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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    K9, do you do windows? If so, a trip to the east coast is in order. My windows are so nasty they have an R-value.....
    Wicked and Belle!!! GREAT to see you!!!! Thank you for the stories and great words of encouragement! Pull up a twig and 'set a spell' as we glad to see you are thriving!!!
    XO, B!
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Wow -- Hi BelleGirl! I was thinking about you just a few minutes ago while writing that last post. I'm glad you are still here. Seems we are on a similar schedule! Sorry to hear you've had a scary mammogram. That happened to me just before I went on a trip this summer. Thankfully the second one was fine. I know it's hard not to worry but I think it's pretty common -- and yes it is true -- dealing with things sober is definitely better!
      AF since 9/20/2011


        Newbies Nest

        Thank you all for the kind welcome. I will be sure to take some time to go through the tool box. And I'll keep you all posted on my progress as the days pass!
        One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


          Newbies Nest

          Everyone here is so sweet and supportive. It really makes me feel like I "belong" here...

          Truth be told, DESPITE the fact that many of you were echoing the words inside my head, sometimes I've wondered if I *don't* really "belong" here...since I didn't get any physical symptoms from quitting, since the first week WASN'T the hardest for me.

          But I really do. Because you all are the ones that are going to help keep me safe when the cravings do eventually strike. It's very situational for me: sunny afternoons off work, dinners out, holiday feasting.

          The first little while is always pretty easy for me; it's when enough time has passed since my last big, dramatic screw-up that I am in the most danger, that the little drunken mouse-in-a-barrel from the cartoons starts piping up. So I've set up this safety net (safety nest?) for myself, knowing that checking in every day with people who are counting on my being accountable will overrride the temptation when one of my danger days rolls around.

          As an aside, there's an Australian girl at my house this week, who was getting drunk and raucous all weekend, repeating herself, trying to talk over people, making not-so-subtle jabs at people. She's a lovely person sober (and quite beautiful), but too much to handle when drunk. We got to chatting yesterday, when she was only on her first glass of wine; she offered me some, and I declined, telling her that I don't drink anymore.

          "Ever, at all, really?" she asked, looking at me in astonishment.

          "Really," I told her.

          "How long has it been?" she asked.

          "11 days," I told her. We laughed together, because I knew she was expecting a larger number. Then she got thoughtful-looking.

          "How does it feel?" she asked.

          "Really effing good," I told her. The wistfulness in her eyes suggested that meeting an actual fun person, who looks not so far from her own age, who doesn't drink, isn't ashamed of it, and feels good about it maybe set some wheels turning in her head. I'd never push my choices on anyone else, but it feels good to make people think.


            Newbies Nest

            Fin - Day 7
            Daisy - Day 33
            rooniferd - Day 8
            Star- Day 8
            Dottie - Day 8
            Catbuddy - Day 7
            GettingReal - Day 1 (we mistakenly dropped this guy. Be sure to post Roll Call on the most recent one. Make it through today, GettingReal and you're on your way!)
            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

            Go forward boldly and unafraid


              Newbies Nest

              Hey WickedMom! I guess we cross posted...yes we must be on the same schedule! Did I miss your 1 year celebration? Congrats to you! Hope things are going well with your kiddos. I have one that started middle school this year and it is great to be sober and aware of what is going on with him.

     are indeed a legend. When Byrdie talks, we listen. How you find time for everyone here is amazing.

              And a big shout out to Prairie Fairy! Good on're rocking it!:goodjob:

              Alcohol does me no favors.

              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                Newbies Nest

                limonada;1389366 wrote:
                As an aside, there's an Australian girl at my house this week, who was getting drunk and raucous all weekend, repeating herself, trying to talk over people, making not-so-subtle jabs at people. She's a lovely person sober (and quite beautiful), but too much to handle when drunk. We got to chatting yesterday, when she was only on her first glass of wine; she offered me some, and I declined, telling her that I don't drink anymore.

                "Ever, at all, really?" she asked, looking at me in astonishment.

