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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Here's an experiment -- I've attached a URL to a little song for you all, Landslide. Seems fitting for where we are in our respective "quits".

    I'm mando. Buddies on guitar and bass. Guitar player's wife singing. She's pretty good, I think.
    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

    Go forward boldly and unafraid


      Newbies Nest

      Roll Call Oct 9th, 2012

      Fin - Day 8 (chasing 8 more now. Join me.)
      rooniferd - Day 9 (looking forward to double digits tomorrow)
      nurdl - Day 34 (woot!)
      Star- Day 9 (glad to be here)
      AllanKay - Day 39 (just discovered "The biggest Loser", loving it )
      Dottie Day 9 (Yep roon 10 days is a little scary)
      Daisy - Day 34
      K9Lover - Day 288

      Fixing Roll Call - Make sure you "Quote" the last one in the thread so we don't drop folks.
      Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
      Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

      Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

      Go forward boldly and unafraid


        Newbies Nest

        Fin - Day 8 (chasing 8 more now. Join me.)
        rooniferd - Day 9 (looking forward to double digits tomorrow)
        nurdl - Day 34 (woot!)
        Star- Day 9 (glad to be here)
        AllanKay - Day 39 (just discovered "The biggest Loser", loving it )
        Dottie Day 9 (Yep roon 10 days is a little scary)
        Daisy - Day 34
        K9Lover - Day 288
        GettingReal - Day 2

        Fixing Roll Call - Make sure you "Quote" the last one in the thread so we don't drop folks.


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Fin,

          What does make sure you quote the last one in the thread mean? I thought you took out both quotes at each end of the latest roll call added your name and days and then clicked on submit reply. Sorry to be a dork but clear that up for me roll call master. You rock by the way.
          we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


            Newbies Nest

            Fin - Day 8 (chasing 8 more now. Join me.)
            rooniferd - Day 9 (looking forward to double digits tomorrow)
            nurdl - Day 34 (woot!)
            Star- Day 9 (glad to be here)
            AllanKay - Day 39 (just discovered "The biggest Loser", loving it )
            Dottie Day 9 (Yep roon 10 days is a little scary)
            Daisy - Day 34
            K9Lover - Day 288
            GettingReal - Day 2
            Catbuddy - Day 8 (joining Fin!)

            Fixing Roll Call - Make sure you "Quote" the last one in the thread so we don't drop folks.
            "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

            AF since Oct 2, 2012


              Newbies Nest

              nurdl;1389747 wrote: Hey Fin,

              What does make sure you quote the last one in the thread mean? I thought you took out both quotes at each end of the latest roll call added your name and days and then clicked on submit reply. Sorry to be a dork but clear that up for me roll call master. You rock by the way.
              Hi Nurdl - you rock yourself! By "last thread" I mean the last post...the Roll Call closest to the top of the page as it will be the most recent and have all the previous names listed. If you quote a Roll Call that is deeper down in the page, you'll likely drop someone who posted to a later Roll Call. Anyway, you did it right. K9 needed to be fixed, but she's learning all the time from what I can gather. Ha!
              Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
              Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

              Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

              Go forward boldly and unafraid


                Newbies Nest

                Nurdl clears hurdle and learns to post days! Bahaha...I'm afraid to learn something new as my memory is full. Something's liable to fall out the back (that I need).

                Fin, that song was EPIC!!! Great job on the mandolin! Dang we have a lot of talent right here in this nest! A playwrite, a musician, a comidian! That song does have a lot of meaning when you apply it to us and our journey's. I was afraid of changes, too....what I didn't know, was it was the best change I've ever made. I thought it was easier to drink, and in some ways it was...but now it's easier not to. I know it is HARD as can be now...but the goal and the prize really are worth the efforts. I looked down at my watch last night and it was 7 o'clock...and I hadn't thought of AL....THAT's a good feeling. My 5 o'clock had turned to drunk hours outnumbering my sober ones. What a way to live...actually, what a way to die. Thank heaven above I found this place, and all these wonderful people (Lav, you know who you are).

                K9, next time you make cupcakes, hollow out the center with an small ice cream scoop and fill with peanut M&M's and then frost them. You will be considered a geenyus from here on out when it comes to baking. :H

                Stay strong...everyone is doing GREAT! It gets easier!! Don't feed the Beast! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone,

                  I had ten days AF and then, over some hurt feelings, went out on a three day bender, ending in the wee hours of this morning. Back to square one again. Feeling like death warmed over, so horrible and so demoralized. . I was a chronic relapser for years, then managed to get two years together a couple of years ago. Since then it's been a losing battle. I'm not bouncing back like I used to. It's really taking its toll.

