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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Tales of Woe to Share..Top this if you can!

    :H:HMorning in the Nest!

    All well here for this little Chicken! (Just kids keeping me sleep deprived-but easier to deal with when no hangover also!)

    Yay its the weekend!!!
    Fernanda sorry to hear you are having a rocky time of it. I tend to sleep in makeup if I pass out! Perhaps we could all give eachother our funniest/worst day after scenarios (just to show that we all do it)!
    I'll start:

    Was going out to a rock concert with hubby & friends one night about 5 years ago (pre-kids), decided to start drinking wine at about 2pm in the arvo. Downed quite a bit and then all went to the show later that evening. At the Pub started to feel seedy and unwell...thought "oops, too much wine". Started to get definate stomache cramps and desire to get to toilet ASAP. Sought out toilets (now strangely sober all of a sudden)!
    UGHHHH the line to the toilet is a mile long and I am swaying... not sure if want to throw up or do Number 2's!!! So sober now it aint funny..just painful!
    Manage to survive the rest of the concert by getting fresh air and staying near the toilets.
    Go home and fall into bed with heachache froom wine and still VERY unwell!
    Now here is the sad sad sad bit! Wake up and run to the toilet in middle of night..can't decide which bit to hang over the toilet,decide that I don't care.....!Not a pretty sight when it comes out both ends at once LOL.
    Manage to clean it up and then stagger into the shower as I am a true mess. Sit there under the hot water for.......lost track of time!! At some point in the early hours I stumble back to bed (hubby remains oblivious to my torture) Am thinking that I might truelly be dying I wake him or just perish in my own miserable mess?

    Hubby gets up & goes to work next morning and still doesn't realise his dear wife is so not healthy.
    I wake up some hours later and shock horror and absolute disgust..find I have messed the bed!! Still feeling so bad that I am seriously worried about self..clean up mess and self and fall back into bed thinking dark thoughts about self!
    When it continues for another 24/48 hours realise with some 'morbid satisfaction' that I actually have gastro ontop of the hangover!!! End up resembling limp dishrag a few days later....rarely drink wine anymore....

    So can anyone top that sad tale of woe.....?

    All the best everyone, and yes you have my permission to laugh,snigger or sigh at my sordid story..that's why i posted it.....

    Have a great AF weekend all and catch you later tonight!


      Newbies Nest

      I have a client arriving soon so can't share deepest dark Chick- but I will later!
      I'm a massage therapist btw- it was so easy to massage with lovely oils and a hangover!
      My new found strength and pride went by the way side after a couple of advil cold and sinus meds that were so chock full of caffeine I decided that with Man out tonight I would swing by the wine shop on the way home from visiting my Gramps in the hospital.
      Feeling good and cheeky and fun is the WORST place for me to be.


        Newbies Nest


        Just did the drink tracker and am pleased to say that out of 13 days I have been AF for 11!!Am proud of self much *pats self on back with vim & gusto*back on track!
        Going swimming today with my big 4 yr old and then shopping...!!!lots of fun in winter brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi All

          Only joined yesterday. 4th Day al free today but was climbing the walls last night for drink. Had hardly any sleep. Very anxious. All I can see is a black hole in front of me with no light at the end of the tunnel.



            Newbies Nest

            Just Joined

            Hi All

            Only joined yesterday. 4th Day al free today but was climbing the walls last night for drink. Had hardly any sleep. Very anxious. All I can see is a black hole in front of me with no light at the end of the tunnel.




              Newbies Nest

              Welocme dw5134!

              HOw goes it? Hope you are feeling better now, not so anxious!Tell us a bit about yourself!Lots of support here I have found..I am new too!!
              Stay in touch and keep staying strong!

              Good luck


                Newbies Nest

                welldone Chicken - its good when you add up the days isn't it? I've got a busy day today too and going to the pictures tonight so if I miss you I'll catch up with you tomorrow.
                Well done - you deserve the pats on the back



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Sooty!
                  How are you going? What movie you seeing? Hope you enjoy it


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi chicken, good to see you. We're going to see the Proposal - my daughters and I are big Sandra Bullock fans - and its supposed to be funny. Could do with a laugh to cheer us all up.
                    Have you been swimming yet or is that later on?
                    Sooty x


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning the Nest!
                      Just a quick fly-in,heaps of housework ahead of me today *grimaces* but nice to stay home with the kids.
                      Sooty-how was the movie.I love Sandra Bullock too,one of the best actresses at the moment I think!
                      Went swimming yesterday 4 yr old has not had too much exposure to water & hates getting head it will be a bit of a process initially. She loves it and is terrified of it all at once. My two year old just grins and splashes happily!
                      Have a lovely Sunday to all the other Nestlings out there, stay happy and strong!