                "Really," I told her.

                "How long has it been?" she asked.

                "11 days," I told her. We laughed together, because I knew she was expecting a larger number. Then she got thoughtful-looking.

                "How does it feel?" she asked.

                "Really effing good," I told her. The wistfulness in her eyes suggested that meeting an actual fun person, who looks not so far from her own age, who doesn't drink, isn't ashamed of it, and feels good about it maybe set some wheels turning in her head. I'd never push my choices on anyone else, but it feels good to make people think.
                Hey Limonada - I think this is so true, really. I mentioned in a previous post about a barman's reaction at my work when i said i wasn't drinking (he scoffed) and then i said i'd been AF for 2 weeks and was really quite enjoying it - he stopped scoffing, his face opened up, a wee smile cracked open and he said "hey man, that's pretty good" in such a way that he was actually respecting that someone might have the gumption to not have to do what every sod expects every other sod to do all the time here (in my work place where students and artists reside - aka a drinkers paradise), i.e. drink.

                By the way - really like the wee script there. Are you a writer, budding or otherwise? Ooooh, anyone want to start a writing group - is that possible on a site such as this?

                Hello everyone else! Hope you are all comfy here.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Fin - Day 7
                  Daisy - Day 33
                  rooniferd - Day 8
                  Star- Day 8
                  Dottie - Day 8
                  Catbuddy - Day 7
                  GettingReal - Day 1
                  RunningCourage - Day 22


                    Newbies Nest

                    Fin - Day 7
                    Daisy - Day 33
                    rooniferd - Day 8
                    Star- Day 8
                    Dottie - Day 8
                    Catbuddy - Day 7
                    GettingReal - Day 1
                    RunningCourage - Day 22
                    Limonada - Day 12


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello hello. Just a little wave. Been reading on and off. Keeping busy head down and still no AL. Did have a dream that I'd drunk a couple and the tought f it may as well start again! Gutted!!! 320-odd days of AF and STILL the devil is there :-(

                      Hope all are strong and happy.


                        Newbies Nest

                        RunningCourage, thanks! I used to write way more than I do...right now, I'm an editor by trade. The creative side of me (writing, painting, super-fancy cooking, etc.) seems to bloom a little bit more when I'm not drinking.

                        The last time I stopped drinking, it came roaring back, and at first I thought, Whoa, I thought that creativity was dead! I thought it was an adolescent thing that died shortly after I left my teens. Then I realized that it died, oh, right around 22-23, right about the time I started really drinking! Talk about putting two-and-two together!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning nesters,
                          Sorry, still getting my head around names, and quite a few have posted in the last day. Love reading all your stories and snippets of inspiration. Got through day one, sat here looking a wee bit shell shocked, 11.30 and still in my jim jams, however managed to get washed and changed before bed for the first time in many months (terrible eh? :H).
                          Still feel quite ill, queezy and bloated, but that's no suprise. I reckon I'll take the dog out for some freah air and clear my head. Got 'drinks' tonight for a friends birthday, have cranberry juice and excuses planned of a dicky tummy, so wish me luck.
                          Have a lovely day everyone, I'll check in later :h


                            Newbies Nest

                            I see my name in the roll call but I guess some nice person added do I add myself..looked for the directions but cant seem to find them....
                            Thanks all

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Fin - Day 7
                              Daisy - Day 33
                              rooniferd - Day 8
                              Star- Day 8
                              Dottie - Day 8
                              Catbuddy - Day 7
                              GettingReal - Day 1
                              RunningCourage - Day 22
                              Limonada - Day 12
                              AllanKay - Day 38 (wow we have an exciting group!)
                              AF since 1st Sep 2012
                              NF since 1st Sep 2012

                              If you want to feel better visit


                                Newbies Nest

                                Dottie, I just copied and pasted the roll call from the last person. However, you can also click quote (on the right hand side) delete unnecessary info and add your day count.

                                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                                If you want to feel better visit

