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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Bedtime wishes

    Good night to all my fellow birdies. It's crowded but warm in this nest, and the momma birds seem to hover over us with protection and support, and guidance when we seek it. My wish tonight is for everyone to have sweet dreams. I have been dreaming about drinking, and self-loathing, for 5 nights now. Enough. My brain is punishing me for something I haven't done. So please, please sprinkle some stardust tonight. These weekends are tough, and my friends and I need it.


    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

    AF since Oct 2, 2012


      Newbies Nest

      Odat - WELL DONE... for you THREW AWAY THE REST OF THE VODDIE. That takes STRENGTH. Hell, I mean despite this being 4 weeks in for me, I still have a half bottle of wine that i wont throw out because i think "oh, but that's about ?3, I can't afford to throw ?3 away!!" That's BULLSHIT on my part.

      You stood up to the bottle, grabbed it by the throat and throttled it dry. I don't give a DAMN that you drank. I DO give a damn about YOU as an individual, as a person who has the guts, the strength, the humility and honesty to fly into the nest and say, "Gee, this is a hard fight with AL. I'm not down, though. And despite AL giving me a few blows last night and letting it get a hold of me, I ended up slaying the bitch!" ... :goodjob:


      Just keep to your namesake, Odat



        Newbies Nest

        Cat, those dreams are pretty terrifying. I keep having them too almost every night. One night I would get drunk and embarrass myself, another night I would arrested and think to myself I just ruined my life and will have a criminal record for the rest of my life.

        Before quitting alcohol I rarely remembered my dreams. Byrdie tells me that eventually they become rare. I hope that’s true.

        AF since 1st Sep 2012
        NF since 1st Sep 2012

        If you want to feel better visit


          Newbies Nest

          Stardust sprinkles for the sleeping Catbuddy...


            Newbies Nest

            DAY 28 in the Big Sober House

            Lavande;1392081 wrote: Stella is ready for Halloween

            STELLA: Pug? Chi? See what she did?I mean look at me. I;ve never had this disgrace put upon me in my entire chicken licken life. Ridiculous. Proposterous. Lavande should be shot for this. I mean, REALLY, she expects me to lay eggs each and every day, which i oblige, though I'm telling you two mutts right now that laying eggs every day is NOT easy. And what thanks do i get? To be dressed as Stella-the-fecking-Hallowe'en-Queen. Well, hear it from me. I aint gonna be no ladies 'We'en Queen. I'm going right back in that coop there and try and wrench this crazy crown from my head.

            I mean... ridiculous. Truly ridiculous. The woman's mad. Plain dotty. I'll have her guts for garters... that's if she doesn't have mine first for Sunday roast...


              Newbies Nest

              Odat....WAY TO GO! I have poured out bottles of wine but usually the day after when my resolve to stop the insanity is strong! You stopped midstream and said "enough is enough!" Amazing!

              Almost Free, no apologies needed here. We're all fighting the same demon and it is cunning and baffling. I had 25 years of sobriety, then some pressures of life started the whispers in my head again. I don't say that to scare you, I just wanted to say if you stick with it one step at a time, one day at a time, there will come days when it doesn't contol your every thought. There will be times when you will think to yourself that you haven't thought about AL for awhile! It will happen.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters!

                I was actually up before the chickens this morning

                :H :H RC!
                I have actually never eaten one of my chickens ~ just doesn't seem right. They have been good egg producers & we have a pretty good working relationship!

                ODAT, hope you are feeling better today! Coming right back to the nest is the best thing to do.
                Learning to turn off the mind chatter aka monkey mind is essential. Practicing some meditation really helped me.

                Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Sunday. Looks like a nice day on the horizon
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Two weeks sober today!!!

                  I'm taking my NON-HUNGOVER self hiking today. I'm gonna breathe in the Fall air and thank God and all my nest buddies for my life and my sobriety. Life and sobriety go hand in hand for me. Just like DRUNK = DEATH. I don't want to die. I want to live!

                  One more thing. I just want to say how much I appreciate everyone here in the nest. I don't post as often as I should, and I rarely call out my fellow nesters in my posts (mostly because I can't keep up with everyone!), but each and every one of you is near and dear to my heart.

                  I come here first thing in the morning and the last thing in the evening - and of course all throughout the day as well. I'm not brave or strong enough to try flying on my own yet. My wings are very delicate!

                  Well, off to get ready for my long hike.

                  Love you all!