                        Newbies Nest

                        morning all, hi chicken. Movie was good, somewhat predictable but amusing all the same.
                        We enjoyed it
                        Sun actually shining today hippee
                        See you all later


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi All. I'm up to day 12 af, and finishing up a very busy weekend.

                          DW I hope you're doing well. I know how you feel about the black hole, but the light is there if you keep looking up! I think it gets easier day by day, and you feel a little better everyday; so as you get by each day at a time, it's like putting money in the bank. The only way to lose is to throw it away. I have similar frustrations trying to understand what provides the "positive" effects that al provides.

                          Me? I have no problem staying busy. I've had good stuff to do every day this weekend, and have been handling the temptations and social situations ok so far. I realized that I often looked forward to al for a break, relaxation from the hectic, never-ending stream of activities. For the "strength" to sit calmly on my butt and escape. I called it "relaxing" and "enjoying the rewards" of my crazy, busy weeks and weekends. Now I'm finding that I don't know how to shut-down and relax. Maybe I'm an "activity addict " too.

                          I realize how funny it is that I have always looked to al at almost any occasion. A perfect accompaniment to almost any activity; the perfect cure for boredom. A way to celebrate and a way to medicate the blues - sounds like a miracle drug. I guess I need to figure out how to deal with the feeling that even though I'm keeping busy, I'm still missing the relaxation, reward and escape. But I also realize that all activities are more enjoyable when I'm clear headed instead of adle-brained from al.

                          A perfect day here, and I'm off to play golf with a lady friend. I'm also fighting off some weird physical stuff with gastro-oddities and strange sleeping patterns, but hoping to keep the af streak intact through the weekend.

                          Take care everyone. Enjoy your power and freedom!
                          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            Dropping in to say Hi and wish you all a great AF day!

                            Congrats on your 12 days TranqWilly - you are moving right along. good for you!

                            Chickem & Sooty, you both sound good, love it!

                            dw, 5 days for you now? Wonderful, keep it going

                            It's going to be a dark, rainy day here, thunder storms - the whole 9 yards!
                            My plan is to curl up with a good book and just wait it out.

                            Whatever your weather, have a happy AF Sunday
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi my little chickadees.
                              I've been struggling to get back to the nest much at the moment because I've been sick, work's been really busy and I'm also getting ready to move house in a few weeks. I've been popping in quickly to check on you all but haven't have time to post.

                              Hello to Katt, Barbah, Tranqwilly, and any other newbies I haven't introduced my self to yet.

                              dw5134 - there really is a light at the end of the tunnel, it's just that sometimes you have to get a bit closer before you can see it.

                              Girlhero - I'm glad to hear you're doing so well. I hope the calm stays and the storm stays away.

                              Fernanda - I love your website. You have a fantastic talent!

                              Sooty - good to hear you enjoyed the movie with your daughters.

                              Grace, I'm sorry you're having such a tough time with the Baclofen. Those side effects sound terrible! Take care and make sure you get medical advice if you think you need it.

                              Lavande - There's nothing cosier than curling up nice and safe with a good book while the weather is howling on the outside. I hope you have a lovely day.

                              Chicken - I wouldn't dream of laughing or sniggering at your story. I might sigh in sympathy for how bad you must have felt though. If there's ever a place not to "cast the first stone" then this would have to be it!

                              Wow Nora - your time with the grandkids seems to have flown! Wasn't it supposed to be two weeks?

                              Night all. If you don't hear from me I'll still be keeping an eye on you!
                              There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                              You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                              I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning all. Spent the weekend off plan. Not a good way to spend it. But, I'm back now and ready to get back to it.
                                How is everyone doing? Seems like busy, busy, busy!!!
                                I'll check in again from work. I need to get moving.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

