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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I'm glad I am not alone

    So I've been cutting back for 3-4 months now. For about 4-5 years I was starting my drinking at 9am, vodka and cranberry everyday, maybe a couple more in the afternoon and 4-5 at night until I fell a sleep. I was drinking around a bout 3-4 liters of Vodka a week plus beer/wine whenever my wife and I were drinking. I just kept sneaking drinks in the barn. My wife can stop at 1 or 2. I cannot. So I've been cutting back. Down to a couple of liters a week. No longer drink during the day at work (Self Employed-Self Destroyed) only when night time comes around, then I have 4-5 strong vodka cranberry drinks out in the barn. A few weeks ago I confessed to my wife about my drinking problem after getting caught by her totally smashed. Had no choice. Agreed to go 30 days AF. Why am I so scared to quit drinking for 30 days? I'm still out in the barn every night checking on the animals, collecting firewood, and sneaking vodka. These message boards have helped me get this far. Guess it is time to try 1 day(and night) AF. Thanks Aussie Chick. I'm glad I am not alone.


      Newbies Nest

      You are NOT alone, Moofarmer!

      And, you can do it - no doubt. If you have to, take it one hour at a time. 30 minutes. But you CAN do it. I wish you oodles of strength and the success you seek!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Evening Folks

        Didn't check in yesterday - thought I'd give you all a day of rest after the big day! Bit annoyed with myself, actually, because having been SO good on Tuesday night when hubbie away and only had a v. small glass of wine, then last night when he was back I blinking well went and SNEAKED 2 1/2 glasses of wine (as spritzers) - WHY ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Whenever I've tried to analyse my habits in the past I can categorise my drinking into the following patterns:-
        1. Socially with hubbie - we got together over drink and wine used to play a big part in our early part of our relationship, this I suppose continues to this day - he SO enjoys quaffing a bottle of red given the chance.
        2. Socially with friends - getting really giddy and then pissed with my good friends - and carrying on going - historically this was to give me social confidence but I guess it continues to this day.
        3. Sneakily by myself - when I know I should be good and if my hubbie has said we'll have 3 or 4 AF days - this makes me want it all the more. But, because I used to have to turn up at home when I lived with my parents and appear sober - I'm actually quite good at appearing and acting sober. In fact when I've been completely p*ssed after being out, people have often thought I'm driving because I appear so sober.
        So, writing it down, 1 and 2 I guess I can cope with - it's 3 that I feel so embarressed about.
        Does this strike a chord with anyone currently in the nest?!
        Tweet tweet for now:l
        ps - am contemplating having a drink but at 7.10 pm in the UK, so far have managed to get by on a lime & soda .....


          Newbies Nest

          Oh, thanks for that Walls. No, hubbie doesn't know I'm trying to cut back. He worries that I can and do drink just as much as him if not more. Bearing in mind alcholosim runs in his family and, can you believe it, tee-totalism runs in mine! How bizzare is that?! Basically, because he thinks I do 3/4 AF days per week when he is, then he doesn't think there is any issue. It's me giving myself a hard time the next morning that's the issue! No, haven't read the MWO book as yet and not taking any supps. That's how I stumbled on this www actually, when I googled KUDZO. Have you tried anything and does anything do any good? Ta!


            Newbies Nest

            Hiyas Photogirl and Wally! Your day going ok?

            Secretly drinking here, Photo. Well, at least now, that I am living WITH someone. I HATE actually to make a spectacle of myself. That's why I don't drink much in public.

            Renewal, hon, I hope you're feeling better! What's wrong? Who'd ya smooch that had coodies?
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Cheers for that sunshine! Actually not had anything tonight - made do with 2 lime & sodas and have got the kettle on for a nice cup of tea - sooooo very british!!!! No, it's 8.45 pm here in old Blighty. Hubbie coming back home from work so I feel really pleased with myself being AF today - mind you, if he comes in and says "do you fancy a glass of wine?" - am not sure how strong I'll be to say No! Will let you know tomorrow. Over and out - have a good day ya all!


                Newbies Nest

                Well, friends, I don't have much time here. I am starving again and must go fix something to eat! And Sunshine, I am suprised a nestling would eat "like a horse"! What kind of bird are you?! And, FYI, there's no need to eat like anything other than a bird. I read somewhere that wild birds eat up to half their own weight in food each day!!


