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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Nesters,

    Quiet in the nest so far today, everyone busy elsewhere?

    GHE, hope you are feeling better today. Sure looks like you have a lot on your plate. Moving can be stressful, take it easy

    NoraC, glad you're back with the program today. It really is worth the effort, you'll see!

    Looking forward to sending my son's high energy dogs back home this evening. Having the 'Insanity Twins' here for 4 days is always exhausting for me and my 2 older, calmer dogs! Feeling like I'm 95 this morning - that's not nice!!

    Hello to everyone that checks in today, hope your day is wonderful and AF!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nesters! Happy Monday to one and all. Just taking a quick second to drop in and say hello!

      Welcome to all the nesters! Sounds like everyone is doing well. I have not had a chance to really read through the posts here.

      I have missed you all, and I will try to start posting a bit more this week. I have just been a bit overwhelmed lately. I am thinking of each of you and wishing you great strength.

      Have a great AF day everyone! I have set out some coffee, diet pepsi, diet coke and blueberry muffins. Hope you all enjoy! :l


        Newbies Nest

        good Morning everyone....been doing okay...trying to look at life a bit different. I was starting to struggle a bit with my quits and then I got on this site and others I belong to and made it through. I'm learning so much about myself and learning how to take care of me better....I could fix everyone but myself. I started on the l-glutamine again and i have to say it really did help me.

        Thank you Lavende for the recomedation for the insomnia. Right now I'm taking alpha calm and melatonin ( I already had bought it) and if that doesn't work I will try what you suggested. Doing some better considering I'm having some side effects with the wellbuterin (headaches and some nervousness) but nothing like the reaction to it before when I smoked.

        thanks choppersmom for the muffins...that really does sound good.

        Wishing everyone strength and a great AF day

        Sunnydaz (Quit drinking: Feb. 6, 2009
        Smober since: March 23, 2009


          Newbies Nest

          Morning the Nest!!!

          Well things are ticking along here as usual,life going by at a rate of knots that actually scares me. Maybe I'm more aware of it because I'm sober??

          Anyhow, wanted to report that I had a few drinks over the weekend (unplanned social gatherings), but amazed to find myself 'moderating' without actually consciously planning it. I had a few but then swapped to water almost without thinking about it,even though others were still drinking!

          Even more amazing is the fact that rather than feeling deprived I actually felt quite content in the knowledge that I'd enjoyed a drink but would not be hungover the next day. I think i had a minor epithany actually....cause my brain has suddenly realised that I don't have to drink until I am drunk or finish the bottle! I can stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          So there I am right now! How is everyone else going?
          NoraC glad you're back on track again..!
          Sunnydaz..reevaluating our life seems to be happening to me too. It's like the things I 'enjoyed' while drunk/hungover don't necessarily iinterest me anymore!Interesting huh?
          Choppersmum..Blueberry Muffins are my fave...even better than choc muffins!!!
          Lav..soon you will be able to rest!!!
          Morning Glass,Tranq,Sooty,GHE,dw,Barbah;Katt,Girl,Fernanda and everyone else..hope its a great day for you all!


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone. Day 14 af for me -- I made it through the weekend again! A little amazed that it was easier than I imagined. I stayed really busy, but feel like I'm at the end of my tolerance level for endless activities without a break. Al was always my break, so I'm a little at a loss for how to find the relaxation-bit without feeling bored out of my mind. Any advice?

            I just got back from the gym, and I'm gonna try to chill-out the rest of the evening and try to remain sane.

            Chicken, good job on maintaining control! Lavande, enjoy those canine-babies, I just lost a sweet young shepherd and didn't realize how much I cared 'til she was gone. Ouch!

            Take care for everyone -- bye for now.
            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning and Happy Tuesday. Just checking in and seeing how the nesters are doing? seems like everyone is still asleep? Just would like to know if anyone has done the cd's and if they are really helping's alot of money if it doesn't help. But my big problem would be desciplined enough to do them everyday.