                  I feel scared and keep remembering something someone in AA once told me: maybe death is my 'bottom' and that I may be one of those who never gets it. I pray that's not true. Is this site open 24/7? I should have talked to someone here first. It's such a relief to talk openly about what's going on, even the failulres. Thanks for being here eveyone.
                  AF since 12/2/12


                    Newbies Nest

                    Almost free...looky here, every single one of us have had more than one Day 1's....if it was so easy to do, there wouldn't be AA's and online support groups...this is hard to do! Most of us tried and tried, until, as K9 says, drinking was more trouble than staying sober...the cycle of it all! Dust yourself off, and settle in with us...we have folks in ALL stages of their quit...please read back a couple weeks and get to know you know, it only takes a couple of AF days to feel 100% better, and see there is hope for the future! You can do it...we can help! Welcome! B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      does sobriety bring clumsiness??? I made a totally wrong turn yesterday and today i seem to be dropping most things I pick up...just wondering???

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        trying to stay strong

                        Thanks Byrd for your encouraging words. I remember another word of wisdom that I believe also came from K9: that a craving never lasts as long as a hangover. True, but unfortunately on day one the craving for alcohol just never seems to let go. Especially when it's the quickest fix for the shakes.

                        I think I will go drink some lemon water and take some niacin. Maybe even drink some of that horrible green drink. Anything to feel better. I just need to get through today. Thanks everyone for your support. And for those of you who pray, please include me in your prayers. I can use all the help I can get, from whatever source. Bless you all.
                        AF since 12/2/12


                          Newbies Nest

                          Almost free...keep your tummy FULL and have some sweet treats, it helps curb the cravings...dig your heels in today and don't give in no matter what and no matter who! Won't it be great to never have to do this again? Hang on tight!! B
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Day 23 in the Big Sober House cont'd

                            "It's 18:06 in the Big Sober House. Rooni's in the living room looking at Rooni's fingers, counting them. Tomorrow, Rooni will have as many AF days as Rooni has fingers. Limonada lies, relaxed, content beside Rooni, relaxing.

                            The other housemates have had a busy day. Allan has been in the boy's room praciticing his moonies for all those who hit 7 days AF, while Byrdie has been at the kitchen table much of the day knitting new exotic hats for the 30day'ers. Inspired by K9's activity through the weekend, Byrdie and K9 have been sticking staging posts around the Big Sober House's Big Sober Garden: Day 1; Day 3; Day 5; Day 7; Day 13; Day 20...30...

                            It's a big garden.

                            But then it has to be. Lav's chickens live there. Lav' has a lot of chickens.

                            Lola and Belle have remained in the girls room for feeling a little bit fuzzy. They have entertained themselves with their own rendition of Elton John's 'Your Song'...
                            "It’s a little bit fuzzy this feeling inside
                            The day I got sober I stopped trying to hide
                            I don’t have much money but that soon will end
                            Cause I wont buy booze, so more cash to spend...."
                            Years go and with a few bottles of wine down her gullet, Lola would have been depressed at such sentimental songs and begin to think of negative, however, she can only cry tears of laughter singing her and Belle's rendition of old Elton 'schmultzy-pants' John's songs.

                            Nurdl and Fin have been sitting on the roof. Fin teaching Nurdl, as he earlier taught Dottie, how to use his Roll Call.

                            As for RunningCourage, he's been on the phone all day to Angelina Jolie's bitch of an agent to see if she would consider playing the part of Star when the Big Sober House comes out as a movie. Aparently AJ's real nice. Her angent aint. Star has been oblivious to RunningC's phone calls and his very animated arguments on the phone with the agent. But then Star can't see so well right now...

                            "It's a little bit fuzzy..."


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks Byrd. Will do. Yes, how great it would be to never have another 'morning after' experience. To not wake up counting the hours until the liquor store opens to get something to knock down the shakes. And to then start the hellish process all over again. God, what is it going to take?! I pray, with all your help that sobriety will finally happen for me again and I will be truly free, instead of almost free.
                              AF since 12/2/12


                                Newbies Nest

                                RC- where have you been all our lives? :H How have we managed all this time without your running script?? Maybe that's been the problem all along - we needed you to tell us how to act Thanks for the laughs- you are hilarious!

                                Hi Almost Free and welcome to the nest! :welcome: I know exactly how you feel and it DOES get better ? you know that! You experienced that for 2 years and you can do it again. I pray. Let?s pray for each other :l




                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

