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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Bumped again..dang it!! Af again! *sigh*


      Newbies Nest

      Hi All.

      Day 22 for me I think. Sunni said it's okay for me to lose my mind, oops I'm mean lose count.

      Queen you said:

      "but if im honest i do miss the numbness that AL can give along with the buzz even tho i know it is not real or good for me."

      Believe me that you are not the only person here who feels this way. The best advice I've read here is to look at what you're gaining instead of what you're losing. But that question about what's supposed to replace those "good feelings" that are really "bad for you" has always bugged me.

      Hi Jm - same with the idea of learning to hang-out and stay af. I'm a weekend warrior too. I play golf, which goes hand and hand with beer. I also like socializing in places where al flows. I've gotten some advice from the folks here, and it's supposed to get easier once you get some af time under your belt.

      Funny, that the more I read, the more I see that we all have a lot of the same thoughts, and often struggle with the same things. I don't have many answers since I haven't been af for that long. This is a good place to be though, with some very friendly people here in the nest. Feel free to bounce any questions here, you'll find everyone very helpful.

      Good luck everyone! Take care.
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Tuck in time Nesters,

        Determination - you plan to go AF rather than trying to moderate probably will save you a lot of time & grief. I wasted several weeks trying to moderate right away and I flopped! Once I opened a bottle of wine I just couldn't leave it alone until it was empty. When I decided to go AF I made a big deal of pouring the last of the wine down the drain, kind of ceremonial! I was home alone at the time, it just seemed the right thing to do so I would never forget how miserable I was feeling at the time. Give yourself a day or two AF, you'll be amazed how quickly you become addicted to clear thinking & hangover free mornings

        Hello to barbah1 and welcome to JM1234! Get comfy here in the nest, you can do this, you'll see! Get that first AF day under your belts, then day two and so on. The joy & pride of your accomplishment will overwhelm you, I promise!

        queen of denial, congrats on 6 days, very impressive! It does feel good, doesn't it. That's great that you were able to communicate your needs to your husband, not always an easy thing, I know. If we all had 100% support at home & from friends this task probably would be less daunting. But, since that's rarely the case just do your best to stay focused on your plan. I have avoided a lot of people & situations these past few months, but that's OK because I'm still here & AF to tell you about it!

        Sunbird, good to see you, how's it going?
        Chicken, chicken, chicken, what am I going to do with you?? What's tripping you up? Maybe you should think about performing my little ceremony and just dump all the AL in the house and start again. It worked for me! Come on and jump back on board, we need you

        OK, good night all, stay safe!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          We cross posted - great job on 22 days!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone, Just a quick update from me...
            Going okay...ish...I have restricted myself to weekend drinking, and seem to have managed to rreduce my number of drinks somewhat...I guess that is a good thing right...?
            So why do I feel so guilty? Compared to just after my brothers death (just under 4 months ago) this is a vast drop in my AL consumption...
            Oh steps, so they say...
            Red Red Wine...My Love/Hate Relationship...


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all nesters, I'm clinging on to my branch thank you Lav and feeling good.
              Got to pop off and do some shopping soon so will call in again later.
              Can I get anyone anything?
              Have a good day folks


                Newbies Nest

                I'm going to do my first AF day today, boy is this scary. Thanks Lavande for the encouragement. Trying to make sure to have lot's to do today to keep my mind off of al. I am so gratful to have found this site. Thanks to all. Wish me luck! Have a great day everyone!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning. jolenje. I think cutting out weekday drinks is fantastic. It gives your body some rest, and gets you in a part time af frame of mind. I've done that before and it definitely felt better to me. Good luck.
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest


                    Tired little chook here! Long day and just addled by recent events..but AF today and going to bed ASAP for R & R! Not sure why I'm tripping up,but let's just say my batteries are a wee bit low right am just going to hunker down with wing over head and be quiet!
                    Good luck everyone,I am thinking of you all!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning nesters. I am on Day 2 again. Really tied one on Monday night. Wanted to shut down and stop worring about everything going on. It worked alright. :upset: So, it is time to just go AF. I have to admit to myself that I am not wired to have one drink. Took me long enough to admit to it.
                      I am so happy to be here among my wonderful friends in the comfy nest. Looking forward to getting caught up with everything I missed.
                      Have a wonderful AF day everyone!!!!
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning/afternoon. Day 5 and feeling pretty good but I've been down this road before so I'm staying aware and cautious. I feel so good! Still all those aches and pains that arrive after a certain age but certainly mentally optimistic and strong.
                        Everyone have a wonderful day.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone,

                          I just ordered the CD's and some supplements. Really wondering about the medications - my health plan won't give them to me without 3 weeks of confinement in detox. I'll be in Canada in two weeks....I wonder if anything is over the counter there
                          ~%~%~%~ :new:
                          It's never too late to be what you could have been
                          check out what I'm up to when I'm not drunk:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Sunbird at the end of AF day 5

                            Hi All,

                            Just reporting in at the end of the 5th AF day. Doing ok, so far day 4 was the worst-but I don't know if that was the after effects of the sleeping tab - 10mg Ivedal(Zolpidem).
                            But I have been feeling fine today. So fingers crossed.
                            Love, Sunbird


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning the Nest!

                              Sitting here in my pj's and gown,socks on feet,knowing I should be getting ready for the day,but this place is a wee bit addictive hey!

                              Anyhow,am in perkier spirits today..just tired yesterday and somewhat pensive...or something!
                              Sunbird well done on 5 days AF..feels good doesn't it!
                              Fernanda-wish I could help,but not sure what things are like over there! I am wondering if the L-Glutamine is a wee bit different here in OZ,cause all I can find is 'Glutamine'-so going to see if I can research it a bit before I spend the money!
                              Mtntop-nice to meet you and well done!
                              NoraC I know where your at! Let's pull up our twigs and get comfy..for the long haul!

                              Warm thoughts to everyone!


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm baaaa-aaack

                                Had a beautiful 2 days... (AF, of course), swimming in the rain, followed by a light sun burn, lots of delish food, campfires, star gazing, oh... and a blown engine on the boat.. thankfully there are 2 :H

                                Anyways, just got in and wanted to quickly say hello and welcome to the new 'faces'... smooth your feathers, nestlings and settle in for a peaceful night!

                                See you all in the morning!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