              Quitdate: Feb. 6, 2009
              smober since...March 23 ,2009


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Sunnydaz. Happy Tuesday to you too. I do the hypnotic cds and I do feel they help. In fact I kind of enjoy doing them from an aspect of relaxation and positive reinforcement. I'm on day 15 af and haven't found it too hard to fit in a track each day -- usually about 30 mins each evening before I go to sleep. I don't get to hear the subliminal one much, but I do turn on the sleep learning one most nights.

                I guess something has been working so far. I also do the supplements as well pretty much as directed, but no topamax or other meds. I figured a couple hundred bucks worth of supplements and cd's would be worth it if it would help me. Others may be better to comment on whether cd's work alone, or supplements alone, etc...

                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  So busy today, never had a chance to check in!
                  Never got rid of the granddogs till just about an hour ago - long story! Ended up having them 5 days!!

                  Just a quick mention to Sunny & TranqWilly - I have used and am still using the CDs. In the beginning I read a lot of people didn't like them (for many different reasons). They absolutely worked for me, I think partly because I really wanted them to work. I had never been able to listen to any sort of relaxation recordings before, these were different. The speakers accent is a little unusual but you get used to it. I really didn't think the time commitment was a big deal, I wanted to be successful. Sunny, I actually find myself looking forward to using the CDs, especially at the end of a busy day, great AF way to relax

                  Have a good night all.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Well....there was the time I vomited all over the inside of my car (I was not driving!) We were on the highway and couldn't stop right away so it went all over the interior. Lot's of fun cleaning THAT up the next day.

                    But seriosuly, my worst are when other people, especially people I don't know, notice how drunk I am. Like walking out of a restaurant & having people at other tables tell my friends not to let me drive. As someone said a few days ago, we're not as good at hiding our little problem as we think.:blushing:

                    Big ups to whoever designed these smilies - they are amazing!
                    ~%~%~%~ :new:
                    It's never too late to be what you could have been
                    check out what I'm up to when I'm not drunk:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey Fernanda!
                      Just dropping in for a second, but ..nope..I still think mine ranks as a 10/10 on the rictor scale of embarrasing inebriation sitiuations (or tales of woe!)
                      I reckon yours would be a 6/10!!!! Guess no one else is gonna join us on the humiliating self-exposure thing!
                      Be back later
                      Chicken ( the slightly harrassed right now!)


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just a quick drop in to say hello. I've come down with a cold/sore throat so don't want to infect the nest. Take care my fellow nesters. I'm going to hunker down & get well......then I'll be back.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Afternoon Nesters,

                          Where the heck is everybody today???? Hump Day shouldn't be so busy...........

                          Fernanda & Chicken, I think we can all agree behaving like an idiot in public just once is more than enough, at least for me. So glad that era is over, don't ever have to worry about that happening again

                          NoraC, sure hope you feel better. Summer colds really suck!

                          I've been out recruiting for the nest for the past few weeks and was successful in getting some new birds in here - just not sure where they are now. If you trip over anyone you know, please send them back, there's plenty of room here

                          Be well!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi im old person with new ID here...and i want your support...:l
                            4 AF & 3 QS


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning the Nest!

                              Hi Avera, you've got it in spades...what else can we do to help???Just chat and let us know,cause the people here are wonderful in so many ways!!!:l

                              I am doing well today,ready for a chilly swimming lesson with my lovely 2yr old Dani!!
                              Then shopping and whatever else that happens!! Feeling good despite having a bad nights sleep due to strangely aching legs...WTF???

                              Anyhow,hope you are all going great-guns and staying strong!NoraC great big dollops of positive/healing energy coming your way!!!!:h

                              Hi rock!!!

                              Back later today with more daily adventures under my belt!

                              Chicken (the energetic)


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening Nesters,

                                Still fairly quiet in the nest today - has everyone gone on vacation????????

                                Welcome to the nest avera! This is usually one busy place, don't know what's going on today. Pull up a twig, make yourself comfortable and let us know a little more about yourself. We're always glad to help, to listen, whatever you need!

                                Chicken, what's with the aching legs? That doesn't sound good......... I have 20 laying hens in my backyard, I used to looking at chicken legs all day, ha ha

                                Wishing everyone a safe AF night!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

