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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdlady;1396524 wrote: You dang right, Slay...humor is always the best medicine..
    I was going to make a crack about Alco's massage chair and K9's audition, but was afraid getting pecked by Stella! Nothing worse than a mad, wet chicken!

    RC, you are killing us with your Soap Opra...BSH. Is another party in our future? As soon as Lola gets her snotty head cleared out, we'll be good to go! I don't trust her cooking right now...her drippy nose is a concern. We could consult DB who is a nose expert!! XO, B
    Or a drunk mad wet chicken. Yikes!

    I love his dialogue routines. I've noted the different gifts people here have to contribute to the group. It's quite wonderful. Each person adds their unique touch and can make this place so great. RC has a compassionate humorous talent he provides that adds another dimension. There is a love that takes place here when everyone works together that is quite something.

    Have a great day, Brydie. You do a wonderful service here.:l
    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


      Newbies Nest

      Congratulations to Allan on 50 days AF and a new job too! You are an inspiration! Continue to conquer the beast!
      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


        Newbies Nest

        So Byrdie, I just have to ask... What do wet chickens smell like? Lol. Healing prayers are being sent to your hard drive. Keep us posted.
        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


          Newbies Nest


          Lav and Byrdie,

          Please share the stories - how is it you two have chickens? How long? How many?

          Chickens have become the new "thing" in Marin. Everybody (nearly) grows a garden in the summer; now it's chickens. It's a really funny divide among couples, those on the fence about getting chickens. Two of my girlfriends really want them; their husbands are "I draw the line at chickens."

          Anyway, details please...........

          "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

          AF since Oct 2, 2012


            Newbies Nest

            I'm borrowing a quote from Sausage to use in my signature... . "watching the AF days stack up like a string of pearls". Thanks Saus! It's a lovely image!
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              Newbies Nest

              I don't have any chickens...just a chihuahua. I live vicariously thru Lav! I have never smelled a wet chicken (unless you count those I'm about to fry, sorry Stella).

              We did not win the doggie costume contest. We really worked it, too. (fists pounding)

              2 years ago, I worked this Annual Doggie event as a volunteer. I had wine in my purse (in a hairspray bottle!) and kept excusing myself to go to the lady's room to get a few big was a long day, and I ran out, but I knew they were selling some in a vendor's tent, so when my shift was over I went by to see if I could get some and they were only selling it by the bottle. I bought one..and then called my husband to come pick me up...I went back to the lady's room, refilled my Hairspray bottle, chugged as much as I could from the bottle I bought and stashed the rest in the trash. 2 things stand out in my mind...the panic I had when I ran out, and the thrill of having that full bottle. How exhausting....

              Hugs to all!! B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Thank you alcoholic and slay for your extremely helpful words. I feel really hopeful and at peace with my slip up now. Gonna stay close from now on and just keep going. Really appreciate the time you guys take out to help others x

                1st goal: 100 days
                2nd goal: 1 year
                ultimate goal: forever


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey nesters. 3:30 on a Saturday and doing pretty well. some talk about going to the liquor store in my head but I keep telling him to shut the front door. so far so good. Spent all day out of the house and occupied. Did some garage saleing, went to the flea market, went fishing, now about to bake an apple pie and cook dinner. I should be so occupied for the rest of the evening that I won't have time to drink if I wanted to!!! Day 4 and halfway through!!!
                  One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi all.
                    Good day so far... 20 days is 2/3 of the way to 30.....I will make it!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Way to go Dottie Belle! 20 days is a milestone for sure. Ima, have you tapped today? Don't let your energy get stuck!
                      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                        Newbies Nest

                        Nurdl: I haven't had time, LOL. I need to try it though. I just went to the pet store which is 2 doors down from "my" liquor store. The hardest thing I've ever done was drive out of the parking lot with my head screaming at me to just stop in and get "just a small bottle". I am feeling emotionally drained if that makes sense to anyone. Whew, that was a tough one. Now for the distractions. Pie and dinner!
                        One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


                          Newbies Nest

                          I think about the people who work in the liquor stores. They totally knew that i was drinking all that I was buying myself but I thought I had them all fooled. I would be too embarrassed to buy alcohol at any of the 6 stores I used to rotate my buying in. problem solved!
                          we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                            Newbies Nest

                            Iama, it's decisions like the one you made that are the difference between adding a day to the roll call and beginning the cycle again. WELL DONE!! I know those voices can be loud...and convincing. I promise you if you will fight thru to the other side you won't be sorry! Look out , Day 5!

