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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Patrick and Honeysoup, :hallo: lovely to meet you (so to speak!)

    Patrick - that's one of my favourite Oirish names. Honeysoup... that's got to be now one of my favourite names on this site. . Honeysoup, I think Lola's question about how did you feel during your AF time is a good one. I'm new here since you were last on, so not an expert and still learning the ropes, but I sense you have a history to look back on. My wee cent would be to look back at it, try to work out what's worked, and also what the triggers are, understanding why it is so difficult to not just have the one or 2 glasses. What changes / changed for you during your 35 AF period?



      Newbies Nest

      Hi Honey! Good to see you again!

      I agree with Lola, only YOU can decide if you want to stop. The daily struggle of "Should I or shouldn't I?" became so tiring for me. I finally quit when drinking became harder than not drinking. You are NOT a bad person, you are just at a crossroads in your life where you are trying to decide what's best for you. The fact that you are here speaks to the fact that somewhere deep inside you think it's a problem. Nobody can tell you that, it comes from within. We're here for you, whatever you decide.

      Hi Everyone! Just popping in to see what's going on. Hope you all have a great day and stay strong.

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        RC, Mama, Starfish, Lav, Stumpy and Nurdl. Thank you all for taking the time to answer my post last night; I got myself so upset over it all. But, I am so glad I let it out here. Believe it or not, you helped - a lot! Thank you all; I don't care whether we can see one another or not, I can feel your personalities through your posts and was so grateful for that last night - you wise, experienced, sensitive, caring bunch! Thanks again!
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Daisy, I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. If you ever feel like talking, feel free to PM me. I've been there and made it through that storm.
          AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
          AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
          STUMPY IS A LADY!


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks Stumpy
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Newbies Nest

              Oh, Daisy! So glad to hear from you! I have been thinking about you all day and saying little prayers for you. You are one special lady and we are glad to try to help out at any time :l




              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                Newbies Nest

                RC, I have some exciting news. I did my first 5k today and achieved a time of 29m43s. It was in a gym at 1% incline. I was so proud of myself... 41 days ago I drank and smoked, today I have completed a 5k. I couldn’t do it nonstop so I had 3 x 1 minute walk breaks and run the rest at about 12kph.


                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                If you want to feel better visit


                  Newbies Nest

                  thanks for checking in Daisy...I'm glad you're all right...:l

                  oh Allan - I'm not RC - but I am so proud of you! That's fantastic! Just look how quickly and drastically your life has changed....I'm so glad you're a part of this group....your enthusiasm is infectious. :goodjob:

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thank you Lola for the encouraging words. I have a lot more time on my hands now and decided to fill it with gym, cycling and swimming.

                    It’s incredible how resilient our bodies are. When I tried to run my first mile at the beginning of September I had to stop a few time and catch my breath. Now I do it under 8 minutes. I lost 5 pounds. Why on earth would I exchange this for a drink???

                    I still have issues with people that frown upon you not drinking. Especially the ones that want to be clever and announce it to the whole group “this guy is weird he is not drinking but how about we have a round of ‘xxxx’”. This really upsets me.

                    AF since 1st Sep 2012
                    NF since 1st Sep 2012

                    If you want to feel better visit


                      Newbies Nest

                      allankay;1390927 wrote: RC, I have some exciting news. I did my first 5k today and achieved a time of 29m43s. It was in a gym at 1% incline. I was so proud of myself... 41 days ago I drank and smoked, today I have completed a 5k. I couldn?t do it nonstop so I had 3 x 1 minute walk breaks and run the rest at about 12kph.


                      :woot: :woot: YEUS!! Way to go Allan. That is brilliant. Really, it is. I don't know about you but when I was both smoking and drinking, although I did some 'exercise', there were no goals and I only did what i felt like doing. I NEVER did a 5K in the gym (or anywhere for that matter) prior to giving up smoking. Just couldn't. But i do think the health/exercise kick becomes infectious...

                      I often wonder whether those with addictive personalities or addictive tendencies, who have succumbed to drink or drugs and the like, could actually re-wire their brain to become addicted to something a little more healthy. I think they can. In fact i think those with addictive personality types (surely quite a few of us here?!) are those who can better succeed, once on the right path, in healthy lifestyle choices (like a former alcoholic becoming AF) than those who don't have the wirings of an addict.

                      But then I'm not a psychologist nor a psychiatrist. These are just little musings i have as I run in the evening rain.

                      Anyway Allan - back to you! :woot: :woot: again. Keep it up sir!



                        Newbies Nest

                        Day 25 in the Big Sober House cont'd

                        Day 25 in the Big Sober House and Star has been called to the diary room.

                        BIG SOBER: Hello Star

                        STAR: Hiya Big Sobos. How you doin'? Like, I totally knew you were going to call me in here -

                        BIG SOBER: Really, Star?

                        STAR: Yeah, totally knew. Like, because I was taking the piss out of another Sober housemate and I reckon you'd be like pissed off that i'd taken the piss out of another housemate. See? Like -

                        BIG SOBER: Hmmmm

                        STAR: So like, what are you going to do to me? Punish me? Spank me? Whip me?

                        BIG SOBER: Well, now that you mention... -

                        STAR: Can i choose who does it? Like, like...ehm... I KNOW! G-Bloke! Let him do it! Will you? Please? Let G-Bloke punish me? I'll be, like, SOOO good, if you let the G whip me. PLEEEAAASSEEEE?

