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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Yippee it's Friday!!!! I am so thankful that I just have to get through the work day, and then I am going to relax this weekend and recharge!!!

    I hope everyone has a great Friday. The coffee, diet coke, diet pepsi, tea and bagels are out!!

    My apologies for not responding personally to each of you. I still need to catch up on the thread. I am going to have to write everyone's names down so I don't forget :H

    Wishing all much strength and a fabulous AF day!!! Will check in later :l


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesters - I really wanted to sit down & post. Some of the newbies had some questions that I wanted to respond to. I've still got that dang sore throat. Finally broke down and am going to the Dr. this morning. I know that he's going to say, it's a sore throat nothing we can do but get lots of rest, drink lots of fluid and gargle with salt water. I'm already doing that. But, I've made my appointment anyway. So, hopefully, I'll be back here chipper & chirping like a happy little birdie tomorrow.
      Have a great AF day everyone!!!!!
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning everyone....I have been up since 5:30 and been on the phone talking to my best friend and my brother....boy do we talk alot. No wonder I don't get anything done.

        Thanks for the congrad everyone...I'm so grateful that I'm sober today and able to take care of myself better and learning new things all the time. Their are times when I'm bored, stressed or tired it can be more of a challenge.... what do they say HALT. Hungry, angry lonely and tired...but I have to add boredom to my triggers list. I have to be also careful with compacency...I know for me I could go back out really easy if I didn't really work at it. I have went through this before (having 4 and a half year) and then talking myself back to thinking I could probably drink again. ) It's weird how our (my) thinking can make me think the total opposite sometimes. I have to see what is really going on with me that I'm trying to escape from.
        I'm like someone mentioned earlier I need to write down everyone's name to reply back to them...can't remember anything I promise I will get better with time.
        I hope everyone has a safe, sober weekend and I will check in later on this weekend.

        Sunnydaz (sober 6 months and 1 day)
        smober (137 days)


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          How is everyone today?

          Sunnydaz, your stats are impressive, you must be very happy & proud with your progress
          Treat yourself to something nice, you deserve it!!

          Hello to Tippgirl and QueenofDenial, both new here yesterday! Hope you have found yourselves a comfortable twig in the nest and are settling in. We will all do what we can to help keep you from falling

          TranqWilly, it's the weekend again, have you made some 'safe' plans for yourself? Weekends are a problem for most people, I think. In the past, everyday was a problem for glad that's all over!

          Chops, you are kicking back and relaxing this weekend I hope??!!

          Chicken, I really hope you were able to chase away the Friday Blues without a trip to the bottle shop. You have been a very, very strong forward moving chicken this past month

          GHE and NoraC, I really hope you are both starting to feel better. It's been a tough week for both of you! Doesn't seem quite fair to be dealing with sore throats, etc. while battling this demon. Sending strength & good wishes to you both!

          No special plans for me this weekend, more of the same just putting one foot in front of the other. Hoping for a little grandson time - he makes me happy

          Wishing you all a great AF day!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning nestlings!

            Mr. Wonderful had unexpectedly whisked me away last week! LOL
            The weather forecast was finally half decent so we took a few days out on the boat. Boy, doing nothing sure is tiring! :H

            Hope you are all well - will try to catch up with the ongoings in a little while. Right now, I have to clean this mess of a house!

            Have a great Saturday, all!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Quick fly in for me this morning! How is everyone doing? I hope Friday was good to you, and that the weekend is even better!

              Lav, I am going to kick back and relax this weekend. I hope you get to see your grandson. Grandkids are just the best aren't they? I smile just thinking of my little guy.

              Hope everyone has a great AF day! I will check in later.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi haven't been here in a while. I think this nest is great and will help to change. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Haven't had an af day but am cutting back alot . hope to have one soon. Thanks for the encouragement.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone. Made it so far. I'm on day 20 af. Had a subdued day yesterday due to a lot of rainy weather. Played golf today and stuck with iced tea after the round. Might be going out for dinner tonight with the same group plus our ladies, so I'm planning on sticking with the same bev. So far I'm still of a mind that continuing my af streak feels better than having that drink. Hope I can hang in there tonight.

