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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you all. Made it through today, albeit feeling quite rough.
    Alcoholic: Had I not cancelled I would have for sure caved. Still have quite a challenge on my hands though. It's my 5th anniversary and we are going to St Augustine, FL for the weekend (childless might I add) and that is going to be really hard. But at least I'll remember my anniversary and not spend it in a drunken stuper!!!
    One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


      Newbies Nest

      Day 36 in the Big Sober House (that's the BSH, BTW)

      Day 36 in the Big Sober House. The housemates have been pottering about or at work elsewhere, depending on what their preference is. However to get to the point of pottering, or to get into the damned car to drive themselves to work took some Herculean effort...

      LAV: Well...

      BYRDIE: Oh my...

      CAT: Oh my indeed...

      LOLAB: How...

      DOTTIE: Lovely...

      STAR: I'm so glad i've come back after my busy weekend, if only to see...

      IAMA: Ok, this is a good enough reason to stay sober today...

      MAXIE: Yes, i do see what you're looking at -

      BYRDIE: Maxie, you're a dog -

      MAXIE: Dog's have feelings too Byrdlady...

      LAV: Total Diet Coke moment -

      CAT: Is it 11.30?

      ALCO: I do believe it is -

      CAT: Then time for a break -

      IAMA: Sit back and -

      LAV: STARE...

      Stella comes running through the legs of the housemates drawn to what they're staring at

      STELLA: Whatisitwhatisitwhatisitwhatisitwhatisitwhatisitwh atisitwhatisit?

      Stella skids to a halt

      STELLA: Whoa! Bejesus... (Stella adjusts her stance so as her hips may sway seductively at the sight that beholds her and everyone else. (Not that a chicken has EVER swayed their hips seductively, but here we apply what is poetically know as 'poetic license'.)) Why, hey there... goooOOOD lookin'! Fancy some chicken tonight?

      LAV: STELLA! No! NO! You CANNOT say things like that. You CANNOT say "fancy some chicken tonight" to this fine fella of a hot dang good lookin bloke.

      STELLA: And why not, Lavande?

      LAV: You ARE a chicken.

      FIN: I like chicken -

      The female housemates swoon

      BYRDIE: He sp -

      DOTTIE: Yes, he -

      IAMI: Spoke - he spo-

      CAT: He spoked, yes,

      ALCO: Oh my -

      STAR: Oh my -

      LAV: Oh MY....

      STELLA: So, handsome Mr Fin, you like chicken you say?

      FIN: Yes - with tarragon -

      STELLA: Who's tarra-what?

      FIN: Or lemon - I like lemon chicken.

      STELLA: Oi, Lavande, we got any lemons, the boy wants me with some lemon -

      FIN: Or some bar-b-q chicken thigh -

      STELLA: Sure we gotta a barbie, we can cook up some chick...en... eh... Did you say chicken

      FIN: Or chicken breast stuffed with pesto -

      STELLA: That's offensive boyo -

      FIN: Or chicken stuffed with mozarella...

      STELLA: Hey!

      FIN: Or Garlic butter...

      STELLA: Stop it right there Mandoman - how would you like if i said i'd like to stuff your----

      LAV: STELLA! Coop! Now! MAXIE?! Coop up the girl.

      Maxie swiftly pops Stella into her mouth and returns her to the garden

      BYRDIE: So, Fin, we like your new avatar.

      FIN: Thanks guys. Anyway, gotta go practice the mando. Catch you all later. Be good.

      IAMA: Oh my...

      STAR: Absolutely...

      CAT: More Diet Coke, anyone?

      BYRDIE: Good call Cat. Build up quite a thirst staring at that Avatar of his...

      ALCO: So glad i came here... Only been a week, but the sights are delightful.


        Newbies Nest

        RC you are very talented....always give me a laugh!!

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Running!! I only secretly swooned over Fin's avatar....he had no clue until you just told him! I am happily married..... besides, the other hens around here would peck me to death!
          I ate too many tummy hurts. Bleh. XO, B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Dottie Belle;1397740 wrote: RC you are very talented....always give me a laugh!!
            Aww... thanks Dottie :blush:


              Newbies Nest

              Worked most of the day in the yard...who needs the gym..pulled out bushes with my bare hands...well I wore gloves and they were dead...but great effort on my part.....;-))
              Never would have done this a mere 22 days ago...amazing the energy I have found....dh better watch out when I retire....he will need to get a job to rest...

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1397742 wrote: Running!! I only secretly swooned over Fin's avatar....he had no clue until you just told him! I am happily married..... besides, the other hens around here would peck me to death!
                I ate too many tummy hurts. Bleh. XO, B
                Yup reckon there was a lot of swooning in the nest today.

                Snickers. Snickers cost about 65p in the UK... but in my little town they have this shop where they buy American imports of sweets/candy, or their own versions of snickers/milky way and the like and then sell each bar for a pretty extortionate ?1.99... which does seem somewhat ridiculous for a single bar of chocolate. But then they sell the Snickers almond version, so i'm out there tomorrow to buy one of those...


                  Newbies Nest

                  This will be day 1 with nothing, I'm not going to drink tonight. Yesterday I tapered for safety, and was not intoxicated when I posted, I want to make that clear. Not much sleep last night. Worked all day and felt better today. Now I'll spend the evening writing progress notes, working from home, take a hot bath, read in bed with tea. I started reading the toolbox thread. This Saturday is my 44th birthday, but I plan to tell my ex who I'm spending it with that I'm not drinking, and I know she'll roll with that, if she can go to her house and drink in the evening. I want to work in the yard and pick up other people's leaves for mulching the garden. And go where our dogs can run free and see that for the first time, since I got this precious dog I haven't felt well enough to even do that. And have crab legs and stuffed mushrooms and ice water.

