hahaha Lav...I've seen you use that many times in other threads but always felt funny about asking to whom you were referring....I wish I'd asked sooner - that really made me giggle. :-)
No announcement yet.
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Newbies Nest
hahaha Lav...I've seen you use that many times in other threads but always felt funny about asking to whom you were referring....I wish I'd asked sooner - that really made me giggle. :-)~
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011
Newbies Nest
Lola, I thought it was Yard Bird....like Stella....
Newbies Nest
Morning peeps,
Allan- you rock! I wish I could run. Last Spring, I joined a ?couch to 5K program? at work and didn?t last too long. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. Basically, I guess you could say I injured myself trying to ?get up off the couch?uch:
Limonada- Awesome work, girl! We knew you could do it! Heck you are giving K9 a run for the money in the ? home accomplishments? department. :goodjob:
Hitting 40- Looks like you are really beginning to see the benefits of the sober life. Ain?t it grand? Just keep up that gratitude list. It really helps.
Lolab- Sure hope you feel better soon. I, too have had allergy problems for the past couple weeks and it is no fun! :upset:
Nurse Lav- glad YB is doing better. You take care of yourself, too. Those men are usually very demanding when they are down. I know caring for him will really take a toll on you, if you let it. Of course you are used to caring for ?young?uns? so I guess you know what to do with a ?big un?. I guess it's good at least that this happened after "mowing season" - otherwise he'd of been completely useless (No?) :lame:
Byrdie- so glad to have you back in the nest. We can?t do without you for long! :l
Happy Friday Everyone!
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
Newbies Nest
Thank you Byrdlady, I'm hanging in there it's not as hard as I thought. I'm still very tired but I don't think that has to do being AF.AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
Newbies Nest
stumpy;1391272 wrote: Thank you Byrdlady, I'm hanging in there it's not as hard as I thought. I'm still very tired but I don't think that has to do being AF.
I, too, am really tired, so tired that throughout the day I'm waiting to get home so I can go back to bed. I have been thinking for me it coincides with giving up AL, so I upped the supplements. I'm adding more B-12, L-Glutamine and a new one recommended by RC, CoQ10. I'll post back how it goes. I hope you get your energy back soon, and that you can rest up this weekend.
Catbuddy"It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie
AF since Oct 2, 2012
Newbies Nest
Hello everyone. I've posted over in the meds forum (started Antabuse last week), but haven't posted other than that.
So 'Hi'
Day 10 for me.
Getting used to filling my evenings with other activities and waking up clear-headed. I'm also getting used to feeling emotional highs and lows in full. No numbing out.
Newbies Nest
Hi Catbuddy, I'm so tired and wide awake at night so no sleep or maybe 10 good hours of sleep in a span of 6 nights, it stinks. I think it might have to do with the change of life ( sorry guys) but it's a fact of life lol. I hope it passes, it works well with not drinking, as I'm to tired to think about AL right now. I take B-100, B-12, a multi and a D3 everyday. I was giving a sleeping aide by my Dr. I'm too scared to take it lol.AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
Newbies Nest
:cheering::cheering: Happy Friday everyone!!! :cheering::cheering:
A huge hello to all the newbies that are just joining us...we're glad to have you here! Stay close over the weekend, especially when the cravings hit. Remember, a craving will never last as long as a hangover...so ride it out!
The Big Sober House Saga is cracking me up!! PF - Thanks for the hilarity...keep it going... I'm looking foward to the next episode!
Lav - LOL @ YB...I had no idea what that was either, but now it makes perfect sense! Give Stella a huge hug and kiss for me!
Speakin' of critters, my nephew brought in a huge preying mantis last night and wanted to keep it in a cage...I said Hell NO, not because it scared me or anything, but because I am against putting ANY animal in a prison. We took it outside and put it on a plant and he goes "I really hope I can find it again..." and he looked all sad. I said "Oh please, you act like I'm kicking your puppy, get over it". I'm SO nice. LOL
Well I guess I better go pretend to work...but I'll be back later in the day. Hope ya'll have a great weekend and kick the Beast to the curb!
