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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all,
    Beautiful cool day here in Ohio.
    So glad I stayed the course last night..Byrd thanks so much and the others too. Felt so good to come here and find support...dh just does not get it and never will..he is supportive of me not drinking but does not get the "addiction" part at all....but at least he is supportive and has stopped asking me if I want wine when we go grocery shopping.
    Off to a breast cancer fund raiser then taking dad out for 84th birthday dinner..I am an only child so it will just be the 3 of us...he has Alzheimers but still lives alone..who knows for how long...
    Have a great day and I will try to catch up tonight.

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest go girl. Those guys dont stand a chance!


        Newbies Nest

        Day 9 for me. Anybody heard anything from FreeFly?


          Newbies Nest

          SEXY KILT :H
          I loved AWB so much I secretly wished my son would grow up & join the band one day

          This is my chicken herder Maxie - doesn't she look like she just loves chickens?? :H :H

          Sounds like everyone is having a great Sunday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            hi everyone - sticking close but shattered. spent most of last 24hrs eating my way to better. feel like a fat pig but i dont care. excited for the future. feel relief that I've tested myself and failed. at least now i know - that the only way is sober. and that its so simple. no more games, internal negotiation etc etc etc. just need a bit of time under my belt now. night night everyone!

            1st goal: 100 days
            2nd goal: 1 year
            ultimate goal: forever


              Newbies Nest

              Day 35 in the Big Sober House

              Day 35 in the Big Sober House and Stella's out in the garden, sunning herself on a deck chair. Lavan -

              STELLA: Yeah, OK Big Sober Voice Over or whoever it is you are - we get it. We're in the Big Sober Garden of the Big Sober House, yada yada yada.... Whatever. Oh, lookie there. Lavande's doing a bit of weeding. Ya gonna comment on that? Oh lookie here, I'm sunning myself on a deck chair. Ya gonna comment on that -

              BIG SOBER: Just did -

              STELLA: Shut it, Sober. Oh, lookie there, there's that delightful mutt, Maxie, guarding the coop pen DELUDING everyone that she's guarding us chooks, when REALLY, she's guarding ME from getting to the booze shed. Aint that right Maxie?

              MAXIE: Good afternoon, Stella.

              STELLA: Not going to answer my question?

              Maxie smiles politely

              STELLA: Not even gonna mutter a woof?

              LITTLE FELLA: Woof? Iv, wiv a woof? Wuf? Wooooof!

              STELLA: Good grief.

              MAXIE: Little fella, it's ok. It's nothing.

              STELLA: Nothing? You call guarding the booze shed NOTHING? Maxie, this is torture, ya'hear? Torture. In most countries that's against the law. YOU are conspiring with HER to torture ME. See? And you wanna know what's really clucked up about the whole clucking thing? I'm not hiding anything - I'm openly saying i wanna get into the booze shed. I aint got no secrets... But then that's what everyone says when they're being tortured.

              Maxie, can i give you massage? You know like a massage, a little rub under the chin there... c'mere, I'll give you one, you know you always liked Stella Chook's chin tickles... Go on, you know you want to... go on...

              Meanwhile, at the dining table Byrdie sits and... talks...

              BYRDIE: Hey Kuya! And Rooni! AndK9. Thanks for all joining me here. Was getting a bit bored, which always brings on a bit of the lonliness, which, as you all know is a great excuse to have Richard help me pour myself a drink. But now you three are here and - and Dottie! Stumps! Star! Hey, lovely to see youse too. Oh. Hang on, there's movement at the far side of the table - Fin! Rock up m'dear, come join us all. We're having a bit of a jive here together. Yes, so as i was saying, loneliness breeds a need for self-medication. And my medication was wine. A lot. And boy was it good. Only it wasn't. At all. So why i just said it was good, I'm not altogether sure. But anyway, in times of loneliness, in times of stress, in times of just thinking that really every molecule in the universe is ignoring or has just plain abandoned you, then oh boy was a box of wine heartening. Only my heart was shrivelling under the duress of the wine. Cat! Come join us. And Allan too! You swam here? From li'l ol' Englande? Well i never. Anyway, lovely to see you both too. And here's RC also. And Iama and Alco' and Lolab and Wicked and Nora and Quest and EVERYONE! - Wonderful! Oh, and Lavande -

              LAV: Byrdie?

