Today is Day 2, have been reading Kick the Drink Easily and getting some very clear insight from that. It is very thought provoking. I plan to come here 2 or 3 or more times a day. I have no other support system. My husband at times, mentions he is concerned about my drinking, but he drinks so doesn?t want to say too much for fear I will mention his drinking. My daughter or sons might kind of suspect, maybe 1 friend?.but I am very sneaky, or so I think??and don?t drink around them?.just alone. I go to work every day, take care of our home, run a small business, take care of kids and grandkids issues and go to all their sports, etc. I want to be FREE of AL. I have wasted so much time, money and self respect, that makes me ill. Thank you all, for listening to my ramblings?.I like to write, so feel free to tell me to STOP when it?s too much
