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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Nesters,

    I am very nervous about the interview tomorrow so instead of considering easing the tension with AL, I am going to attempt my first triathlon.

    750m swim
    20k bike
    5k run

    not sure if I can achieve this but here goes nothing.

    Excercise is a brilliant way to deal with tension.

    Good Luck to everyone who is starting Day 1.

    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit


      Newbies Nest

      Wow...that's amazing! I'll be cheering you on. I just started back running. Having to start slow. Getting my dog involved with me. It makes me feel good and takes my mind off AL. Can imagine doing a triathlon! Good luck!


        Newbies Nest

        Thank you for the link Lolab. I am wondering, though, should I be taking L-glut when a craving strikes or should I take it regularly like any other supplement? I bought the powder which is 4500mg and the directions say to take 1-3 times daily.

        Fin: Fabulous and inspiring post. YAY you!!! I bet that jam session was all the reward you needed for not giving into to those fleeting moments!

        Allankay: Awesome and good luck with both the interview and the triathalon. I hope someday to be AF and fit enough to do stuff like that. Can't wait to lose the 50lbs I've put on thanks to the enemy AL.
        One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


          Newbies Nest

          eeek - sorry iama - I haven't used it - but I just know others will come along very soon with info. Here is another informative link - it looks like it's recommended to take it - 3 times/day but not after 3 PM?

          But I am pretty sure that Prairie Fairy got a fast acting form that dissolves in her mouth that she takes when a craving hits....

          L- Glutamine info needed!!! Please see iamaquitters posts...:H

          if I can't do anything specifically to help you - at least I can yell HELP!

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning All :l

            Big Congrats to Fin :goodjob: that's the way to show 'em. We are PROUD of you!

            IAMA- glad you are feeling better today. Last I checked, Byrdie had the butt velcro. I have been using superglue to keep my butt from falling out. Would you like a drop? No, seriously- someone here will be able to fill you in on the glutamine. Every tool helps!

            R.C. - great to hear from you, as usual. And great advice you are giving out to IAMA. Love your stories :H

            Limonada- thanks for checking in- What a GREAT attitude you have. You are beating that sneaky monster's butt by not giving in under all these stressful situations. You are strengthening your new willpower muscles and resistance will get easier each time you do that. Great job!

            Hey there quest- good to see you! Those "day 3's" are something else aren't they? Just push through with us and pretty soon you will have a day 30. Won't that be Awesome? We can do it!

            Oh Lola! How/Where did you get that picture? As unbearable as it is to think of Stella's goose getting cooked, I guess I'm glad it wasn't Lav who lost the fight. I don't think I could bare to see her under those circumstances. Personally, I am hoping for a gentler ending to this ongoing costume battle :surrender: Hey Lav, Maybe if you show Stella what you are wearing, she won't feel so silly dressing up.

            Hi Dogwood- you sound great! My doggie took me on a walk last night also. Lots of fun!

            Morning Alcoholic- great to see you today.

            Allan- what can I say? We just need to go ahead and change your name to Superman!



            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              Newbies Nest

              Iama (Ima, for short)....
              Have you started forming your plan? Blah, blah, blah.....plan, sphlan....who needs a plan? This is my 'I have a Plan Speech'!
              Get all the AL out of your house or wherever you will be. Lead yourself NOT into temptation. We can resist anything but that....ehehehe. GET. IT. OUT! (to be said like Linda Blair on The Exorcist)...yes, it's just THAT evil.

              Ever gone on a low carb diet? You can't just decide to do it, you have to have things on hand that you can eat...This is the same...surround yourself with things you love to eat. I didn't dwell on the drink part so much, because there was really only one thing I wanted to drink. Nothing else was worth the bother. But some folks enjoy making fancy drinks and such. Have food on hand that you LOVE!!! Stay full.

              Change things around... EAT 15 minutes earlier than you did. THROW away your favorite drinking glass. ASK someone to give you a call at 7 pm...just put in place some things you know are going to HELP you. There are action items...(they take effort..beforehand).

              Do WHATEVER it takes to get thru day one. Go to bed at 8:30 if you have to...dig your heels in and get thru D1.

              I WAS I understand all the...'buts'..after all, we ARE talking about Dick Head. I thought I was weak and just couldn't do it. Until I noticed that everybody else was...and I realized that I really wasn't trying like they were. It takes some effort...but YOU CAN DO IT. Make a plan for success. Hope is not a plan. Get your excuse ready so you can whip it out and say, NO THANKS! Be ready for situations you know will come up so they don't catch you off guard...Don't give in to the VOICE no matter what and no matter who!!

              On Jan 20, 2011, I was at the bottom of the rabbit hole. I was ready to go down with the ship....I read a story on another thread that struck a chord. It was a story of an old mule who was considered by owner to be worthless and no longer useful. His owner decided to get rid of he dug a deep hole and he threw the mule in it. The owner began to cover the grave back with the dirt...shovelful by shovelful...after many hours... the mule suddenly walked OUT of the grave! The owner said, I'd given you up for dead! How did you get out? The mule said, 'each shovel of dirt hit me on the back, and if I'd just stood there, it would have covered me over, but when it landed on my back, I shook it off as hard as I could, and it landed at my feet...I was able to simply walk out of the hole." Isn't this true of us?? We HAVE the tools we need to get out, but we have to use them...and we have to WANT it really bad. I am here to tell you that LIVING LIFE is the best buzz I've ever had. Guilt/Shame/Remorse suck!!