                        BIG SOBER: (silence)

                        STAR: Pretty please?

                        BIG SOBER: (silence)

                        STAR: Pretty, PRETTY, please?

                        BIG SOBER: Ehm.... No.

                        STAR: Like, WHY?!?!

                        BIG SOBER: Star, the reason you have been called to the Diary Room is to commend you on your 11th AF day -

                        STAR: Thank you, but -

                        BIG SOBER: Let me finish, please Star.

                        STAR: Sorry -

                        BIG SOBER: And for showing your support and compassion to other forum members.

                        STAR: Oh... Gee... thanks... ehm, but we ALL support each other.

                        BIG SOBER: I know. And tonight I'm thanking you.

                        STAR: Wow. Thanks.

                        BIG SOBER: Yes, and everyone who gets a Sober thanks get's a special present from Big Sober.

                        STAR: Like Byrdie's hats and Allan's moonies?

                        BIG SOBER: Yes.

                        STAR: So, like what's me thanks, like?

                        BIG SOBER: Here they are:


                        STAR: Excuse me?

                        BIG SOBER: These are my thanks pants. I was going to make some thanxs spanxs but there were no icons for such things.

                        STAR: Like... thanks.

                        BIG SOBER: You may leave the diary room, Star.

                        Meanwhile back in the living room a crowd have gathered around Allan who has just returned from a work out.

                        LAV: Wow. It's amazing how buff he is after just one visit to the gym. Oooh, if i could get my hands on you Allan, I'd -

                        LOLA: Lav - that's Patrick.

                        LAV: Oh.

                        LOLA: He's new, remember?

                        LAV: Of course i remember. It's no me memory I've lost, but me glasses. How was your workout Allan?

                        ALLAN: It was -

                        LAV: Excellent!

                        The Big Sober phone rings.

                        K9: Hello?

                        BYRDIE: Hi! It's Byrdie. Just calling to say Hi! ... BYE!


                          Newbies Nest

                          oh I am so twisted...I've read it over 3 times and burst out laughing each time again..."I KNOW! G-Bloke! Let him do it! Will you? Please? Let G-Bloke punish me? I'll be, like, SOOO good, if you let the G whip me. PLEEEAAASSEEEE?":H:H:H

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            RUN RUN RUN

                            RunningCourage;1390947 wrote: :woot: :woot: YEUS!! Way to go Allan. That is brilliant. Really, it is. I don't know about you but when I was both smoking and drinking, although I did some 'exercise', there were no goals and I only did what i felt like doing. I NEVER did a 5K in the gym (or anywhere for that matter) prior to giving up smoking. Just couldn't. But i do think the health/exercise kick becomes infectious...

                            I often wonder whether those with addictive personalities or addictive tendencies, who have succumbed to drink or drugs and the like, could actually re-wire their brain to become addicted to something a little more healthy. I think they can. In fact i think those with addictive personality types (surely quite a few of us here?!) are those who can better succeed, once on the right path, in healthy lifestyle choices (like a former alcoholic becoming AF) than those who don't have the wirings of an addict.

                            But then I'm not a psychologist nor a psychiatrist. These are just little musings i have as I run in the evening rain.

                            Anyway Allan - back to you! :woot: :woot: again. Keep it up sir!

                            Hey Allan and RC (and Fin, and all the other runners),

                            Allan, congratulations! It is amazing progress in so short a time, especially since you smoked. Now try an outdoor 5k with other people - you will be amazed at how energizing and exciting it is, and the chatter afterward is about the sport & positive things toward your AF commitment. And I'm betting many of us are competitive, no?

                            RC, I definitely believe that addictive personalities can adopt healthier addictions. I have a good friend I meant when I started distance running. He is an ultrarunner - usually competes 75-100 mile races. He also trains others to share in his joy. Now is a recovered AL and drug abuser; he jokes that whole years are not part of his memory. Now, he just spends a ton of time on trails, connects with others who tag along and learn from him, and generally has a smile for all. Yep, rewired.

                            He taught me something during a run that he learned from another ultra runner. "She said, don't hold on to the pain during a run; it will pass. Don't hold on to the flow too hard; it will pass. Both good and bad will happen on this run. Just ride it out." Seems a mantra for us here as well.

                            Anyone read "Born to Run?" Inspiring, entertaining and education read for all runners.

                            "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                            AF since Oct 2, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              Catbuddy;1390964 wrote: "She said, don't hold on to the pain during a run; it will pass. Don't hold on to the flow too hard; it will pass. Both good and bad will happen on this run. Just ride it out." Seems a mantra for us here as well.
                              Cat - i am gonna use that! Love it... Thanks bud.



                                Newbies Nest


                                I'm so psyched for you. Running is a fantastic outlet. While I don't do it for the hours on end I use to, I have found other obsessions to fill the void - namely the mandolin, CrossFit, etc, etc. Did someone say addictive personality? That's me for sure.

                                I wish we could post bigger pictures. I'll just post one in my DropBox. Check out this face of addition:

                                I look royally psychotic! I was ready to be done with this race. This was taken on Pikes Peak (8/21/10) at about mi. 10 with 3.5 to go?all the way to 14,115 feet (8k vertical delta from starting line). Felt great, but man that's a big hill!

                                Go Cat, Allan, RC and the rest of the crew. Find your new hill.

                                Be good,
                                Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                                Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                                Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                                Go forward boldly and unafraid

