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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey feathered friends! I am feeling ashamed that I have not had much time to post this weekend but my weekends are always jam packed with activities ( mostly chores). Also, we had our big church fundraiser this weekend and I worked a lot helping out there.

    I just had a chance to look through posts from last night and today and my emotions were all over the place! So so very proud, amused, concerned, etc. Wish I could address each one but am short on time and still using the phone to post. Really glad to see some old newbies popping back in for a visit (or extended stay?)

    Well just rambling here and don't have much to offer but want each of you to know how much you help me and how proud I am to be a part of this group.

    Day 14 here ( along with Dottie and roonie). To infinity and beyond




    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      Just checking in again...

      I hiked almost four hours today, and it was wonderful! The weather was perfect here in NC today (don't you agree, Byrdie and Dest?) It's so nice to have some sober time behind me again. Unfortunately I'm starting to have to those thoughts again, trying to convince me that I can be a normal drinker - that I can have a couple of beers for the game or a couple of wines with dinner - HAHA! Right! I'm not falling for THAT again!

      I love this feeling of being in control - of being sober and clear headed. I don't want to lose it. I just have this awful feeling that if I go back, I won't get another chance. It's a scary feeling. My strikes are OUT!

      Have a great Sunday evening, nesters! I've just washed all my bed sheets, and they are super soft - just waiting for me to climb in!



        Newbies Nest

        Had a great time at the train club meeting....I am one of a few women who go with husbands but I like trains too and I am in charge of one of our events in the spring....
        I am used to cleaning up barf and peeeee...seems we have always had old dogs or sick dogs or something....we bought leather couches 10 years ago and they are easy to clean...just put down hard surface flooring in the family room...easier to clean than carpet...out house is good for the doggies and kitties we always have kids so we have fur babies....

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Jeeso. HOW MANY posts have been posted since i last logged on this morning?!?! Bonkers.

          Dottie and Cat... yer dugs - :H Hope the sofa's clean now Dottie! Cat, I wonder if your King Charlie has met... and whether you have the same plans for King Charlie as Byrdie and Dottie have for their respective dugs...?

          Rooni - many congratulations on your 14 days. By tuesday you'll be on to your second foot for counting numbers. By next Sunday we're all gonna have to find you something else to count with.

          Byrdie - what can i say? As ever, you are here with supportive and wise advice for everyone whatever their place, predicament, quandry. Respect to the Byrd. ointup:

          Star - have a good weekend? Hope so. Totally agree that it's good to see/meet for the first time some older newbies... (Hello older newbies, my name's RunningCourage by the way...)

          Odat - totally understand about the visual triggers such as the wine aisle...similar to me last night in the supermarket, where they sell (quite expensive) local ales that i used to enjoy drinking slowly, savouring, relishing... before cracking open the cheaper regular beer. Good going for staying the course. You have good experience behind you being AF, so use this knowledge to your advantage

          Destiniey - lovely to hear from you. Loved your story. On a totally different story, I am at my folks this evening for the first time in exactly 28 days (The last time i drank was when i was here). My folks aint big drinkers AT ALL. Between the two of them a single bottle of wine will last between 2 and 4 evenings. And they'll have a max of 2 bottles between them a week. Anyway, i was apprehensive about coming here as they expect me to drink. They, everyone, knows i like a drink. And for some reason unbeknown to me, i used to get into the very bad habit of having at least 2 pints before going to see them... which meant driving, sometimes, over the limit (they live out in the sticks). But this evening I didn't drink before coming to see them. Today I said, when they offered a drink before dinner, no. They looked at me. The world paused. Their eyebrows raised with that expression that says "No?!" And i said i just wanted to take a month off, that i knew i drank a lot, and just wanted to, hey, take a month off. They were totally cool. No more questions asked... and really a pretty darn lovely evening after all. And i didn;t lose track of conversation or what i was saying - which i tended to do, once i swigged half their newly opened wine bottle.

          Monique, Kradle - lovely to see you pop on here too!

          Almost Free - I'm rootin' for you. You can get through this day 6. Definitely. Just take your shoes, off, make yourself comfortable and bed in for another night.

