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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest little girl wants your chickens . She would pet them all day long. WE used to have them, but now we live on base. Maybe some day. Curled up in bed with a warm six year old who is smart enough to be reading everything I am typing. Oh well, good night all, thanks for being here!


      Newbies Nest

      Way to go Fin. You must feel good about yourself. I'm smiling for you!
      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


        Newbies Nest

        Off to bed now..thanks to eveyone for the support was a hard one but with your help i won the battle...
        Night all,

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Had a great time at the Symphony tonight. Normally, I would have chugged wine as hard as I could before the show and during intermission. This time was different. I just sat there and people watched. I thought about how lucky I am. I thought about how I am finally becoming the person I've always wanted to be, now that the Beast is locked up in his cage....

          When I was walking back to my car, I stopped in a restaurant/bar I've never been in, just to check it out. I watched all the people drinking, talking loud, spending money. I was soooo glad I was not one of those people. It's amazing when you finally realize that you've been shammed all those years into thinking that the bar scene is classy and glamorous....

          A cop got behind me on the way home. I suddenly got a big knot in my stomach and I started intently concentrating on staying in the lines.

          But again, it hit me....

          I'm sober!! Go ahead and pull me so I can prove it to you!

          But he didn't.....

          Oh well, now I'm home and about to settle into bed with my big furry dogs to keep me warm.

          Man, I am so lucky. So lucky indeed.....

          Goodnite, all!


            Newbies Nest

            Nanette;1396817 wrote: I am at day 1 and I am proud to say I went and bought some fruits and veggies today and some herbal teas. I am currently steeping an herbal tea that I am going to drink instead of a beer. I have decided that there are alot of people in my life that I need to be here for and drinking instead of eating was slowly killing me. I will figure out how to navigate this site and I am feeling positive about how things are going to go. Thank you everyone for being here.
            Welcome to the Nest! You will love it here. I was slowly killing myself to. And than I found this place. We lean on each other here. And I very happy you are making a change. It's a ongoing process...but it's worth it. Welcome to the nest!
            Started living again 2/7/2015


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady;1396824 wrote: Hey Nanette! I'm so glad you found us! We have folks in all stages of quitting! You have landed in THE best possible place if you are serious about getting this monkey off your back! We have LOTS of success here....

              I would suggest reading back on this thread a couple weeks and get to know us....then jump right in. There is no question that we can't get answered for of us has done it for sure. Please find the link to the Tool Box in my signature line...there you will find 100's of tips and coping strategies to help you thru.

              We are so glad you found us....pull up a twig and jump in when you feel out for the chickens! Great job on getting Day 1 done and is a BIT___! Onwards and upwards! B
              Hi Byrdie! How have you been? Between school and work I get swamped at times. Love coming into the nest and seeing how much love there is. I hope your doing well my friend!
              Started living again 2/7/2015


                Newbies Nest

                Ok. Went to a great celebration of my husbands 44th birthday Party. Had 2 drinks. Second drink I sipped and barely finished. Normally I would have had more than 4. Yes, ideally I should have had 0, but I'm still glad to go from 2 bottles of wine a day to occasionally 2 glasses in just one week. It's a work in progress for sure. But as I mentioned before, this is a progress and I'm quite proud of it. I'@@
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Alcoholic;1396885 wrote: Ok. Went to a great celebration of my husbands 44th birthday Party. Had 2 drinks. Second drink I sipped and barely finished. Normally I would have had more than 4. Yes, ideally I should have had 0, but I'm still glad to go from 2 bottles of wine a day to occasionally 2 glasses in just one week. It's a work in progress for sure. But as I mentioned before, this is a progress and I'm quite proud of it. I'@@
                  It happens! Baby steps! Unlearning a habit takes time. Your on the right path.
                  Started living again 2/7/2015


                    Newbies Nest

                    Alcoholic;1396885 wrote: Ok. Went to a great celebration of my husbands 44th birthday Party. Had 2 drinks. Second drink I sipped and barely finished. Normally I would have had more than 4. Yes, ideally I should have had 0, but I'm still glad to go from 2 bottles of wine a day to occasionally 2 glasses in just one week. It's a work in progress for sure. But as I mentioned before, this is a progress and I'm quite proud of it. I'@@
                    Forgive me if you have already told us, but what is your hubby's take on your drinking? That SO relationship can be a maker or a breaker.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Checking in

                      Lav, thanks so much for sharing your chicken raising history. It is wonderful. I can see myself raising them one day. I want to get a really great garden going in the near-term. Stella was beautiful as a chick!!

