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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lavande;1392660 wrote: Good morning Nesters,

    Daylight but no real sunshine here - oh well!

    Hitting40, first of all Happy Birthday....40 is a big one! It is also a great time to make changes in your life, take control of the next part of your life
    The party threw you off your plan but the party is over & done with now. Get back on your plan, commit yourself & you will succeed. Did you read the MWO book? If not be sure to download the .pdf from the Healthstore here.

    I was not able to take all of the supplements recommended here due to allergy worries. But I did my best with what I could take.

    Kuya, I have type O blood & have taken St Johns Wort for years with great results

    I have to run but will check back in later.
    Wishing everyone a great AF Monday,
    I tried it years ago and it made me ill and that was the only explanation I could find at the time, I never dared try again. Maybe it was allergy like you rather than blood type.


      Newbies Nest

      lost my post. I tried undo and it was too far gone.

      My snot filled head will not allow me to get too personal here this morning...but wanted to say I laughed right out loud at the chi/pug/stella/kc girls will not tolerate such nonsense. But the littler one does like to wear her sweater when it's cold out.

      hitting40 - I had a similar experience when I first joined MWO. I had just started to go AF when I hosted a dinner party. I was anxious but excited about doing it AF - but it was too much, too soon. I ended up drinking - took some to bed with me, and worked on the leftovers all through the following day. I started my first serious attempt at quitting the following morning - and it lasted over 30 days. So it will be tough as you have to repeat your first few days - just know it can be done. You sound like you have given it plenty of thought.

      ok....going back to just reading...

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        forgot to say that in my "previous" life - even this would have been a reason to drink....having a cold.

        I would have convinced myself that the alcohol would calm my cough - or has some antiseptic quality or something....and mostly - nobody will get close enough to me to smell anything - so why not? And I'm low on energy already - so why not? I'd take every bit of the little energy I have, to get myself cleaned up to go buy some, and lay around and drink. And the oddest part is that I feel so crappy that something about it even now seems just a little bit appealing to me.

        No, I'm not going there - just wanted everybody to know that having those thoughts is normal - and you'll occasionally have them for a long while - but AF time gives you the opportunity to learn how to turn them look at those thoughts and say WTF?

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Kuya, thanks for all your info on supplements. I'm on day 40, oh hey... 40 days cool. I think I'm getting episodes of PAWS. Very tired, fluish, achey, but the thing that's making me crazy is the random muscle spasms. Any suggestsions? I'll have to try the Glutamine at night too. I need some sort of boost at the end of the day.

          be well, love your devilish avatar
          we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


            Newbies Nest

            I have tried the Kudzu supplement but I really believe it made me crave even worse. I found that I was craving earlier in the day then I usually do so I stopped taking it. I am going to get the L-glut today and hope that that helps. I am ready for a change!!!
            One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


              Newbies Nest

              Allan has an interview with a major insurance company in an hour and would really like to get this job.
              AF since 1st Sep 2012
              NF since 1st Sep 2012

              If you want to feel better visit


                Newbies Nest

                Allen-GOOD LUCK! I feel you! I have an interview today at 1 and Wednesday at 5:45... I need a job...this is getting annoying!
                Anyway, guess who slept last night....that's right, this girl! I feel alittle less down today so thats good. I need to find something to do after like 4-5 in the evening because I just feel like I'm sitting around waiting for something to happen and that is no good! Congrats to everyone from making it through another night, and to those who didn't welcome back and were glad your here!


                  Newbies Nest

                  We got your back Allan. Keep us posted. Rooni will stop counting to cross all fingers for you.
                  we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                    Newbies Nest

           know what? You've done so many amazing things this past 6 weeks that I bet you GET that new job!!! Your confidence is contagious!! Good vibes your way, B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest


                      Good Morning - hope you all had a successful weekend. I'm crossing a milestone today that I need to document. Day 14. On my only other quit attempt, I caved on 14. It was at a dinner party at our house and now we're hosting another one this coming weekend and I'm already gearing up for it, or thinking about strategies.

                      I'm not worried, but it'll be odd with this particular group of friends who love their fancy wines and vodkas. I only need to look as far as Allan recently who managed to hit the pubs on day 35 and remain diligent in spite of all the social pressure. Thanks for the inspiration I draw from all of you. My family and I so appreciate it! Oh, and by the way, my son commented that my breath was nice when putting him to bed on Sat night. When I asked him to elaborate, he said "no beer". Wow.

                      The new avatar is a peek at my crew. What better reason to be here? Thanks again, all...

