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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    instructions on posting to Roll Call

    Dottie Belle;1389442 wrote: I see my name in the roll call but I guess some nice person added do I add myself..looked for the directions but cant seem to find them....
    Thanks all
    Dottie, see: For instructions on posting to Roll Call, see, directions below in my signature block...right below this sentence.
    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

    Go forward boldly and unafraid


      Newbies Nest

      Fin - Day 7
      Daisy - Day 33
      rooniferd - Day 8
      Star- Day 8
      Dottie - Day 8
      Catbuddy - Day 7
      GettingReal - Day 1
      RunningCourage - Day 22
      Limonada - Day 12
      Nurdl - Day 33
      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


        Newbies Nest

        Great job, Nesters!
        I was watching the news tonight and Mitt Romney stole my line! "Hope is not a strategy?" I wonder if he's on this board somewhere??? bahahah... Settle in and be strong! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Fin..tomorrow I will see if I can follow directions....;-))

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            Are they giving something away free around here??
            I've just skimmed thru 6 pages of posts for today - GEEZ :H :H

            I just want to say hello & congrats to everyone conquering Monday AF and I want to know when K9 can come work for me???? :H You have an amazing amount of energy woman

            Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest!
            I just hope Tuesday is half this exciting!!!!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              End of Day 7. I could never had done this without you. So many times the thought of more than one day AF was beyond me. It is getting easier, and I know from reading posts, it will suddenly get harder again. But for now, I am in a place beyond that hopelessness of Day 0.


              "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

              AF since Oct 2, 2012


                Newbies Nest


                "Day 23 in the Big Sober House and it's pretty quiet with only a few of the housemates stirring. Catbuddy's been up a while. She's visited the diary room and said thanks to Big Sober for getting her this far. Meanwhile RunningCourage has coughed and stirred, and is looking out into the bleary darkness debating whether he should go for a run around the Big Sober house, or stay in bed.

                Lavande stirs but quietly rolls back over and returns to sleep. As does Allan and Byrdie, Lolab, Daisy, Prairie and Roonie. But not all in the same bed. K9 lies knackered, strewn horizontal across her bed having completed all the tasks Big Sober gave her. Big Sober is impressed with her fortitude. They have had a busy day with some visitors popping in, including WickedMom and BelleGirl.

                It's early in the evening for Noodles as she prepares for the birthday party. She's looks, perhaps, a little apprehensive, but is, inside, incredibly strong. Fin has been supporting her silently, sitting on the settee with his pad and pen keeping a check of everyone's roll call. Dottie has been with him learning how to add her name to the roll call.

                Limonada, having re-found her creative writing abilities, sits opposite Fin and Dottie. Big Sober has instructed her to continue to develop these natural gifts for the entertainment of the rest of her housemates. Star, meanwhile, has been sharing her expertise and experience with her other house mates.

                Day 23 in the Big Sober House..."

                For those of you in the UK, try saying the above in the accent of the Big Brother voice over man - Marcus Bentley. I was hoping to add more humour, but it's still too early!

                Have a great day in the hoose, nesters



                  Newbies Nest

                  Holy crap! My crazy landlady just made it so that we pretty much HAVE TO leave where we are living in the next couple of days. OK, I've got my first stress-craving. Could really use some red wine right about now. But I won't. No, I won't. I've got an apartment to look at in 12 hours, and the last thing I need is a hangover.


                    Newbies Nest

                    limonada;1389538 wrote: Holy crap! My crazy landlady just made it so that we pretty much HAVE TO leave where we are living in the next couple of days. OK, I've got my first stress-craving. Could really use some red wine right about now. But I won't. No, I won't. I've got an apartment to look at in 12 hours, and the last thing I need is a hangover.
                    Hey - why not write through it? Write it all down, turn it into a script and post it here

                    Limonada, I know you'll be get through it. Crazy landlady or no crazy landlady, the most important thing just now is you. Yer landlady can fume and fluster and be a little crazy, but she aint gonna fluster you.



                      Newbies Nest

                      Great Big Sober update RC -love it!
                      Catbuddy well done - your first week - yeeha!
                      Limonada - you never know, the next place could be even better. Stay positive and let us know where you're heading. With such an unpredictable landlady, I say better now than say, Christmas. Good Luck!
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        A milder 50 degrees here yhis morning with a light rain ~ not bad!

                        RC, thanks, I did roll over & didn't get up until 7:15 - woo hoo

                        Limon, DO NOT PANIC!
                        Shit happens to all of us every single day & there's no need whatsoever to drink over it
                        I didn't choose to drink when my crazy husband of 37 years ran out on me a full year after I stopped drinking. I realized he had always been an unhappy person, it was his problem & his choice.

                        Great to see everyone checking in early. Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Catbuddy;1389519 wrote: End of Day 7. I could never had done this without you. So many times the thought of more than one day AF was beyond me. It is getting easier, and I know from reading posts, it will suddenly get harder again. But for now, I am in a place beyond that hopelessness of Day 0.


                          Whoa, you said it. I don't know why but after 7 days, last night was brutal. Call it a Monday, or something. I didn't sleep all that well either. This is all so precarious, but I'm so grateful again to be able to look back to last night and know I didn't cave. I mean, I have to post roll call for cryin' out loud!
                          Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                          Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                          Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                          Go forward boldly and unafraid


                            Newbies Nest

                            Roll Call for Oct 9th, 2012

                            Fin - Day 8 (chasing 8 more now. Join me.)
                            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                            Go forward boldly and unafraid


                              Newbies Nest

                              Fin - Day 8 (chasing 8 more now. Join me.)
                              rooniferd - Day 9 (looking forward to double digits tomorrow)


                                Newbies Nest

                                morning! cat and fin, I love the way you're looking at this - and can so very clearly remember the way that you are feeling.

                                sorry for the short post - my head is feeling very fuzzy this morning....the onset of really cold mornings and heat on in the house - all kind of gets to me. I better go do something to snap out of it!

                                It's funny - when I was drinking I used to spend a lot of time thinking about my own mortality. Like it was inevitable...well, it is, I guess - but - I thought about it so much - that I was constantly doing something (drinking) that was so very bad for me. It was probably more when I was recovering from drinking than when I was actively drinking but by the end, there wasn't really a distinct line between the two...:-(

                                But I thought I was drinking to escape these awful thoughts of getting older and a feeling of confusion and loss as to what the next stage of my life will be as - my "younger" days are behind me more small children...empty nest looming in the not too distant future...

                                It turns out that while those thoughts can still bring me down - and make me sad - IF I really really try and FOCUS on them - but in reality - I just don't tend to dwell on them now without alcohol in the picture....It's just a natural progression for the world to look much brighter without the depressive effects of alcohol....I just see things differently now than I did then.

                                I hope that made sense. maybe I need another cup of coffee...:-) fuzzy, fuzzy...

                                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011