                            Dottie...did you ever imagine you could go 20 days!! 10 more and you get your hat!!!

                            Nurdl....I was the same way, I rotated liquor stores, too. It would really throw me off when the person who usually worked in my local one would be in one of the other ones...Surely they knew the huge volume of vodka I bought were just for me...who throws parties ever week? And just serves vodka? Maybe I'm not as smart as I thought...
                            Stay strong and tell AL to go to hell! B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Day 34 in The Big Sober House

                              It's ten pm in the Big Sober House. Saturday night and many of the housemates are trying their luck with staying sober while out on the town. Some though are just sticking close to the house, sitting on the velcro-padded sofa's. In the garden, Lavande is having a word with Stella.

                              LAV: Stella? How are you feeling now?

                              STELLA: Eurgh... Ma beak.

                              LAV: What about your beak?

                              STELLA: Did i sleep biting Pug's tail again, cos it sure feels dry and tastes foul.

                              LAV: No, you were nowhere near Pug, or his tail, last night.

                              STELLA: Oh.

                              LAV: Did you have a good night last night Stella?

                              STELLA: Oh yeah, sure i did. Real good. I mean, didn't you? And we were like... what was it we were doing last night?

                              LAV: Can't remember?

                              STELLA: Old age, Lav.

                              LAV: Really...

                              STELLA: (Sheepishly) Eh... yeah. So, we were...

                              LAV: We were...?

                              STELLA: We were... Laying eggs! Yeah you were forcing me to lay extra eggs.

                              LAV: Wrong.

                              STELLA: Are you sure? My arse sure is sore. So... not laying eggs... Cleaning the coop - you and me were cleaning the coop here, cos it sure looks - tidy?

                              LAV: We were not cleaning the coop.

                              STELLA: You're right. It's a bomb site in there. So, we were...not laying eggs, not cleaning the coop.... OH LAV! I dunno, we were just hanging out in the garden as we always do. What is this, like, 20 questions? I got amnesia. So what? I'm losing my marbles. Hey, it happens. Get over it Lavande.

                              LAV: You were drunk
                              . DRUNK!

                              STELLA: Me? No, never. On what?

                              LAV: Beer.

                              STELLA: But I only drink wine, you know that -

                              LAV: Maybe desperate times call for desperate measures?

                              STELLA: What's that suppose to mean?

                              LAV: It's not the first time, Stella -

                              STELLA: What?

                              LAV: That you've been so drunk you can't remember most of the previous evening.

                              STELLA: Must've been a good night then!

                              LAV: Hmmmm..... I think we need to get rid of your booze stash.

                              STELLA: Wha -

                              LAV: Sorry, Stells, but it's for your own good.

                              STELLA: Hey, you saying i got some sort of problem here? Hey, Lavande answer me. Hey, don't just get up and walk away. LAVANDE! Get back here, I'm not finished speaking to you! Look, I'm sorry, really. I'M SORRY. I promise i wont make a cock of myself again... actually, I'm a chook, so it's biologically impossible for me to make a cock of myself... I PROMISE! DON'T TAKE THE WINE! I'LL BE A GOOD BIRD! PROMISE! Look Lav, I'm doing the Birdy Dance - isn't it funny? - look at me...

                              LAV: NOT funny Stella. NOT funny.

                              STELLA: Sorry. Would you prefer i did the flamingo? The Bosa Nova? Salsa?

                              LAV: Stella. Coop. Now.

                              STELLA: Coop. Yes, coop. Coop it is. Rightaway. To the coop... How about the Chacha?

                              LAV: STELLA!


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm heading to see the Symphony tonight in downtown Raleigh, and I keep thinking about the driving situation. Should I take a cab? Should I just risk a DUI?

                                Then it hits me.....

                                I'm sober. I'm AF. I can drive myself there and back with no worries. What a relief!!

