Morning all!!
Hitting40, Happy B-Day! Here's to at least 40 more sober years! P.S. Enjoy your bladder while you are young, it turns on you in 10 years. ehehehe...just kidding (not really

Dottie, I worked for a lady who was just like Judge Judy. She could chew me up and spit me out (much like Cat's Pork Chops)'s was awful and I endured it for 5 years until she was fired. THAT was a good day. It's just a matter of time before HR hears all they care to hear about that person. I hope you will find peace, wherever it lies. I wouldn't wish a bad boss on anyone. You never know 'who' you are walking up to...the Bitc_ or the Really Bad Bitc_! Karma is an awesome thing, she will get hers... I teasingly said that she drove into work on a broom. Oy.
Allan...I am stoked for you with the new job! Those are pretty encouraging words there! I'm still reeling over the 5 times comment....(I guess I should leave that alone and start a new thread...30 seconds of bliss....BAH!)
Kuya, you've set me to thinking....I don't like change and I had one heck of a time quitting...All I wanted to do was to go back to 'normal'....which of course was drinking to oblivion and passing out. Change was hard for me....NOW I kind of like it! I find it exciting! Just to see what else is out there!! Thanks for shining a light on that perspective....I want to think about it some more.
Glad to see everyone hanging in there....I wish there were awards on TV for what we are going is HARD to do. Each and every one of us deserves a pat on the back for stepping up to the plate.
Caper, have you seen Fin's roll call list on another thread? I need to go over and look at it today, Lola's right, it's got a life of its own!!! I'm so proud of you...
Stay strong today....don't let the ______ get you down! Whoever they are!! Hugs to all, Byrdie