                      Byrdie, King Charlie and I resolved the Halloween costume war. I bought a distinguished Halloween sweater today, black with orange trim and a candy corn on the back. Very nice indeed.

                      Dottie, I'm so glad you made it through the night. It's scary to me how strong the urges can be, even with the passage of time. I'm glad the nest was here to help.

                      I had a really good night, following a good day. Needed to distance myself from the awful stress of my job right now, and one day away did just that. Then I was at a kid's b-day party tonight with all the local parents/couples that I so like and have been "outside the herd" as a single with no SO. It was a late dinner at a Pizza parlor, with beer and wine flowing. I wasn't tempted at all. Strange. And no one seemed uncomfortable that I wasn't drinking. And for once, through the evening, I felt confident. Wow. This sentence has been running through my head all day:

                      I don't feel like a walking apology anymore.

                      Hope everyone sleeps well.

                      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                      AF since Oct 2, 2012


                        Newbies Nest

                        Nanette;1396817 wrote: I am at day 1 and I am proud to say I went and bought some fruits and veggies today and some herbal teas. I am currently steeping an herbal tea that I am going to drink instead of a beer. I have decided that there are alot of people in my life that I need to be here for and drinking instead of eating was slowly killing me. I will figure out how to navigate this site and I am feeling positive about how things are going to go. Thank you everyone for being here.
                        :welcome: Nanette, good to have you join us. Glad you're feeling positive! And if at times you don't, then you've found a great place filled with empathetic people to offer friendship and support.



                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters,

                          I'm whispering as i realise it's the middle of the night for you east coast american's and maybe bedtime for the Californian's... meanwhile, back in the olde lands of Europe, it's Sunday morning so a'body's sleeping in...

                          If anyone is up, I gotta cuppajoe brewing.

                          Lav - thank you for sharing your stories of the chooks and Stella. My folks live next door to a family who raise a variety of different sorts of chooks, so free neighbourly eggs are not uncommon there. What's most fascinating is that my folks' cat - aka "that-ferocious-rabbit-slaughtering-tiger-of-a-kitty" hasn't ever set a paw, let alone a glance, at the chook coop.

                          Fin - well done in not succumbing to temptation.

                          Dottie - hope you're doing well today.

                          Rooni - that's what i like to hear!

                          Cat - you gotta photo of Charlie in his Hallowe'en gear?! And thank you for sharing that line, "I don't feel like a walking apology anymore" no doubt that resonates, as well give inspiration. Glad to hear you were feeling confident at the party!

                          Have a great Sunday folks



                            Newbies Nest



                            My husband sometimes says I drink too much and then when I said I wanted to quit drinking, he was shocked, and said, "you don't drink that much, do you?" He lets me do pretty much what I want. If I want to destroy my life, he'll let me. If I want to save my life, that's fine w him too. He loves me but he believes in individual choices, even if they are foolish choices.

                            My goal is to be alcohol free but if I can't and I drink 1-2 glasses once or twice a week , it's still better than my baseline of drinking 1-2
                            Bottles daily and I'm not going to beat myself over that. It's still progress. I can always get better. But the Great Wall wasn't built in one day!!!! And bad habit takes longer than one day to extinguish sometimes especially when it took many years to develop!!!
                            Alcoholic (or Ally)

                            "Only a fool knows everything.
                            A wise man knows how little he knows."

                            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning Nest, Day 5 here. Sleepy as crap because my crazy 4 year old decided that 6:45 on a Sunday morning is a lovely time to start the day and my dogs agreed!!! Glad I'm not hungover because my life would be hell right now! I am loving this new AF life.
                              Alcoholic: I agree with you. If that were me though that 1-2 glasses a week would very very quickly turn back into my regular bad habits so just keep an eye on that.
                              Rooniferd: That's really awesome. I haven't driven under the influence in years as I am an "at home drinker" and I have my daughter with me almost every where I go but I remember driving home from the bar so drunk I couldn't distinguish which lines where my beer goggle lines and which were the lines I should be following! I'd wake up the next day like Holy Sh_t how'd I get home alive and not end up in jail. These are days NEVER to be missed. I'm sure it was so nice to see the symphony with "sober eyes". They are beautiful!
                              Everyone else congrats on making it through another day and have a great AF Sunday. We're off to the fall festival this morning.
                              One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters

                                Up at the crack of dawn myself! Not my choice but what can you do???

                                I wanted to mention I have a chicken herding Swiss Mountain dog :H
                                She is 100 pounds of cuteness & has never hurt a feather on one of the birds. She's been known to pick them up & carry them back to their yard if they've wandered too far away

                                I hope everyone has a terrific AF Sunday!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

