happy, sober Monday. I plan to!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Rooni, I totally agree. As K9 says, it comes to a point when not drinking becomes easier than drinking. What is the point of moderating, even if you can moderate to begin with, when all you think about while consuming that drink is "what shall I drink next"...

                              I remember the times when I set myself a goal of 2 drinks. By the time I finished them I felt absolutely miserable for the rest of the night knowing that I can’t have any more. I feel that now I feel a lot more relaxed knowing that I can’t have any, full stop.

                              BTW, a lot of these quotes are contradictory. Thomas Edison said that I did not fail 10,000 times I found 10,000 ways that do not work. So if he listened to Einstein on his 100th attempt we would not have lights right now.

                              AF since 1st Sep 2012
                              NF since 1st Sep 2012

                              If you want to feel better visit


                                Newbies Nest

                                allankay;1389199 wrote:
                                BTW, a lot of these quotes are contradictory. Thomas Edison said that I did not fail 10,000 times I found 10,000 ways that do not work. So if he listened to Einstein on his 100th attempt we would not have lights right now.
                                Allan, here's how pickled my brain is from alcohol...

                                When I first read that last sentence, I thought, "Oh well maybe I just need to keep trying to moderate instead of giving up!"


