PUG: Hey Chi, who's that?
CHI: Who?
PUG: There. The dog in the kennel next door to yours.
CHI: Oh.
PUG: Well?
CHI: Dunno.
PUG: Aren't you gonna ask?
CHI: No, why should I?
PUG: Cos that mutt is sitting 2 feet away from you? Oh for goodness sake... HEY! HEY! Yeah, you! What's your name, mutley?
KING CHARLIE: Charles. Charlie. King Charlie.
PUG: Really? Well good to meet you Charles Charlie King Charlie.
KC: No, it's just King Charlie.
PUG: Oh, Right, Ok. So what you up to?
KC: Wiping my ass.
CHI: Great...
PUG: Why you doin that Charlie?
KC: To make sure i don't do any spite poops.
PUG: But every mutt loves a spite poop.
KC: Not every owner does.
CHI:Good grief... your skiting your ass across the grass to clean your ass with the grass so as what... you wont shit?!
KC: If i shit then my owner is gonna dress me something bad at Halloween.
CHI: Like Stella over there?
PUG: Cos Stella's looking bad.
KC: No, not like Stella... worse...
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