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    Newbies Nest

    Happy Birthday K9!!! Your officially a cougar now! Love ya bud!:h
    Started living again 2/7/2015


      Newbies Nest

      AllanKay just got a Great Brand New Shiny Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      AF since 1st Sep 2012
      NF since 1st Sep 2012

      If you want to feel better visit


        Newbies Nest

        Alcoholic;1395525 wrote: Ima:
        That voice is annoying especially when I have free time on my hands. I try to drown it out by reading, watching tv or movies, reading these MWO posts, taking my supplements, and I started telling myself that "I don't have to drink now.,". (Instead of "I can't ever drink again")

        I don't think I can be totally alcohol free. Just being honest here. But I will try my best and I think that is the better than not trying.

        Let's all keep trying together. If we fall, we just get back and get right back up!!
        Alcoholic, I mentioned two of my tactics of making it through the first 30 days. I noted your current thought is, 'I don't think I can be totally free'. Can you see how you are already programming your mind for failure? How you aren't sure you really want to quit so are leaving an opening? Another part of my 30 day program was to not allow my mind to think a thought like that. It was simply, I CAN'T DRINK! EOS It was an enemy such as eating a poison plant that would kill me. Or sabotaging my cancer treatment. It SIMPLY WAS NOT AN OPTION! I would not allow my mind to tell me any other nonsense. I treated it like an enemy. Stay the hell out of my life. I will beat you to pieces if you come near me. I know this sounds so awful or violent, but this is a tricky foe. You can't leave one opening for this foe to get in, or it will. It just needs one little crack and it's in your home destroying what is yours...your life. Don't let it whisper sweet nothings to you. It is a liar who preys on you. RULE THE MIND or IT WILL RULE YOU! True!
        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          Newbies Nest

          allankay;1395530 wrote: AllanKay just got a Great Brand New Shiny Job

          WOOP WOOP
          Congrats, Allan. Now if that doesn't make your soul dance inside...YAY!!!!!
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Newbies Nest

            Alcoholic;1395525 wrote: I don't think I can be totally alcohol free. Just being honest here. But I will try my best and I think that is the better than not trying.

            Let's all keep trying together. If we fall, we just get back and get right back up!!
            Alcoholic - WHY can't you be totally alcohol free? I don't mean to offend you, but it sounds like you're planning to fail. You're rallying "us" together to fall. I don't plan to fall, and neither should you. Each time you fall, it becomes harder to get up. It's okay to be honest, and I do understand. Just don't set yourself up to fail...stay strong, it WILL get easier, I promise!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              WooHoo Alankay! Fantastic! What a way to start an AF weekend!


                Newbies Nest

                Congratulations, on the new job Allen! We knew you had it in the bag!


                Fin- loved K9s bday tune! ehem, by bday is in May- just remember!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Fin;1395497 wrote: Happy-Happy Birthday, K9!

                  Here's a little present for you:
                  Fin, this is simply brilliant.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Allan, congratulations on getting that job! :goodjob: (well, i hope it will be)

                    Slay - thank you very for the kind words. If it gives a few laughs, then i'm glad.

                    K9 - I see from your new picture that you bought yourself a sexy leopard suit for your birthday. Suits you, missus Hope you're having a braw day :l



                      Newbies Nest

                      Wow!! So much happening in the nest and it's all good!!
                      Fin...I felt as if I were ear-dropping (as we say in the South) on your tune to K9...that was beautiful! I have a birf-day coming up here pretty soon! I don't even want to post the number (glad there's not a roll call for THAT). Oy, it's getting ugly up in here!

                      Allan, yes, we all knew you had the job before you did! I am soooo proud of you. You are the poster child for how this ship can be turned around!! You really sound like a differnt person....we ALL do....we who have had the opportunity to operate under our own is amazing what AL takes away from us. It stopped giving to me a long time robbed me of nearly everything. Stay the course, you will never be sorry!

             are doing better than you think you are. This is a real battle of your 2 minds: Your Dick Head Mind, and the mind that wants OUT of the madness. You are winning! If you went thru the last 15 minutes you can get thru the next 15. Sometimes you just gotta break it down like that. This is D3, so you are operating under your own power! All the AL is out of your system. When you see that you are about to throw yourself a Pity Party, change your thinking! Start naming off your cousins...say the Pledge of Allegiance, think of Oprah giving out cash if you can get to the end of this day AF!! Whatever it takes (other than whips and chains....see K9 for that) to get thru this day. Surround yourself with things you love...turn the music up too loud and sing! This is not a are getting to the reward!!