              We are all pulling for you! Make a plan and shake off the dirt! XO, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning Byrdie, I am having trouble with my plan and that is probably why I failed yesterday. Unfortunately for me my husband enjoys his drinks as well and is the main reason I caved yesterday. I called him and said "I am having a really hard time right now not having a drink" his response "atleast wait for me". Not helpful at all I have so many things that trigger me that I would basically have to crawl in a hole for a month to not get triggered. Going to the grocery store, hearing a good song, talking on the phone, having company, cooking dinner, and so on and so forth. You're right, I feel so weak against that "dick head". I am going to take a couple of hours today to reflect on how I felt last night after my slip, how I felt this morning, and why this needs to be the last time that this happens. My goal for this week is to make it to day 3. If I can do that I know I can kick this.

                I have tried doing low carb, however, I think I'd die without carbs, LOL. Our low carb diet lasted about a week until I had the most ridiculous craving for a piece of bread. After I get past the first 2 weeks AF I am going to start dieting and exercising. When I don't drink I eat and I don't think I could give up both at once.

                That story about the mule is wonderful. I am going to print that and put it on my refrigerator.

                Lolab: thanks for the "yell" for help
                One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Star - I am feeling pretty great! As I said...a few whispers but not too overpowering yet! I love getting out and walking and running & taking my dogs along. That's not something I'm capable of when I'm drinking. I look at them sadly and think; maybe tomorrow Sweet Babies, but as long as I drink, tomorrow doesn't come.

                  I am amazed with how quickly our wonderfully designed bodies want to feel better. I've had a headache off and on for the last 2 days, but otherwise I feel pretty good. I slept great till about 1:00 but I think went back to sleep soundly around 2ish and when my alarm went off I was sawing some serious logs! Feels so good to go into a deep sleep. That never happens on alcohol!


                    Newbies Nest

                    hi guys - has anyone experienced craving carbs when quitting the demon? i am asking because before i started to quit i didnt touch white bread, pasta, rice etc but now that i have stopped my body is craving bread, had a roll yesterday and had a bread bap today and crisps - stuff i would normally avoid. i am going up on the scales also which is a pain - any advice?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Afternoon all,
                      Hitting 40 I have the same types of cravings.. and for candy..just substituting one "sugar" for another.

                      I do so much better when I am is such a pain....looking at leaving sooner rather than later....I dont know why my boss has to be such a @@tch but she sure is daily....this is when my urges are the off to the gym after work and hopefully this will pass before i get home....

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        What's been working for me on the sweets / sugar front are a couple of cranrasberry + soda water "cocktails" over ice in my favorite glass. I go 1/2 and 1/2. I bought one of those soda stream machines and man, it's awesome -- highly recommended substitute especially for us beer quaff'ers.

                        Soda Stream: Sodastream | Turn Water Into Fresh Sparkling Water And Soda
                        Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                        Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                        Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                        Go forward boldly and unafraid


                          Newbies Nest

                          I believe I heard that you crave sweets because if your body can't get the sugar from the alcohol, it will take it in candy or whatever! When I was in AA, I even heard the older ones tell the new ones to keep a stash of candy for those cravings. Better a candy Kiss than a glass of wine!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Fin;1394236 wrote: RC, to answer your question, last night was pretty effortless. There were beers all over the place and I'd be a fool to tell you I wasn't tempted, but only very briefly.
                            :goodjob: I'm still very tempted - especially in situations with mates and there's a mutual sharing, such as making music, or going to a gig, or just that pub time... hmmm... i've not been in a pub (the bar at work can't count as i pass it 20 times a day!) in now over 30 days. Well, who'd have guessed...

                            All I had to do last night was think back to the night before quitting 100% where I only had two, albeit strong IPAs (7.5% AL). Those two beers made me feel like shit about ten minutes after I pounded them. I was all tired and irritable and I DID NOT WANT THAT. Normally I'd just pound 4 more and then I'd forget about it. Ha!

                            Anyway, you're right. Had my drinking self been there I would have stayed much later drinking any additional ability to play away for no good reason. Instead, we hit the back of the venue and had one of the most amazing spontaneous jams out in the alley. We had this guy ripping on claw hammer banjo, our guitar and fiddle player and myself.
                            After about 20 mins, we were all totally stoked and agreed that we had to get together again as there was "chemistry".
                            That sounds JUST like my kinda music

                            I can guarantee you that opportunity would have never happened all fucked up on AL. Excuse my language,
                            You're excused

                            but we're all adults here and I'm just pissed that I've wasted so much time and energy with my head in a bottle. Anyway, last night was perfect. Stayed just long enough, but not too long as to wear it out and eventually black it out.

                            Yeah and again, there were moments of wanting an IPA pull, but they were few and fleeting -- thank god.
                            Great to hear about your night Fin. And don't get too pissed with yourself, that's just wasting energy on the past and we can't change that. What you're doing now is A1. Inspiring. Hat's off to you bud.



                              Newbies Nest

                              allankay;1394250 wrote: Hello Nesters,

                              I am very nervous about the interview tomorrow so instead of considering easing the tension with AL, I am going to attempt my first triathlon

                              750m swim
                              20k bike
                              5k run

                              not sure if I can achieve this but here goes nothing.

                              Excercise is a brilliant way to deal with tension.

                              Good Luck to everyone who is starting Day 1.

                              Eh, TODAY?!?!


                                Newbies Nest

                                RC, I have already complete this in under 2 hours 15 minutes.

                                I feel very tired, but in a very good way. Like I have been having sex five times in a row. Going to be sore tomorrow but cant stop smiling now.

                                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                                If you want to feel better visit