                Trivia - How much does a bird eat? - ArcaMax Publishing

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Oh GAWD dill... I REALLY don't need the encouragement! :H

                  And with that.. I'm off to cook a roast!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest


                    Hello my little chickadees.....been laying down in the nest all day (perhaps you saw me...the one in the green robe?)......anyhow, gonna go lay down some more as a very busy work weekend begins tomorrow and I'm....well, not feeling too great. Anyhow, just wanted to pop in and say hi.....and wish all of you a splendid weekend.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello nesters,
                      Sunshine -I think I can smell that roast cooking clear over here. Especially sense I seem to be hungry all the time any more!

                      renewal- I hope you fell better soon. I know you've been alittle under the weather lately. Get some rest.

                      Photogirl -hang in there. You can do this. I drink alot of water and lately tea. It seems to help

                      Hey Wally -I was glad to hear you may have found an answere to zippy's problem. Although when you talked about 'leasing him to you" to help keep an eye on him. I sort of got an image of those parents in the malls and stores who lease their kids to themselves. lol.

                      Have a good evening everyone
                      AF since 7/26/2009

                      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                        Newbies Nest

                        Checking into the nest

                        It's Thursday and I'm checking into the nest to see how everyone is.
                        Wally, I'm glad your little buddy is feeling better. You must have some Vet bill by now.

                        Photogirl--funny you should mention patterns, I just posted in another thread about my secret drinking. In fact, I find that I drink less when out with others and more at home. Of course, I am a sneak--have been known to take a bottle of vodka to a social event. I would let everyone see how very little AL was in my drink, then sneak to my purse to top it off with LOTS more vodka. Same at home--the "visible" bottle emptied slowly, while the hidden one was replaced often.

                        Moofarmer--so you see, you are not the only one who sneaks out for a drink. You have been given some good advice by some bery good people. Hang in there with us and you will succeed.

                        still in green? Seriously? If there are leaves in this nest, you will blend in and we won't find you.:H

                        love your end statement--a perfect way to stae your case. No thanks! How simple it sounds. Oh, I enabled the PM thing so now all I have to do is figure out how to send and receive PMs.

                        Night here, hubby out for his regular Thursday night league--usually one of my big drinking alone nights. But I am drinking water and later will make a batch of popcorn and watch Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy--and since I am sober, I will remember it!

                        BTW--I get up at 5 AM each day, supposedly to exercise for an hour before work. Yeah, right--I drink coffee, read the paper and post messages here. My ass is starting to grow into the chair and I am sure my husband must wonder who my online boyfriend is--I am going to tell him it's Renewal
                        because of the sexy green robe!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters,
                          Today is my first day on topa and I am on glass 2 of wine. I guess I was thinking that I would take that little white pill and everything would change. Ok, I hear you laughing at me....really I need some guidence. Please share your experiences and what was the dosage that made things easier? Thanks for all of the great info. everyone posts.


                            Newbies Nest


                            See that everybody.....I knew the green robe would come in handy......Upnorthgirl, I'm right over here....'there's some bark over here with your name on it'......jeez, now there's a pickup line I've never used before...........


                              Newbies Nest

                     shameless (whats the masculoine of Hussie) your gonna start some jealously going on in here. Sun, not sure yet how Im gonna navigate sunday, first of all its going to be a strange crowd....i can use that to my advantage i guess. I didnt really want to invite some non drinking girls as its primarily going to be the golfing boys....sucking down vast quantities of beer. Not exactly the kind of thing they would enjoy. But a really good friend of mine is coming who knows the score, and i have told her that i'll be fine watching her down a few bottles of red....HMMMMM...well lets just see how my self control goes, I plan to enjoy all the good food as soon as it comes off the BBQ, i'll bring the leftovers to the nest Monday.

                              Wally, glad the pooch at least got a diagnosis, hope it clears up, poor little thing.

                              Photogirl, no sneaking.....try (i know it is really hard) to say "no thanks" just for a day, and see how proud you are the next day...That's what Im trying to do... and remember Rome wasnt built in a day

                              Hi lil mea...Anyone else lurking under a branch with Renewal?
                              Live your life in such a way that
                              when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
                              Satan shudders & says...

                              'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


                                Newbies Nest

                                Dill, I'll bring you a special plate of left overs, what do you like?
                                Renewal, I too noticed you have been not feeling well, what's up? or down?

                                Sun, what are coodies???

                                Hi moofarmer and doing my best. Moo, good on you...sometimes getting caught is a good thing, you could make it into the start of a good thing, if you want...
                                Live your life in such a way that
                                when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
                                Satan shudders & says...

                                'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'

