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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning, Day 3 here and doing great. I can't give myself much credit though because I have had a wicked cold and it's really easy for me not to drink when I feel like poop. So, let's see how today goes but I will say I feel quite confident. I went through yesterday without a single craving.

    Alcholic: that's the same thing we told my mother-in-law. We weren't going to go to my husbands mother and tell her that we were drunks so we simply told her that we are trying to lose weight and get healthier. Seemed to work like a charm. Who can question that?!?!?

    Change: Congrats on day 1. You can do this like so many others on here have! It's hard and it takes A LOT of work but we all have it in us. Keep us posted on your progress!!!
    One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      Not a drop of sunshine around these parts. I'd better remember to turn up the lights in the chicken coop or those girls will sleep until noon :H

      I have a zillion things to do today but I vow to smile as much as possible ~ just seems to take the pressure off
      Wishing everyone a great AF Hump day!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Patrick;1398446 wrote: Speaking of laughter helping us ,here's one I found helped[/video]]Bob Newhart-Stop It - YouTube

        as in I keep putting a poison into my body that adveresly affects ALL aspect of my life STOP IT
        Awesome Patrick!! After crazy evening with my drunken HB i laughed and hope will sleep.
        Made my Day 6 but was very close to drink not because he' s drinking (i hate beer) but because of his screaming and following me in every room where i go..i went to the park, he followed (before he got totally drunk). He makes me crazy and there are 2 options - 1.he stops drinking 2. or i have to start drinking again (i can' t stand him when i'm sober and he' s drunk).
        I'm just exausted, have to sleep and write tomorrow.
        The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
        /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


          Newbies Nest

          Well, today is about to be harder than I thought. I am fostering a 3 week old kitten that has been thriving and I have fallen in love with. Well, went up this morning to feed her and she won't eat, she can't walk and she keeps falling on her face. I was told that with kittens that young there was a chance that she wouldn't make it but she was doing so well. She is heading over to the humane society to be checked. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that she makes it. I am losing my mind right now!!! Any and all thoughts and prayers would be appreciated!
          One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


            Newbies Nest

            iamaquitter28;1398507 wrote: Well, today is about to be harder than I thought. I am fostering a 3 week old kitten that has been thriving and I have fallen in love with. Well, went up this morning to feed her and she won't eat, she can't walk and she keeps falling on her face. I was told that with kittens that young there was a chance that she wouldn't make it but she was doing so well. She is heading over to the humane society to be checked. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that she makes it. I am losing my mind right now!!! Any and all thoughts and prayers would be appreciated!
            I hope you don't drink because of this. I am a vet and kittens often fade when hand reared, and always at about this age.

            I may get a bash for this BUT...... While you are getting sober you need to concentrate on rescuing yourself!

            There are always reasons to drink, just don't take on extra problems that allow you to avoid your own VERY REAL problem ......alcohol.

            Said with the best of intentions IAM and I hope the kitten survives :h


              Newbies Nest

              welcome, change, dorothy, ginger - oh gosh, i hope I haven't missed anyone!

              That sleep is tough in the beginning...really tough. But just keep thinking how amazing it's going to feel when you finally do get a good sleep....your exhausted body - collapsing into bed - and for the first time in sleep through the night. it still amazes me - how i went so long on limited sleep. Only a 'decent' night's sleep maybe every couple of weeks? Now the poor night's sleep is the rarity.

              Patrick, I loved the Newhart skit...;-) so true.

              Everybody have a great day...stay positive. If it's early in your quit - tell your self 'I WILL make it through this day....I'm not leaving it to chance...I have a solid plan for whatever temptations come my way....and I'm not leaving it to hope....I am confident and sure that today i won't drink.'

              And if you're later in the journey past the initial difficulties of lack of sleep, bitchiness, irritability, ill feelings, say 'this is an entire precious day in my life - that I am going to enjoy every minute aware of every minute of....I won't lose a minute of it to alcohol.' Sometimes I even think - "what if it was my last? And I wasted it in a fog - just waiting for it to end..." sad, how many I did waste.

              Its really amazing living without that guilt of knowing that you're wasting so many of those precious gifts....days, hours, minutes.

              ok....enough of the deep thoughts....Everybody have a great day.


              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                cross posts iam and good thoughts are with the kitty....poor baby.

                and kuya's right. When I was drinking and when I first quit - sometimes just feeding my dogs seemed like so much work....I had to trudge through it first thing in the morning - they bring me such great joy and are members of the family - but they do take work. And I didn't have much "extra" to give at that time....

