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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sit by me, please, Nurdle. I could certainly use some of your good vibes! Fifty one days, that is Awesome! I am kind of quiet too, so we will get along just fine!

    :h Star



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      I personally love ro hear from you! Please stay w us!
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        Newbies Nest

        :thanks: Star! I've enjoyed your posts and hey you're doing great :goodjob:
        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


          Newbies Nest

          Nurdl, I enjoy reading your posts as well and I know I would miss you if you left.
          AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
          AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
          STUMPY IS A LADY!


            Newbies Nest

            nurdl;1399398 wrote: It's good to hear that we're always welcome in the nest. I feel like I'm roaming around sadly on these threads with no connection to anyone here. I'm on Day 51. Is my twig still available? I'm kind of quiet but I'll be supportive and I'm not failing at this quest!
            btw - I flip the bird every time I pass a liquor store. I just feels good and makes me :H

            I LOVE that, mentally I do the same.

            I went into my liquor store to buy some juice and looked at all the alcohol bottles with disdain!


              Newbies Nest

              Kuya, Nurdl, its good to know that I am not the only one with that mentality. WOOHOOO

              I feel like people at my local corner shop look at me weird, when I drop by to buy milk and ice cream, after years of only purchasing alcohol and cigarettes.

              I also flip the bird at the photos of my younger self. What the help was that guy thinking?

              Bring on day 60!!!!!!!!!!!

              AF since 1st Sep 2012
              NF since 1st Sep 2012

              If you want to feel better visit


                Newbies Nest

                Fin;1399323 wrote: Procedural question. When we cross 30-days, should we really be posting somewhere else daily vs. the NNest? Where do people go once they're ready to fly? Just curious....
                There is no procedure as such.

                I found a thread with people I like and would call it my 'home'. It is an abstainant thread but that is not to say no one has any problems with staying AF.

                I then post anywhere I am interested to, including here. Some people stay here, some pretty much stick to one other thread.

                Whatever floats your boat, matey! :h


                  Newbies Nest

                  Forum Nativigation

                  Thanks for all the comments regarding forum protocol. It's important to have the varsity members around, no doubt. The question emerged after looking at all the other threads available to us. Like you guys, no way am I ready for that moderation thread...nor do I want to be at this point. The abstinence thread seems like sort of a good place? I see some of you there.

                  What I did pick up on from one of the other threads is that this nest is really intended on being the safe haven for those of us just getting started. You know, I'm just trying to do the right thing and am curious what other threads out there folks think are worth a visit.
                  Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                  Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                  Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                  Go forward boldly and unafraid


                    Newbies Nest

                    Quest for the key;1399336 wrote: Hi all - day 6 - ha !!!!! Can't quite believe it !

                    The real test is tomorrow ......... Dread oh dread :-(
                    I know it is hard Quest, but try to look forward to it. Dread makes you anxious and WE ALL know how we used to deal with anxiety!!

                    You will be fine I believe, you have fought for this long and her GF :h


                      Newbies Nest

                      I think people should be able to post wherever they like. RJ never imposed any rules as to who should post where and neither did Renewal, the thread starter. That's just my humble opinion.
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        Newbies Nest

                        But I think we would all agree that if someone started to post ads here selling vodka, we should kill him.
                        Alcoholic (or Ally)

                        "Only a fool knows everything.
                        A wise man knows how little he knows."

                        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                          Newbies Nest

                          And Stone IPA, of course...
                          Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                          Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                          Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                          Go forward boldly and unafraid


                            Newbies Nest

                            Very politely put Alco. I like the way you think.
                            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                              Newbies Nest

                              ummm....nobody worry about me....I think it's time I take a little break.

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Nonononononononono Lolab!!! I'm finally having fun here and I love your posts. Plus you have the coolest retro profile picture. Please stay? Puuuhleeeeeeez?
                                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking

