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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Got room for one more?

    I'm new here, excuse me for not reading all 256 pages Is there a current topic of conversation?


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Uraberg and welcome. I'm kind of new here too. 16 days Af today. There doesn't seem to be much of an ongoing topic... just hop on and share I guess.

      Hello to everyone else too! How's everyone doing?

      I'm hanging in there, but coming up on a fork in the road. I started this AF state to cleanup for some medical tests, etc. Now that my doctoring is almost done, I'm not certain where I'm going next regarding continued AF or moderating.

      Also, a good friend is coming to town this weekend and I know we'll be going out a bit for a good time. But the good side of me is not too keen on drinking. I guess I could try to moderate to pass the time, but I'm not really good at that. Just having one or two drinks kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies, so I typically seek a "more appropriate" level of toxicity, or in those cases where limits are strict I kind of prefer not drinking at all.

      I'm really not feeling too good about the idea of throwing away all the af days, 'cause I'm feeling really great without drinking. But I'm also not up for abandoning my friends, or making a spectacle of my abstinence. So I'm kind of up in the air on this, but hoping to get my feet firmly on the ground before this weekend starts. Any ideas?

      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Evening the Nest!

        Welcome to Uraberg! It is quiet here...hmmmm..maybe there's a public holiday happening that we don't know about???
        Usually it is just full of people chirping away!

        Anyhow, how are you Avera, still with us? Tell us about yourself some...we are good listeners here!

        Tranq...hi I know where you're at!! I have a few social things coming up soon,one in particular with some friends who like to have a few drinks! But last time I basically wrote myself off and felt so embarrassed, because they were all laughing at me...urgh!!!!Which is what prompted me to come here and start the AF bit.

        So, yes, I am somewhat apprehensive about this! But I am going to offer to drive (Not at our house this time) so that will stop me from having anything..just diet coke or maybe I will buy some non-alcoholic wine!!!!Can anyone tell me of any nice ones out there????

        I don't plan on moderating in that environment because those are when I am most vulnerable...I seem to be better at moderating when it is a quiet drink at home! (Well so far anyway)

        Basically my plan is to have more AF days in August than I shall see how I go!
        I am a grumpy old Mum today because I have a sore/stiff neck.....pity-party happening here!!!:upset:

        Anyway,how are all of the other Nestlings...or do they know something we don't?

        Bye for now
        Chicken (the grumpy)


          Newbies Nest

          Morning everyone......sorry but I'm sick. My throat is sore and swollen. Just haven't felt much like anything. Welcome to everybody and I'll be back here chirping soon.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning All! Thought I would drop in and say hello! Welcome to all the new nesters. It's wonderful to have you here.

            The nest has been quiet the last couple of days. I haven't been posting, as usual, but hope to get back to regular posting soon. I have just been happily busy at work, with school, and just everyday life. I am about ready for a vacation though!!! :H

            Nora, I hope you feel better soon.

            Lav, thanks for your recruiting efforts! I will get back to recruiting as soon as I can.

            Off to work I go. Have a happy and sober Thursday!!!


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning everyone and welcome new nesters. I've went to a couple of meetings and feeling a bit better about things. But I have to tell everyone I have six months today and feeling as grateful as ever. Like someone posted don't want to act like an idiot anymore and all the feeling of quilt, shame, depresson and anxiety. I can understand how some of you want to moderate...I wish I could but I have proven to myself over and over that I can't. I don't want just one or two..never did. But that is me and that's what is does to me. I'm coming to more of acceptance to it and not feeling like i'm missing something. I just have to think the whole drinking episode through...not just the high but the next day...which I would somehow forget.
              I need to get some things done around here...have been on the computer for a couple of hours now and need to get busy.


                Newbies Nest

                An evening check in again for me - how are all the nesters?

                Sunnydaz, you sound good! I think we both know by now that the sooner we accept this AF status, the easier life will more worrying or wondering what if!!!!!! Don't you agree? It's exactly like the smoking's just not an option

                Chicken, how are those achy chicken legs today and the stiff neck? Better I hope!

                Chops, have been missing you - we need help taking care of the fledglings

                Goodness NoraC, hope you are feeling better today as well. I don't want to have to dust off my nursing scrubs and come out of retirement - feel better soon!

                Uraberg, avera & Tranqwilly - how's it going today? Hang in there with us, OK?

                Gonna call it a day. Hope to see you all tomorrow.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest


                  i am so new - dont even know how to get to this page normally. Does this group have a chat line?


                    Newbies Nest

                    this is my first post. dont even know if im doing this right. We will see.
                    Hi everyone
                    i am trying to stop drinking AGAIN..I have tried more than once to drink in moderation bc i do not want to be an alcoholic..who does noone i know. I am small petite i drink every night even when i am home alone i can not have just one or even 2 glasses..I was up to drinking the whole bottle by myself and i know this is bad and self destructive and i dont like how i feel the next day.. When i drink i drink to get buzzed or drinking calm tea right now but the Sh** does not work......


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Everyone.

                      I'm hanging in there.

                      Queen of Denial - I love that name - try and stay calm anyway! Tippgirl. Hi and welcome. I don't know if there's a chat area. I'm kind of new myself.

                      Thanks for the insight Chicken - get someone to massage your neck for you.

                      Sunny six months is fantastic!

                      I was thinking about the upcoming weekend, with a good friend coming to town, and not sure how to handle it. Funny thing is that I feel like I don't want to drink more than I want to have a drink to be social. Doesn't sound like the same me I knew a few weeks ago! So I don't really think I'm looking for an excuse to have a drink. In a way I think I fear the "fall-out" of drawing attention to myself because of the change. So much of this is about fear, and I know I probably over-dramatize things in my mind.

                      I think I'm dealing a lot better with not drinking than I am with worrying about going public with a commitment of sorts. I don't feel ready to deal with questions about why... Kind of dumb huh? I agree with Lav that this ambivalent back-and-forth stuff would just go away if I just had the confidence to say "never". I know I would absolutely love to go af again this weekend just to prove that I can deal with the social stuff, friends, etc. Hoping I don't fold like a bad hand.

                      Take care everyone. Time to try to sleep on it again. G'nite.
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening my fine feathered friends! I just got done with studying, completing some assignments, and now I just want to go to bed. I wanted to drop in an give everyone a tuck in, as I haven't done that in awhile and I don't want to let Papa down. I miss him.

                        Welcome to Tipp and Queen. Glad to have you in the nest, along with everyone else. I hope to get to know each and every one of you. Grab a twig, nestle in, and let us help. This is a great group of peeps here!

                        Good night all. Have sweet dreams! In Chicken's case and all others from across the pond, good morning and hope you have a fabulous day!

                        See you in the morning. :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi the Nest!

                          It's approx 2:30pm here and a lovely sunny spring day! Birds are chirping..........

                          Anyway,have just finished work and gone for a lovely long walk in 'said' sunny day and feeling really good about self! Trying to work off the 4 kilos I've managed to put on over the last year or so..yuck!

                          Lav my legs have stopped aching ( not sure what that was,except maybe age?) and my sore neck has been medicated to the hilt, so at present I'm not feeling sore at all..hence the good,breezy feeling!!!!

                          Right now I am fighting the urge to go buy some of the dreaded 'stuff' as it is Friday and I seem to just need it for the am hoping that I can somehow avoid the bottleshop tonight!

                          To all the newbies,welcome and you've found the best nest on this tree of life!!!!
                          Keep chirping on


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Chicken.

                            You called it the "dreaded stuff". I said yesterday "I feel more like I don't want to drink". So why do we keep thinking like we have to when we really don't have to drink??? I know I've proven that I get along just fine, and you have too. You just remarked about how good you're feeling today. But it seems like our minds keep spinning back to the same place.

                            I guess it just takes a little courage to say no, and maybe the more we do that, the more our courage grows.

                            It's probably early evening there, as I'm just seeing the first light of dawn here. Make your weekend a great one! And I'll try for one here.

                            Good luck. Enjoy.
                            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone
                              I'm finding it really hard to find time to come back to the nest at the moment. I've been sick, work is really busy and I'm getting ready to move house in three weeks, so any spare moments are pretty much accounted for.

                              I'm still thinking of you all though, and I'm popping in to keep my beady little eyes on you even if I don't have time to post.

                              Welcome to the newest of the newbies. I hope you've found a comfortable twig to settle on.

                              Chicken - good luck for the weekend. Just remember how far you've come and try to focus on the concept of gratitude instead of deprivation. You're not going without anything, instead you've opened up a whole new wonderfully healthy world for yourself.

                              Tranq - good luck to you for the weekend too. Stay strong!

                              Sunny - huge congrats!

                              Nora - Get well soon.

                              Have a great weekend everyone else.

                              L GHE
                              There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                              You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                              I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening All!

                                Hi Glass! Thanks for the morale boost..needed it,just feeling a wee bit melancholy today!
                                Tranq-I hear you! and you're so right!
                                NoraC-how are you? Hope the lugries have moved on and left you and now you can get back up and on with the healthy life!!
                                I feel like I want to say something inspired tonight....but nothings coming to me..urgh!
                                So I will just say to all the Nestliings...stay with it and you are in the right place to heal and be gentle with yourself!!