K9:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Newbies Nest
stumpy;1391287 wrote: Hi Catbuddy, I'm so tired and wide awake at night so no sleep or maybe 10 good hours of sleep in a span of 6 nights, it stinks. I think it might have to do with the change of life ( sorry guys) but it's a fact of life lol. I hope it passes, it works well with not drinking, as I'm to tired to think about AL right now. I take B-100, B-12, a multi and a D3 everyday. I was giving a sleeping aide by my Dr. I'm too scared to take it lol.
Mmmm, we have a lot in common. I have been dealing with *change of life* for 3 years now. I'm sure others on this forum have even more to share, but here goes.
There are ways to ease this. I stayed away from soy, as I have a low thyroid issue. I tried Vitex, which balances female hormones; worked very well for a time. But my best success has come from accupunture and chinese herbs. That eliminated both hot flashes and the night sweats completely. Whew!
So, I still had insomnia but I was drinking heavily. Once I stopped 11 days ago and added Calm Forte at night, I am sleeping like the dead. Since you've already gone AF free, have you tried Calm Forte? Also, I fall asleep with the hypno CDs.
I feel your frustration, it is awful to need sleep and not get it. My two cents - if you need to break the cycle now, try the sleeping pills. I used ambien with no ill effects in the past.
Good luck, and good sleep. :l
Cat"It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie
AF since Oct 2, 2012
Newbies Nest
Dottie Belle;1391282 wrote: M I am on day 12 and having the same emotional highs and lows and they are hard to deal with at times..I am trying meditation but not sure what else to do..
Where is the Meds forum..I want to see what other folks are using to help with cravings etc...
And I'm not doing anything about the feelings, just waiting them out. I'm sure I should try something else..... soon maybe.
How is meditation working?
P.S. :goodjob: on day 12!
Newbies Nest
I don't know if I'm having hilarity today.
Dang SO....he has a job really close to my house...so sometimes on the long stretch between our weekends we sneak to my house for "LUNCH". There have been no lunch dates...life has been off the chain. He has his the weekend....and OMG. That means he either pulls off "LUNCH" in the next hour or I'm going to have been cut-off for a whole week and a half.
I might die.
Look it up. I'm sure someone has.
I mean died without ....LUNCH.
It always cracks me up on the other thread you guys joke about eating your greens and I'm sitting here snickering - as long as Prairie gets to eat LUNCH - ya'll eat your greens.
Well Prairie has been lunch free long enough.
And I don't think it's going to be well received if I call one of the people who work with him to tell him its time he take lunch. Nope. That will get me on the NO LUNCH plan for sure.
Sadly. It's not like ordering delivery.That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
AF - August 20, 2012
Newbies Nest
I haven't had LUNCH in like 4 years. You get no sympathy from me. LOL:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Newbies Nest
Hey guys,
In response to Michelle's question / observation (and Cat's and probably the majority of us), my past energy level at night has been on the low end as well. Not having access to all that IPA sugar is definitely noticeable. Like Cat, I also started a B-12, L-Glutamine regiment. I also got some milk thistle. I think the B-12 is definitely helping as last night I felt really good.
We went to my boy's elementary school for an outdoor fall carnival and fund raiser. Normally I would have dropped 2 or 3 IPA primers before even leaving the house before such an outing. And this is REALLY bad...I'd even sometimes put a 4th in my bike water bottle to keep the buzz going once at the event. God, that's so horrible.
Anyway, I was so happy to be 100% in the moment and present with my whole crew last night at this event. I can't begin to explain how awesome if felt to be rid of all the shame. I was also more vs. less confident reaching out to other parents there. Crazy. The night sky was clear and warm and now at Day 11 it is oh so clear to me That:
This is Worth Working for...Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
Goal In Progress...1 YEAR
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- Visit https://www.mywayout.org/community/sh...Nest-Roll-Call / copy & paste the existing names into a new post (+ Reply to Thread button upper left of forum page) and add your Name - Days
Go forward boldly and unafraid
Newbies Nest
I knew I wasn't getting any sympathy from K-9. I won't be getting any sympathy from him either.
All this people don't really understand the requirements for a balanced daily diet. Really. A girl's got to eat. This skipping meals is a bad bad thing.That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
AF - August 20, 2012