A big hello to all my peeps here in the nest! I haven't been on in couple of weeks but I am proud to say that I am still AF and today is day 84 for me!!!!! I am still taking the AB and going to my AA meetings. I was faced this weekend with a "surprise" trip from my in-laws. My husband neglected...and I use that term loosely (ha)...to give me a heads up that they were thinking about stopping by our house on their way to PA. Most of you know...but for those that don't..I do NOT like these people...ugh!!!!! So I get a call on Friday night that they are in Georgia and that they would most likely get to my house on Saturday around 2 (they live in Florida). Normally I would've just figured that I was "drunk" when my husband told me about their visit and I would play it off as though I was fully aware of their arrival and totally perpared.....God forbid I admit that I was too drunk to remember the conversation! Ha! Instead I was fully aware that I was totally blind sided by this. I have always had my safety net...vodka...on the ready so I could numb my feelings about these people and put on a happy face. Now I was faced with dealing with the anticipation of their arrival, their actual arrival and not knowing when the hell they are leaving totally sober! I was like "Oh Sh*t"!!!!!!!! Since drinking is not an option while taking AB I had to dig deep...and I mean DEEP....to my very core and find ways to deal with this. After all..this is life and it's not always going to be rainbows, lollipops and unicorns. It was tough but I used all of my tools that I have been learning and I did it! They left about an hour ago and I am sitting here and I am sooooooooooooooooo happy and proud of myself that I succeeded. This was obviously a test that was thrown my way and I passed it with flying colors! Friday night I was feeling weak and vulnerable and right now I am feeling strong and confident! I am getting closer to the light at the end of my tunnel and I am totally loving being AF! Sorry if I rambled, but I wanted to share this experience with you...hopefully it can help someone else here!:h
I was just searching for your posts yesterday to see where you were and the last time you posted. I think it was around Oct. 4th.
I'm so glad your back and WOW 84 days!! That's a huge number. Way to go :goodjob: That should say Great job.

I can so relate to having to deal with situations (especially crappy ones) without a drink in hand. YOu may have read about my son's predicament and while I wouldn't have been drinking during actual meetings at school you can bet your horses I would have been heading to the Rum & Tonics that night.
Last night I went to a party at a friends and while there was some light drinking going on and it would have been dead easy to pour myself a glass of wine, I really just found myself enjoying the conversation and meeting some knew people...and of course not making a complete ass of myself. That was a keeper! And this morning..Voila...No hangover.
So I'm so proud of you for staying the course. Doesn't it feel just so great to go through it in a way without Al? It's alost a high in and of itself !
Tell me though...Did your in-laws look any better sober :H
Glad your back, baby:h