                    Newbies Nest

                    Rooni!!!!!!!! Congratulations on two weeks AF! That's fantastic! You will enjoy your hike today with a clear head and the realization of just how hard you've worked to get here today. I'm so glad to share the nest with you!
                    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning...I am here, bruised and battered, but I made it back home to the should see the other guy tho, his name was AL and I threw him in the trash! He's not making it home at all! Joking aside I feel ok today, I couldn't go to sleep till 3 and I got up at 7:30 but hey that just tells me that my body needs alot of healing before it gets back to normal. I am not a nonsleeper, I have always been able to go to sleep asap so this is really abnormal.

                      Dogwood, day 2! Your getting there!
                      Rooni day 14, yeah you! I will be taking another 3.72 mile walk today, it's colder out so it will be nice, I hope the weather is good for you as well!
                      Nurdl how are you this morning- 39 days, is that right? congrats! my longest was 45, then forth of july weekend got me...that was last year, after that i did s-th af and drank f-s but at the beginning of this year all bets were off, I want 39 days again! good going!

                      To all of you that posted supporting my last night, thank you. I was on here reading until 2 or so and your support really means alot to me.
                      ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks for the pat on the back Odat, and for giving AL a good bashing for all of us. Stay strong!
                        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                          Newbies Nest

                          ODAT! You won't get anything but support here...because every single one of us has listened to the siren voices...Believed them...only to find there was a pile of s___ under the pretty mask. I struggled for a year (I was a very resistant case) I could do 2,3 and 4 days and did that repeatedly...I got to 12 days twice! On my second 12th day...I was sitting watching tv with was 8 o'clock at night...I HAD this day down! (if we'd had roll call, I'd have been on the list). My hubs went downstairs to check something on the computer and while he was gone, I got up, got a coffee mug full of wine, and chugged it before he came back up. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??? This, my dear, is the POWER of addiction. I was just sick with myself...sick of this whole thing...sick of my life, sick with AL, sick without it...I WAS ANGRY...and BY GOLLY, that is the tool I was missing! I began again the next day and this was the beginning of my final quit. I got thru the 12 day curse...posted my quit date down below and am setting new records every day for sobriety. IF I can do it, you can, too! Like K9 says, it just gets to be more trouble to drink than to not drink...I just got SICK of the whole cycle!!

                          I suppose if I'd gotten it right the first time, I'd be looking down my beak at those who try and try again.....but I didn't...most don't. But you don't lose unless you stop trying...I am so proud of you for telling us about your struggle and my heart bleeds for you....but I know good things are ahead...REALLY good things. We didn't get here overnight and it takes a little while to turn the ship around but I promise it is WORTH IT!! Come sit by's the butt velcro!!

                          RC, you and your commentary....You have me in stitches!!! Stella the Queen of Chickens!! I'm so glad Lav doesn't eat her livestock!! I could never eat anything I've named!! So funny, one of these days I will learn how to post pictures!!!

                          There will be mind chatter today...tell your head to shut the F up! You are sick of listening to lies! Put yourself to another task .....get out of the house, take a walk....go to Pet Smart and look at the kitties! Keep your mind occupied or it will wander into the ditch of doom. Literally (see my post where I fell into ditch in a cocktail dress). It won't stay this hard....I promise!! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            I was just looking at the roll call!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            Patrick is kicking major butt!!! Merlot is on his heels!! Fin is fine! I'm so proud of everyone! Allan, sorry about your mile time...maybe you should take the car.

                            Every single day you put between you and AL is a victory! I'm so proud I could bust....*pop* ointup: Don't give in today no matter what and no matter who!! B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              I think I have figured out this problem, after 5, if possible, just for the first 30 days, I need to stay my butt in the house. Yesterday we were at the store and I needed a jug of water, the water was down the wine isle...who does that!...anyway that's when the voices got louder and louder and then I was on auto pilot. Durring the day I don't have a problem, after 3...the problem are just waiting to happen. I guess I could also just walk to the store if I need anything, there is no where in my town that sells voddie...
                              ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF


                                Newbies Nest

                                odat1234;1392277 wrote: I think I have figured out this problem, after 5, if possible, just for the first 30 days, I need to stay my butt in the house. Yesterday we were at the store and I needed a jug of water, the water was down the wine isle...who does that!...anyway that's when the voices got louder and louder and then I was on auto pilot. Durring the day I don't have a problem, after 3...the problem are just waiting to happen. I guess I could also just walk to the store if I need anything, there is no where in my town that sells voddie...
                                ODAT, that is a great plan. I can tell you I went to the store last week, and in passing the wine isle, I literally felt a punch in the gut; I wanted it so badly. There was cheese around that corner, but I skipped it. I was in an absolute panick, and left that part of the store. Amazing the power of suggestion. I've also given up watching food shows for now; so much wine consumption with the lovely food. I'm hoping this visual triggers lessen over time, but for now, I am given them a wide berth.

                                "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                                AF since Oct 2, 2012

