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    Newbies Nest

    Dogwood Blossom;1391892 wrote: odat1234... I am right behind you. I'm still smack in the middle of depression, guilt, remorse AND I feel like something someone scaped off their shoes.

    Thank you Byrdlady for shooting straight!
    I'm so sorry Dogwood, I felt like hell yesterday, on top of that I had an interview at 10:00am and I am normally really good at interviews but I was studdering and triping over my words. She was asking those stupid generic interview questions that I had already answering during the first interview (this was the second interview with the district mgr). That so sucks, stupid me! It was a good job too!

    Here's what you have to look forward to, no sleep tonight. Here is my sugestion, don't try to take something for sleep, like I did, because it won't help, now your sleepy for the benadryl and still can't fall asleep. Just accept that the sleep is something that will come in time. You will feel better tomorrow tho, lay in bed all night and let your body rest. Get a good song stuck in your head so you have something to do all night and just lay there and sing. After 5-7 days the sleep will come.:l


      Newbies Nest

      Lolab, Byrdie, Cat, Allan and the rest of this motley crew of Newbies a BIG thank you for your words and thoughts. I really do appreciate it. You're all wise beyond your years (and I'm saying that not knowing half your ages!).

      I think too the fact that i've not had a proper day off from work in the last 2 weeks nearly, means I'm also quite tired. Whatever my journey with AL is to be, I'd rather not make rash decisions while feeling quite so tired. Got a good couple of free days next week, to rejuvenate the brain, the mind, the body with a long run (though a long lunch would equally suffice ) and just some rest.

      Out tonight - yet another gig at work. Driving there, will eat well before hand, and return relatively early to tea and toast. nyum, nyum.



        Newbies Nest

        Glad to meet you RC. Good luck with today. So glad I got through yesterday because today is much better. So different from what it could have been. Prayers and warmest wishes sent your way to help you get through the day. May the temptation be lifted.
        AF since 12/2/12


          Newbies Nest

          still going

          hi i am late checking in today, had a very busy morning with the kiddies and they seem to think they own my laptop!! so here i am still going at it and dealing with really craving a glass of white last night however i didnt give in and hit the sack very early!! i was actually exhausted anyway, is that normal to be tired when giving up al - and picking at food? i have upped my vitamins and drinking loads of water so am going to keep going. i met someone when i was out shopping today and she told me i looked great - she said the last time she saw me i must have not been feeling well as i looked like death warmed up - charming! but i do think i am looking better thank god!
          anyway i will post properly on monday as i am having dinner with family tomorrow and wont have a minute ( might have time tomorrow night but if not monday)

          take care everyone!:l


            Newbies Nest

            OUCH at that comment hitting40! :-) But probably so true....

            fin, you and me both....ACHOO! Pass the tissues, please!

            almostfree - congrats on a good job so far! And Odat - I think that makes sense - sometimes if you know you're not going to get much sleep, you can deal with it...if you keep trying and trying - you get frustrated - so prepare with some good movies - a bedside laptop - a good book - or whatever and just know that a couple nights of little sleep won't kill you. continuing to drink just might. ;-)

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Damn, I cannot find that post but for some reason I thought it was written by Byrdie. Anyway if you want to scare yourself straight just read some of the stories in the "worst things I have done drunk" thread to make sure that you see the true face of alcohol. This thread is almost as important to me as the toolbox and I think every new newbie should contribute.

              Link below


              AF since 1st Sep 2012
              NF since 1st Sep 2012

              If you want to feel better visit


                Newbies Nest

                Lola, I have noticed that you will soon be joining the senior members ranks. So here is a cheer for you :clapclap:

                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                If you want to feel better visit


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hypernova!!! Well done on your 7 DAYS! On behalf of the entire Newbie's Nest...please accept this full moon! :moon: You have conquered every day of the week and you've kicked AL's @$$! Wear it loud and proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  I am so happy for all nesters who made it thru a HELLISH Friday! Mine was awful, too...I wonder what the heck was out there? Something was testing us all! There's nothing like a sense of control...and waking up knowing you won a battle is very empowering. WE are driving now....NOT AL!

                  I did want to add one more thing to the 30 day AF challenge. If you sail this period of time and the days pass quickly and you don't give AL a second thought....who could blame you for trying it out again...But if you are thinking of AL night and day...should I, shouldn't I...first thing you think about in the morning and last thing at night...finding excuses to drink oh what I'd give for just one.....well, pull up a might be one of us. This is NOT a bad thing...recognizing the enemy is half of 90% of the problem!! It's a big part anyway. In my heart of hearts, I always knew what I had to do...I just couldn't accept it. Oh well. Enough about that.

                  It IS perfectly normal to feel tired and absent minded the first couple/three weeks!! I had flu-like symptoms and just wanted to lay down. Listen to your body (except The Voice). It will lie to you in a skinny minute. Listen to everything but that a drink will HELP the situation.

                  Very well done nesters...There is safety in numbers, and we are together in this battle. Happy AF Saturday! B
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hitting40, When I was here before, I asked the same question about being so tired. And apparently it is normal after a few days AL. I would imagine it's exhausting work that our bodies have to do to try to heal itself from all the damage we've inflicted on it!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks Allan! While you wouldn't know it from today (lots of posts - as I'm sitting in bed coughing and sneezing) - I typically average - it looks like - 1 1/2 posts per day - so it may take me awhile :H

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am sorry, somehow I missed Hypernovas post. First 7 days is an awesome achievement and I am very happy that you found the strength and will to say no to AL. Now lets try to beat your Jan-May record.

                        We are in your corner. Lets fight this monster... :boxer:

                        Thanks Byrdie for presenting the "Full Moon" award.

                        AF since 1st Sep 2012
                        NF since 1st Sep 2012

                        If you want to feel better visit


                          Newbies Nest

                          Allan..I was about to make a crack at how easy you have it with a running 'tote' board of the days! Together we have the moons to speak! Hugs! B
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Will here we are 3 oclock again, time for the count down! 5 hours 13 minutes...I hope its 6 soon, then theres only 3 hours left! I walked for 65 minutes today, 3.72 miles. I hope I sleep tonight! No nap I could use one too.
                            ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF


                              Newbies Nest

                              Congratulations, ODAT. That is a wonderful walk - hope it was beautiful weather outside. Really, it's great that so early into AF days you have the energy (or just plain commitment) to that.

                              You will make it! If you have some L-Glutamine, try it for cravings; it seems to work wonders.

                              "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                              AF since Oct 2, 2012


                                Newbies Nest

                                ODAT and are doing great! I just made some MOCHA cupcakes!! They are REALLY good! I often bake cupcakes and take them over to gets my mind in a good place, and I enjoy seeing the look of surprise when I give something to someone that was totally unexpected. This has helped me a lot in my recovery.

                                I am so glad that you are coming here and posting your thoughts...because when the going gets really tough, you can go back and read your own words. You will see how far you've come. So many of the posts we get here in the nest are from people with no where else to turn...some are at the lowest point in their lives. It is absolutely amazing to see the difference in their whole attitude after just a few AF days. AL is a mighty theif. It takes and takes and gives very little in return. Stay strong and you will be amazed at how much better NOT drinking can be. Is it easy? No, it isn't...but it is TOTALLY worth it. I have far fewer tears since I've been sober than I did when I drank. One bad night, I actually got down on my knees and prayed and sobbed to God to help me. I prayed for him to give me the strength and the tools to STOP drinking. It took some work, but I am so happy I made the decision. You will be, too.

                                So proud of all of you who are giving it will not regret it. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