          Belle - 9 months... Go you! You are an inspiration to so many of us here. Whatever your results, do not blame yourself. It aint your fault... and the more you blame yourself, the more you may make it easier to let yourself douse the anxiety with AL. As Byrdie recommends, maybe go speak to Sunshinedaisies? Thinking of you - :l

          Allan - 7.28...?? Show off. :moon:

          I'm beat... bed time for bonzo...



            Newbies Nest

            Kradle123;1392342 wrote: OMG DEST!

            I was just searching for your posts yesterday to see where you were and the last time you posted. I think it was around Oct. 4th.

            So I'm so proud of you for staying the course. Doesn't it feel just so great to go through it in a way without Al? It's alost a high in and of itself !

            Tell me though...Did your in-laws look any better sober :H

            Glad your back, baby:h
            Hey Kradle! It's so nice to know that you were thinking of me!!! :l I am so glad to see that you are still hanging tough and kicking the beast in the a$$! I just got in from a nice long trail ride on my horse...he seems sooooo much more relaxed with the "sober" me and I think that has alot to do with the fact that I am much more relaxed and comfortable in my own skin. Plus I can actually be alone with myself now and actually enjoy it now that the beast isn't constantly battling with me inside my head as to whether I should drink or not. What a relief....finally! We are getting our life back girl...and it's pretty friggin awesome!:h

            As far as the in-laws had me cracking up with what you wrote:H and I have to admit that their visit wasn't as bad as I had imagined it would be. I guess that's some sort of improvement steps! Ha!
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              Newbies Nest

              Day 28 in the Big Sober House

              11.30pm. The contestants in the Big Sober House have gone to sleep. Apart from those in the Big Sober Kennel.

              PUG: Hey Chi, who's that?

              CHI: Who?

              PUG: There. The dog in the kennel next door to yours.

              CHI: Oh.

              PUG: Well?

              CHI: Dunno.

              PUG: Aren't you gonna ask?

              CHI: No, why should I?

              PUG: Cos that mutt is sitting 2 feet away from you? Oh for goodness sake... HEY! HEY! Yeah, you! What's your name, mutley?

              KING CHARLIE: Charles. Charlie. King Charlie.

              PUG: Really? Well good to meet you Charles Charlie King Charlie.

              KC: No, it's just King Charlie.

              PUG: Oh, Right, Ok. So what you up to?

              KC: Wiping my ass.

              CHI: Great...

              PUG: Why you doin that Charlie?

              KC: To make sure i don't do any spite poops.

              PUG: But every mutt loves a spite poop.

              KC: Not every owner does.

              CHI:Good grief... your skiting your ass across the grass to clean your ass with the grass so as what... you wont shit?!

              KC: If i shit then my owner is gonna dress me something bad at Halloween.

              CHI: Like Stella over there?

              PUG: Cos Stella's looking bad.

              KC: No, not like Stella... worse...


                Newbies Nest

                rooniferd;1392410 wrote:

                I hiked almost four hours today, and it was wonderful! The weather was perfect here in NC today (don't you agree, Byrdie and Dest?) It's so nice to have some sober time behind me again. Unfortunately I'm starting to have to those thoughts again, trying to convince me that I can be a normal drinker - that I can have a couple of beers for the game or a couple of wines with dinner - HAHA! Right! I'm not falling for THAT again!

                Hey Rooni....I am so glad that you had a nice time on your hike. 4 hours is awesome and what a day it was here in NC today to be outside! I can totally relate to those "thoughts" creeping back in. I really figured that by this time in my sobriety I would be over them...but I realized this weekend that it's just not the case. I am, however, thrilled that I can finally use the tools that I have been learning to throw those thoughts to the curb, kick the beast in the balls and move on! Ha
                I am looking forward to climbing into bed tonight with a book, my pups and a cup of chammomile tea. I just LOVE fall nights!
                AB Club Member
                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                  Newbies Nest

                  I'm at the point of confused...I want nothing more than to quit drinking yet I keep getting that one drink that turns into a night of drinking. I joined about a week ago as a day one and the next day was drinking again. Is this the rest of my life? How can I stop? I feel like it's almost hopeless at this point but I want it more than anything. I just can't get myself past two or three days. I am not a wine drinker like most I've read on this site but I love my vodka! I can't imagine a life without it. Any suggestions would be awesome!
                  One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey Iama! Please don't get discouraged. We have all had our fair share of day 1's...I personally have had way too many than I care to count! I am also not a wine or beer drinker but would drink a gallon of vodka if it were sitting in front of me...ha! Read back over my posts and you can see all the struggles that I have gone through and hopefully that will help you feel not so alone. I never thought that I would be able to get past 3 days but I am proud to say that I am now on day 84 AF!!!!!! I found that going to my doctor and having him prescribe Antabuse for me has helped tremendously as it takes alcohol out of the equation. Just knowing that I cant drink has stopped those horrible battles that I would have 24/7 in my head as to when my next drink was going to be.