                  I'm a therapist, and I'm looking forward to being able to help people with their addictions without feeling like a hypocrit. Thank you all for your advice and support.


                    Newbies Nest

                    DorothyFree...we are so glad you are with us. Sounds like you have a great plan in place...tonight could get L-O-N-G...just take it 15 minutes at a time...if you got thru the last 15, you can get thru the next! Keep your tummy FULL (try to make better chocies than Snickers) but a full tummy will help about as much as any other tip there is. Just dig your heels in and don't give in no matter what and no matter who. Check in here if you need us...we have ALL been right where you are. I will be thinking of you!

                    Running, I'm sorry that you have to win the lotto in order to buy Snickers's. I just shouldn't have mentioned it! I bought a bag of Halloween candy to give out next week and have almost eaten the whole thing! However, I have lost 13 pounds since my quit so something is going right!

                    Dottie, you sound GREAT!! Well done! Sometimes digging around in the dirt is great therapy...just ask Stella! XXOO, B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest


                      hey we are in very similar field! Lots of people in mental health field suffer from addiction or mental health issues ourselves. One could say we are hypocrites but one could also say we are more sensitive to what those in similar situations are going through. Just like those who are in grief counseling are better at their jobs if they have lost someone and those who are parents are more understanding of what parents have to struggle through. Just because we know what to do doesn't mean it's not hard still for us to do. We are only human. Tell you what, this is a great site. I am also in the medical field and I didn't know about the kudzu and l- glutamine. Started taking them and had the most alcohol free days I ever had for the last 20 years of my life!!! I'm really happy and just stick w this ok? Do whatever works for you.... It'll work and treat this like AA meetings. You will get support!
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just in case you guys were curious, I have decided to pretend I'm not shy (LOL) and post a link to my blog that discusses the larger part of my detox (i.e. not focusing on the AL-related stuff, but more on exercise and nutrition) in case you guys were curious. I don't update it every day, but I do try to post once a week or more. No pressure, and I am not expecting any feedback. I just thought it might be fun to share. I've only posted like 5 things on it yet.

                        The Clear Year

                        Today I am working from home, which is good, because I feel extraordinarily low-energy and lethargic. Like I could crawl back into my bed and sleep for a week. You guys are so very supportive. Thanks for always being so nice to me. And it's definitely good to know that I'm not the only one having booze dreams!


                          Newbies Nest

                          limonada;1397794 wrote: Just in case you guys were curious, I have decided to pretend I'm not shy (LOL) and post a link to my blog that discusses the larger part of my detox (i.e. not focusing on the AL-related stuff, but more on exercise and nutrition) in case you guys were curious. I don't update it every day, but I do try to post once a week or more. No pressure, and I am not expecting any feedback. I just thought it might be fun to share. I've only posted like 5 things on it yet.

                          The Clear Year

                          Today I am working from home, which is good, because I feel extraordinarily low-energy and lethargic. Like I could crawl back into my bed and sleep for a week. You guys are so very supportive. Thanks for always being so nice to me. And it's definitely good to know that I'm not the only one having booze dreams!
                          I had my first booze dream a couple of days ago ...... Really shook me, nearly woke up in tears.
                          Repeating reminder that fatigue is an almost constant companion for a couple of months. Just go with the flow. If you have been drinking for years your liver has been coping with detoxing alcohol every day. Now you are sober it can start to deal with the other toxins which you have locked away in your fat....... Hence the fatigue, but it is a good thing


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            RC, if you make me pee my pants laughing I may never forgive you :H :H
                            I know I'll end up dreaming about all that at some point!

                            Don't worry about the drinking dreams folks, they do stop & I think they are a rite of passage on the road to sobriety. I also dealt with smoking dreams at the same time - ugh.

                            The HALT theory really does work once you get into the practice if using it every time you start thinking about a drink. I work from my home shop so I have access to healthy snacks, etc. but I've read that a lot of people purposely pack healthy (protein) foods specifically to have before or on the ride home. Sounds like a great idea
                            Pouring a drink can aslo be a completely mindless (habitual) thing too. Pushing yourself to be mindful is a great help too!

                            I am trying to watch the presidential debate right now so I guess I should pay attention!!!!
                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest (don't forget the butt velcro).
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              good night all. DH coming come later tonight for a one nighter. Nice not to have to hide my breath.

                     are too funny. Thanks for the laughs!

                              Finn. Your little guy is so cute. What motivation to stay sober.

                              Dorothy. Congrats!!

                              every one to go, sewing costumes, helping with a little whiner next to me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Yep LAV H.A.L.T. works EVERY time for me, usually hungry but the others rear there heads every few days/weeks.

                                Find the Glutamine powder takes the edge off long enough for me to work out what the problem is and do something about it.

                                E.G. Friday night I had a sore throat. I was really miffed cos it was the start of a holiday weekend here in NZ. I felt sorry for myself and remember's not fair..all I do is work, I never have any fun.
                                I was on my way to bed and my son phoned to ask something but said he was at a party and did I want to come. My immediate reaction was no, I am ill and in bed. As soon as I put the phone down I realised that I was more lonely than ill. I got dressed and took a very surprised 13 year old daughter out to an unexpected party at 10.30 at night!

                                I could only do this because I was sober! Before I would still have been lonely but just drank harder to drown it out.

                                BTW both my daughter and I had a great time, left at 1.30 am and I felt like a member of the human race again!