                  Chopper, some day you're going to have to tell me how to relax. I seem to just keep going and going and going... and feel like I need a break sometimes.

                  Enjoy all.
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    it is raining here too
                    i also do not know how to relax without AL


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Queen. You're probably getting the rain we got yesterday. It rained slow and steady pretty much all day. Hot here today -- Hotter tomorrow. But I love summer and never complain about the heat. Cold is what I hate. Enjoy!
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Sunni, I'm profoundly jealous - I don't think I've ever been whisked away by Mr. Lav (or anyone else for that matter) Good for you & Mr. Wonderful

                        Chops, the grandbaby & his Mom were here for dinner and some playtime, it was nice. My son is on duty in DC for 24 hrs. The little guy is getting very active, becoming a regular RugRat!!!! Hope you're getting your relax time in!

                        Barbah, glad to see you back. Have you tried to get any AF time in yet? Go for just one'll be surprised to find that it will make you want another day and another!

                        Congrats on 20 days TranqWilly - that's fantastic! You're making good choices for yourself, keep going. You have to be feeling so much better & proud of yourself by now - good for you!

                        Queen, I thought relaxing without alcohol was going to be a big problem too. Turned out that's not the case. I was always an avid reader but had gotten out of the habit, being too blitzed every evening to sit & read a book. Now I can enjoy a good book again or watch a movie and actually remember what it was all about the next morning. It's also very comforting & relaxing to put my (drinking) money to better use these days. Give it a shot, you'll see

                        Have a good evening everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          HI All
                          Just a quick one cause I am being TOTALLY industrious this weekend..putting 2yr old into new 'big'girl's bed' *sob* and changing 3 rooms around in house to utilize our space better!! Feeling good about that!!
                          Hope everyone is fairing well and going strong!


                            Newbies Nest


                            When are you coming to my house to get me organized??????????
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning all. Just waking up on day 21. Lav, thanks for the well wishes. I am feeling a little proud, but to be honest, I also have a little bit of 'what did I get myself into?'. I ended up missing the dinner party last night when my 'sometimes' gf showed-up late. I was a little relieved to have an 'excuse' not to go to dinner with friends, so we spent a fairly quiet but eventful evening at home. Felt funny when I had to run out to get some beer for the gf. Haven't done that in a while.

                              The 'relief', however, wasn't complete since it was accompanied by a fair amount of guilt for blowing-off my friends and missing out on a night out with my good buddy who is in town for a few days. I'm not sure how much fun I would've been, but I feel like I chickened-out on a test (no offense Chicken), and bailed on my buddies. But I still haven't lost sight of what's really important here, which is my desire to get af and learn how to be free of all this internal hand-wringing.

                              Any way... on to day 21 and a round of golf in summer's hottest temps this year. Hoping my thirst-buds can behave themselves.

                              I have neither been whisked, nor done any whisking away in quite some time. Way to go Sunni. Travel is another serious weakness of mine when it comes to al, that'll be another adventure for me when the time comes.

                              Chicken... I've been seriously avoiding ANY household chores -- good for you on your industriousness! I get urges just washing dishes -- never one of my fav past-times.

                              And yeah, queen, just chill-out -- lol -- can't wait 'til I can get to that relaxation place like Lav too! Til then, guess I'll keep hopping around like the energizer bunny.

                              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Wow... what a horribibble day, weather wise! Woke up to HUGE thunder storms at 6:20am (on a SUNDAY! :egad LOL

                                But it's actually looking like almost daylight out there... so hopefully it'll clear up a little. I meant to do some cleaning around here yesterday... but.. errrmm... well, I didn't. So, I better hop to it today. I need some of what you energizer bunnies are smoking! :H

                                Hope you all have a wonderful AF Sunday!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