                    You have come to a great place and this is a wonderful first step for you. The help, advice and support that I have gotten here is awesome! You can do this....there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we are all here to help you!

                    Good luck and stay close to the nest!
                    AB Club Member
                    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Oh Destiniey u made me cry my eyes out! It is so hard! I know what I need to do but have SO much trouble with it. I wish I had never started! In quite a position right now! I know eventually I'll get through this! I just hope I get through it healthy enough.
                      One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


                        Newbies Nest

                        iama, i really, really understand. I have been trying, seriously trying, to stop drinking the vodka since novermber of 2010. I have gone several 14 day stents, several more 5 day stents, a few 25-30 day stents, and one 45 day stent....but I always go back, and when I go back I just try again. today is day 1, at 9pm central daylight time it will be 24 hours. Want to know the problem, tomorrow will be horrible, today vodka is not sold where I am and I have absolutely no money so I will so want some tomorrow and then the pawn shop will be open and I have go there to get some money for food till Wednesday (goodness that sounds horrible) and I will have the $5 that I need for the vodka...anyway go back and read some of birdy's posts before her final quit date and you will know it can be done, and she has done it, she was just like us, a million day ones, broken promises, trying only to fail but she did get it, and so can we!:l:welcome:
                        ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF


                          Newbies Nest

                          Yes you can do it, ima and odat. You have the power within you and you have the support of MWO. Good for you for realizing you should make a change in your life and taking steps to make it happen. I am only on day 14 myself but am very proud of that because I have had countless day ones and especially day 3 or 4s. It is so hard. And it seems as though many people have trouble getting past the first few days. Now that you are here- hang tight and read, read , read and post, post, post! Come up with a plan to keep your sobriety your top priority. Use suggestions from the MWO toolbox and take care if yourself. You both have the answer in your chosen screen names. " I'm a quitter- one day at a time"!

                          Love, star



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            :boxer:I am just checking in before bed. It sounds like there were a lot of good days. Ima & Odat...hang in there. Everyone on here knows what it's like to have to start back at Day 1. I remember somebody, (probably Byrdlady), saying we should not focus on the days we gave in to AL, we should count all the days we are AF. If we weren't here at this place, we might not have any AF days, so God bless all those days we find the strength to resist and give us the desire for more of those!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,
                              Wow! My head is spinning reading all of today's posts Busy, busy place!

                              I'd just like to say to Belle - please do not worry yourself unecessarily. I do understand your concerns of course but know that we are all pulling for you:l CONGRATS on your AF time - excellent work!

                              Now who was it that asked me about the Hypno CDS? PF?
                              I absolutely believe they were instrumental in changing my thinking about AL. Keep using them to reinforce you new beliefs. The whole process was so easy it kind of felt a bit like cheating

                              Allan, great on your time. I am no runner, never have been & it's way too late to even think about starting now :H I have been going to Curves for a little over a year now & have increased strength, lost 12 lbs - not bad

                              Byrdie - this is for you:
                              Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket

                              Ima - go back to the Tool box, read thru & use what you need to make a good plan for yourself. Know your triggers & plan ahead! You can quit if you really want to quit more than you want to drink. Getting rid of the vodka in your house & vowing to buy no more is a great start! For the majority of us here at MWO there is no such thing as having 1 drink.

                              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest


                                I'm new here and I'm trying to quit. I have to taper off alcohol slowly to prevent severe withdrawal symptoms so I don't even have one day of sobriety yet.. Today is day 0 for me. But reading all these posts gives me hope, and I hope you are ok and will continue to try. I hope we hear back from you. I know I can't do it on my own, so I am going on l-glutamine, kudzu, baclofen and topamax (I figure, more help, more chance of success.). And of course I'll need support from everyone here. Just keep trying. Lets do this together!!!

                                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                                "Only a fool knows everything.
                                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.