              BYRDIE: Lav?

              LAV: Byrdie. Who are you speaking to?

              BYRDIE: Er...

              LAV: Are you feeling ok?

              BYRDIE: Oh Lav I feel wonderful.

              LAV: Right...

              Byrdie addresses the table she's sitting at

              BYRDIE: What's that K9?

              LAV: K9?

              BYRDIE: Uh?

              LAV: You were speaking to Niner?

              BYRDIE: Ehm...

              LAV: K9's not here right now.

              BYRDIE: No. You're right... Eh... She just this very moment left... Did you not see her go?

              LAV: No, I did not.

              BYRDIE: It'll be your sight Lav.

              LAV: And not your marbles? Look I gotta help Maxie from Stella getting access to that doggone booze shed. Hang tight, I'll be right back...

              Lav heads back out into the garden

              BYRDIE: Guys. Guys!... Guys? You can come back out now, Lav's gone... Guys?....Ah! Phew, I thought you'd all disappeared. And Kuya - could you please stop jumping about so much while brandishing that huge fork?


                Newbies Nest

                Good night, Nellie: tomorrow's a new day and I hope u feel better!
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  Newbies Nest

                  What a positive lot you sound today! Awesome.

                  LAV ......luv your dog!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Lav - your dog is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! What a sweet face!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening all,
                      Good dinner with dad...we have been taking him to this place for years and he asked if we had been there before..sigh....his mind is getting worse and worse....we see his doctor in November but I don't think there is anything else they can do..he is on 2 Alzheimer's medicines....sigh...
                      Football tonight so I am going to watch in the bedroom so dh can watch something boring...LOL
                      Not easy but no wine for me last night or tonight...having eye surgery on Thursday so I want to make sure I am OK for the anesthesia. AND I don't want to start over again...

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Lav...your pets are just wonderful! Maxie looks so sweet and healthy!

                        RC, your stories are priceless! Stella, the chicken with a beer problem! ONLY you!!
                        Well done everyone...stay strong tonight...MindPeace, B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest


                          This is my first visit. I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to say here, but I know I need help and due to the nature of my profession, there's no way I can get it in person. I sincerely thank you all for being here. I hope this is the beginning of a long relationship. I hope to be back tomorrow.


                            Newbies Nest


                            Welcome, Dorothy! This is a great site! I just started here myself 1 week ago and have learned so much already from the MWO forum that for the first time in many years I was able to have a few alcohol free days!!! My mindset is so different now and I actually have much less fear of doing living a day without alcohol.

                            I also have a pretty high profile job so AA would not be a good option for me. Thank God for Internet invention!!!!

                            There are many supportive people here and many who struggle and get right back up. And many different suggestions, different opinions, so you can choose what you think will work out for you.

                            Hope you stick around and read the different threads!!! Good luck!
                            Alcoholic (or Ally)

                            "Only a fool knows everything.
                            A wise man knows how little he knows."

                            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                              Newbies Nest

                              DorothyFree - WELCOME! You are in the right place. What they told me when I first came was to not be too hard on myself, take care of myself as far as eating, resting, hydrating, and some of our long timers will guide you to where you need to be - tool box, etc. For me, it's just one day at a time and sometimes one hour at a time. If I don't drink today, then tomorrow will be better. Anything you are feeling or going through, there is someone on MWO who has been there, done that, or someone who can give you a heads up about what you are experiencing or going to experience. You are in the right place! Just settle in and make yourself at home. Glad you found us, and glad you're here!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Dorothyfree, welcome. You are in the right place, hang on there kiddo. I know someone will be along to give you the tool box link. Bless you.
                                AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                                AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                                STUMPY IS A LADY!