                      Be good,
                      Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                      Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                      Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                      Go forward boldly and unafraid


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good luck Allan!
                        Great looking crew, Fin!
                        Hitting 40- wow! What a spot you were in. That whole thing sounded like a bad "drinking dream". Good job flying back to the nest!

                        Back later for more.
                        Just popped In to sAy hi



                        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                          Newbies Nest

                          nurdl;1392688 wrote: We got your back Allan. Keep us posted. Rooni will stop counting to cross all fingers for you.
                          That's right, Allan! I am crossing every finger and toe for you today!


                            Newbies Nest

                            hi lolab, lavende, kuya, fin and quest for the key (think i might have spelt one or two names incorrectly
                            thanks a million for all your advice, its refreshing to be able to be so honest without people judging you, its the first time that i have acknowledged publicly that i have an issue and for me i always beleive that if you say it outloud you make it real and thats how i feel now, its like pandoras box, i have opened the lid and cant lie to myself anymore and although i am nervous i know i need to do this so i am going to log in here every night when my witching hour is upon me and work through this.

                            fin you must have felt great when your son made the comment, its the simple things that really make an impact, well done. my surprise birthday party threw me yesterday but as said i am putting it behind me and moving forward - thank god for this site!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Lola...I used to mix vodka into my sick is that?? I hope you feel better!

                              I was deeply touched at folks reading about my struggles before this last quit....I've always teased when I was dieting, that'd I'd tried everything to lose weight, except diet and exercise! So when I was trying to stop drinking, it was sort of the same thing. I was a vodka pro, so I thought if I switched to wine I could "control" that better. Bah...that kicked me in a @$$ too. AL is AL, so don't fall for that one. Then I told myself I could just limit myself to one or 2...until my wine glasses became Viking Goblets...(2 glasses =One bottle). Then I tried to limit it to just weekends, until weekends started happening on as you can see, I tried everything to stop drinking....except stop drinking!! I'm not stupid (I don't think) but the addiction is STRONG and very cunning. It will tell you ANYTHING to stay alive.

                              There are 2 things I wanted to share with Ima... I, too, wanted to quit and didn't know how. I didn't know how to not drink. An evening without it? Unimaginable. You need to plan for your success. Have things in place 'to do'. HOPE is not a strategy (Yes, Mitt stole that from me). Have foods around that you love to eat, and keep your tummy FULL. Keep hydrated. (with water) I peed to much I thought...dam, I know I drank more AL than this, why is this water multiplying by 3 in my kidneys? I don't know why, but the volumn of water I drank kept me hopping.

                              Also remember, that a crave is just a thought. You do NOT have to give in to it. I thought I couldn't overcome a bad one...until one night I did.....fight it. These thoughts are like spoiled children, when you give in, it makes them time, you'll think you are powerless. Just say to yourself....NO, HELL NO! AL is NOT going to take one more day of my life!! And dig your heels in. It will pass in 15 minutes or less!!

                              When you are at the grocery store and you see the wine aisle....Immediately think of STRAWBERRIES....change your thoughts...go LOOK at the strawberries....I did. They look so happy and fresh and smell so is one heck of a distraction at a moment that would be easy to cave. THINK works. Plus when you get home, they demand attention....give it to them.

                              Finally....get all the AL out of the house. I know what you are thinking...(after all, I AM you) I need that safety net....what if I really need it? This is assuming you fail, right? You are NOT going to fail. Just over this past weekend I read post after post saying...IF there'd been any AL in the house I'd have drank it.....GET IT OUT. It will only derail you. I REALLY fought this one...but I never succeeded until I did this. Set yourself up for success and you will find it.

                              Well done to nesters for sticking close when the going got tough!! I'm so proud of each and every one of us who puts one more day between us and AL. That stuff will kill you (as I said to Robert Redford the other night in a NON drinking dream I had!!).

                              Everyone is doing great! Even if you think you aren' ARE!! At least now you are trying to do something about it instead of just thinking it will go away!!
                              MindPeace!!! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Allan, think about how much more bright eyed you'll come across in this interview. I swear, one of the coolest things I'm observing in myself and others being 100% clean is a stronger sense of confidence mixed with sensitivity. For example, I find myself looking more people squarily in the eye with an open heart when I communicate.

                                I'm also not averting so many peoples' glances when walking down the street. Rather I'm saying "hello" while taking it all in. Man, as a culture, so many of us medicate to the point where we just tune out what's happening all around us. I swear, AL is awful.

                                Now, go crush this interview knowing you ARE THE MAN!
                                Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                                Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                                Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                                Go forward boldly and unafraid