                And stressful situations - well, I USED them for so a reason to drink. It was eye opening when I saw what I was doing. I would somehow encourage myself to get sucked into the whirlwind of stress - and then use alcohol to deal with it all...

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Day 5 and I feel rotten with a terrible cold!!!!

                  Bleughhhh !!!
                  Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Quest for the key;1398517 wrote: Day 5 and I feel rotten with a terrible cold!!!!

                    Bleughhhh !!!
                    Awwwww Questy :l. And easy day and an early night, sober cos alcohol just depresses immunity


                      Newbies Nest

                      good morning nest. so much going on. I hate typing on this ipad, but it is the only way i get any privacy. overcast out, but that is ok. i will try to catch up later. i do have to go to costco.....but no massage chair. Too much college tuition bills around here..... luckily here they dont sell booze at costco. so, not even a temptation.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Yipers...only got a sec....but wanted to address DorothyFree. In some of my first quits, I used the Healthier lifestyle excuse, theLosing weight excuse and the Cutting down excuse. The well-meaning hostess or co-worker would inevitably say..."OH, just ONE won't hurt you!!". You know the rest of that story....what I have found that works for me, is that my close friends and coworkers know I have ulcerative when I abstain and they insist, I looK at them and say...'It isn't YOUR colon!' and that stops them in their tracks. But when I am with others I don't know as well, I say I don't drink because it aggravates a couple things I have going on....and I hold my tummy, and they assume it's an ulcer and will proceed to give me a one word CURE. (Buddamilk!)(Fiabba, translated, fiber). They don't know that the couple things it's aggravating is my liver and my marriage.....B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Roll Call is Cranking

                          Hi Guys/Gals,

                          Just a quick note of "thanks" for posting to Roll Call each day. It's actually something I look forward to every day. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and pride to post there among the rest of you who are all doing the hard work that it takes to come back each day. We now have 9 people from yesterday's RC that are beyond the 2-week hump which is very empowering to see.

                          Over the next couple of weeks, l'd love to see another > 10 over the 15 (new newbies) and another > 10 over the 30-day mark (newbies). Together we CAN do this so again, thanks for participating and staying loyal to your RC posts. It does wonders for me and I hope others as well.

                          As always, be good today -

                          PS: Thought for the day: "All progress occurs because people dare to be different."
                          Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                          Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                          Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                          Go forward boldly and unafraid


                            Newbies Nest

                            Kuya: I WILL NOT use that as an excuse to drink. I am doing really well this time. hardly any cravings and if I start over AGAIN I feel that the next time wouldn't be so easy. Not that quitting is ever easy but for some reason I feel like this one may be my time because the days are flying by like nothing! Thank you for your concern. I was told when I picked her up that there was a chance she wouldn't make it but I got way too attached to her and she was doing so well until this morning. Well, hopefully there'll be some good news to come here soon. The manager of the humane society said that she's seen much worse bounce right back with some IV fluids and some sugar water.

                            Lola: I completely understand where you are coming from. A lot of times I feel just plain wiped between 4 dogs, 2 cats, the baby kitten, 14 turtles, and a 4 year old (oh and that damn DH, LOL) but for me these are the things that keep me going on my sober days. My kids need me and the only way I can be 100% for them is if I am sober. Since I've gotten the baby I've actually found it easier to stay sober because I know she is counting on me not to pass out at 8:30 so that she can get her bedtime bottle and loves.
                            One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Yoga mom:
                              Search human touch acu 6.0 massage chair Costco roadside show and you will find a schedule to see when they will come by to your local Costco. Costco gives a good discount and there are several models to choose from. See it as an investment from 1 year of alcohol going into that chair! That's how I'm justifying it!

                              I'm sorry about the kitten. I hope you and the kitten both make it today but more importantly that you make it!!! Keep us posted!
                              Alcoholic (or Ally)

                              "Only a fool knows everything.
                              A wise man knows how little he knows."

                              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                                Newbies Nest

                                gotcha iama....totally...that new rescue pup that we got for Christmas almost two years ago - was almost like the straw that broke the camel's back for I pulled up a chair (too depressed, drunk and hungover to stand) to watch her explore the back yard - I sat there with tears in my eyes - knowing that I needed to straighten up....she was one more responsibility - and while I seemed to be doing 'ok' taking care of what I already had going on, I just knew that everybody deserved more....

                                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011