                      Alcoholic...I felt the same as you....I just couldn't accept that I could live a life without AL. But guess what...I am, and it's BETTER than any drink I ever had. Like everyone else said, you leave that door cracked at all, and this monkey will follow you the rest of your life. I can vouch for that one. You feed it, you own it. I wish there were another way, but such is addiction. It's a lifelong party and we got invited. If this site does nothing more for serves as a timeline. If you stay around long enough, you will see people come and go.....come and go....come and go. The same people fighting the same thing over and over and over....Groudhog Day (put that on our movie list). It is a cycle. What you can't see unitl you get out from under it is that ALCOHOL IS THE PROBLEM! Next year at this time....where do you see yourself? In 2 years? In 5? What I needed to get thru my head was how to get AL OUT of my life, not how to learn to be a better drinker. I thought if I could just put a little distance between me and AL, I could reevaluate and come to a better understanding. I don't want to preach...but we are at the BAGGAGE CLAIM and your bags are here. We all are encouraging you to get to 30 days....that's our 'job' here, I think. But I would be lying if I told you that you can expect to start drinking again and everything will be ok. Reality sucks. I fought it hard. I lost. But I CAN promise you this....I wouldn't trade my AF self for all the drinks on Earth. I no longer NEED it. I don't even WANT it. I HATE it!! and what it does to my friends. If you are like me and sick of this rabbit hole...get out and don't look back! There is nothing down here but misery. If I'm wrong, I'll eat my hat!!

                      Stay strong, Nesters!! Together we will get thru the deep water! Hold on, it gets bumpy! When Dick Head rings the doorbell, say NO, HELL NO! AL will NOT take one more day of my life! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thank you very much: Slay, Byrdie, Starfish and DB.

                        I feel like a completely reborn person. I have more confidence. I am less patient with people or things that waste my time or drag me down. I am 10 pounds slimmer and healthier. Have not had any regrets or embarrassments since the date I gave up drinking.

                        The only thing that is on my mind is that my job offer is conditional and my references better be nice to me I was a very different person back then, feels like its shadow is still following me somehow. If I get glowing references, which I should, the job is mines.

                        The best part of it... Its the kind of job that I really wanted.

                        AF since 1st Sep 2012
                        NF since 1st Sep 2012

                        If you want to feel better visit


                          Newbies Nest

                          Dogwood! You snuck in 7 days right under our noses!!! :moon: You are making it look too easy!!! Well done to you! What pulled you along from D3 to D7? Did you have a mantra? I'm so proud of you!!! XO, B
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Allan, congrats! You rock!!!

                            K9 - I think you may be right. Deep down inside I feel robbed. I feel why can't I be "normal". Why can't I drink a little at parties, why do I have to be the one who doesn't drink because I was made with the genes of a drunk and ended up an alcoholic??? It almost seems unfair sometimes. You really struck a cord with that. I think that's probably why I always end up having that stupid drink. I will be working really hard on changing those thoughts! Now that I've realized the way I feel I can change it and I am really ready for a change! I want out of this prison of addiction. I am sick of alcohol running my life and ruining it in the mean time.

                            Byrdie, You are right. My goal on day 1 was to make it to day 3 and here I am. I am making it through today quite nicely and I'll make it through tomorrow. I can't wait to post to the roll call DAY 7!!! I am ready for whatever the demon has to offer!

                            Thank you everyone for your replies and suggestions.
                            One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrdy - I've always done better when I have somebody to answer to, on everything. MWO is a great place to be. Lots of good advice, sincere caring, (cause you've been where I've been), and just not wanting to come back to Day 1! It could happen, but I just need the additional "good pressure" of people waiting to see what I'm going to do and cheering me on!

                              Somewhere along the way I have to make it me standing on my own against the alcohol, but right now, I'm not ready. I feel like I'm hiding and resting.

                              Thanks to everyone in the Nest! I may never meet any of you, but my heart goes out to each person in the nest, new or "older" and I love you all!

                              ONE WEEK DOWN, THE REST OF MY LIFE TO GO!


                                Newbies Nest

                                iamaquitter28;1395613 wrote: Allan, congrats! You rock!!!

                                K9 - I think you may be right. Deep down inside I feel robbed. I feel why can't I be "normal". Why can't I drink a little at parties, why do I have to be the one who doesn't drink because I was made with the genes of a drunk and ended up an alcoholic??? It almost seems unfair sometimes. You really struck a cord with that. I think that's probably why I always end up having that stupid drink. I will be working really hard on changing those thoughts! Now that I've realized the way I feel I can change it and I am really ready for a change! I want out of this prison of addiction. I am sick of alcohol running my life and ruining it in the mean time.

                                Byrdie, You are right. My goal on day 1 was to make it to day 3 and here I am. I am making it through today quite nicely and I'll make it through tomorrow. I can't wait to post to the roll call DAY 7!!! I am ready for whatever the demon has to offer!

                                Thank you everyone for your replies and suggestions.
                                Iam, I'd like to add a thought to the fact of why can everyone else drink and I can't that hasn't been covered here. How do you know some of these other folks don't have a problem as well. Albeit, we have them at various levels, but since I've come out of the closet and admitted it to people, I have had several people admit to me they have a problem. They aren't ready to address it, but while they may have appeared to not have a problem, they actually do. They hide it just like most of us do. Be ahead of the curve. Set the that you don't have to carry the shame and can make a change. You'd be surprised how many alkies or problem drinkers are out there under cover.

                                Hang tight. You are stronger than you think and don't let that mind rerun lies.
                                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

