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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    kb1;1400185 wrote: umm ,i think thats rather a horrible thing to say?
    gosh i knew to be scared and just when my confidence was growing ... oh dear im rather sad, and sorry if i upset u in any way,, you see im so new here and im rather shy, and well im so sorry,,, but nevermind,, i may be ok on monday,, thats my plan,,, im sorry if i hurt you in anyway, ,, im not really used to this place at the moment ,, and im not a very clever person on the computer, that s my husband job im afraid :upset:,,, but im am learning, i promise xxxgosh im ever so sorryy
    You are right KB, and I think it is possibly because your English is broken. Even if you were drunk you are welcome to post, after all this IS a drinking site.

    Sometimes people are tired, over sensitive, insensitive to others and just plain detoxing themselves.

    Post what you want and keep coming back too. It is too hard out there to do it alone. :h


      Newbies Nest

      Alcoholic perhaps a hot bath would help? I have been indulging in this a lot lately before bed to prepare my body for sleep. I also found an old delta wave CD to listen to, it's supposed to help you sleep, I'm not sure about the waves but the sound helps me sleep, I'm not sure how to describe it, some instruments and it sounds a little like I would imagine space would sound.... If I didn't know space was a vacuum and sound doesn't travel in a vacuum. Puts me right out and it's been a lifesaver.
      I continue to clean, tonight made a system for my bills, I have to take these over from my ex who moved out in February....:blush: and dusted and cleaned. I've decided I should call her my puppymomma instead of ex, she still does a lot for me, and walks the big dog we got together every day. I kept her because I'm the one with the big yard and I love her so much, she makes me feel safe here alone and we sleep together, she's great in bed, big, warm, soft, and willing to cuddle anytime. I'm on Day 5, I'm not going to drink tonight and I'm pretty sure about tomorrow, too. I'll be turning 44 and cooking stuffed mushrooms and coyboy ribeyes with ice cold water. And then tea. It's cold here.

      Duck and cover, East coasters, I hope it just rains. Thank you all for being here, and have a good night.


        Newbies Nest

        KB1, don't leave us. Don't listen to anyone who makes you feel like less, you are just as important as the rest of us. Hang in there and stay strong.
        AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
        AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days


          Newbies Nest

          Dorothyfree: Thank you for the suggestion: I like that delta wave suggestion, I have an app for that!!!

          Glad you made it to day 5. You already sound much better! Just keep plugging along and just think how much healthier we are all getting!!!
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            Newbies Nest

            Thought Id stop by and say HHHHHEEAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY! Ya know all Richard Simmons like :H
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Newbies Nest


              Hello all! I assume that I am the newbiest of the newbies. I'm rolling into day 5. Battling some cravings at the moment, but I shall prevail! I hope everyone has a good night. I'm preparing to stare Frankenstorm in the face and give it a good 'ol country ass whoopin'! Take care.


                Newbies Nest

                Patrick;1400184 wrote: Well I had my first BIG test last night(friday)I went alone (my wife was babysitting one of our grandchildren)to a big party in a neighbours house,copious amounts of drink available (its Ireland).Last year I was there til 4 am and was so drunk and staggered so much I must have done 5 miles in the 1/2 mile home.This year I stayed for an hour and a half and was quite happy to stick to a cup of tea and some coke(cola not the other thing)offered drinks constantly
                but I was happy to say no.I'm getting there.
                Well done, suh! Very pleased to hear that.

                Patrick, I don't know you from Adam other than from these threads, but I'd sure like to meet you at a party and share a cuppa tea.

                I too was in a bar for some time last night, there to see a great wee band. Didn't stay the whole night as i was tired (see yesterday's posts by me), but not TOO strong a desire to drink. Though i do stare into pints of San Miguel a little too long...

                here's a pci of the band - bit dark i'm afraid. Banjo and fiddle, harpsichord, guitars and clarinet. My kinda mix of instruments.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Day 41 in the Big Sober House

                  Day 41. There's a storm being brewed. Or perhaps it's merely a cup of tea. Whatever it is, the battle hatches are up, the sandbags are laid, the dogs are dressed in their ammo gear, led by our all-action gal hero, K9. Stella and the chooks are huddled in the coop, popping eggs like there's tomorrow...

                  And will there be a tomorrow? Will there be a day after tomorrow? Will FRANKENSTORM raise the Sober House to the ground? Will Frankenstorm unleash the tyranny that is the warring armies of End and/or Fins?

                  Alcoholic re-positions her whole body on her massage chair and gently whirrrrrs herself into a state of bliss.

                  There's a knock at the door.

                  LAV: I'll get it

                  She gets it. She opens the door. And there stands a Veteran with Tissues.

                  LAV: Well I'll be. Hello soldier.

                  VT: Hi, new here. Thought I'd pop by. I've got some tissues.

                  LAV: Yes, we all have tissues here. DO come in. I for one am VERY pleased to see you.

                  VT: Thank you.

                  LAV: We have a storm coming.

                  VT: I know

                  LAV: A FRANKENStorm

                  VT: Yes -

                  LAV: I'll keep you save...

                  Lav goes to remove his coat

                  VT: Eh.... So, have the sandbags been put down.

                  LAV: I told Byrdie to do that

                  VT: And the hatches are up?

                  LAV: Yes, there's a team on it.

                  VT: Very good. And who are the two outside flailing about in the wind?

                  LAV: Oh, they're.. they're... they.... GUYS! We've got two suckers outside in the sodden storm!

                  Lav and VT gather some of the housemates together to look at how to get the two who are outside, inside.

                  It hadn't crossed their minds just to open the blinking door.

                  Which is probably just as well... For outside...

                  DR HEAD: Twigger?

                  TRIGGER: Yes, Dr 'ead?

                  DR HEAD: This is the perfect storm.

                  TRIGGER: Really, Suh? Why, Suh?

                  DR HEAD: Because Twigger, when there's a cold, freezin, DANGEROUS storm such as Sandy the Fwankenstorm, wot is it, Trwgger, that moust people moight want?

                  TRIGGER: Eh... for it to end, Suh?

                  DR HEAD: No, not necessewily, Twigger.

                  TRIGGER: Eh... to have a nice long baff in a nice long baff tub loike... Oh, Dr 'ead, look, there's DowafeeFwee 'avin a baff. Look, Suh, she's avin a baff.

                  DR HEAD: Very good Twigger, but that is NOT what I am suggestin. Wot, Twigger does wan want when there is a storm bwueing?

                  TRIGGER: Hot choc'lit, Suh.

                  DR HEAD: Oh for God's sake

                  KUYA: He doesn't exist!

                  DR HEAD: Oi! Shat yer maaf, this is not the time nor the place to be gettin' into arguments about the existence of a supreme being.

                  KUYA: Just sayin...

                  DR HEAD: So Twigger... this Fwankenstorm is gonna unleash in them there 'ousemates, a desire to 'ave a drink. 'Ear me?

                  TRIGGER: Ear you?

                  DR HEAD: Yeah, d'ya 'ear me?

                  TRIGGER: Eh... maybe... dunno really... wot is it to 'ear you?

                  DR HEAD: Oh, for the lavva God.

                  KUYA: God's Dead! 'E Don't exist.

                  DR HEAD: Shuttit!

                  KUYA: Just sayin...

                  DR HEAD: Twigger, listen close... Oi 'av a plan...

                  Meanwhile back in the house... Alco has re--repositioned herself yet again on her massage chair so as the chair can massage some of those "hard-to-reach" areas.

                  And everyone is laughing.

                  But not at her.

                  But at Patrick's computer.

                  PATRICK's PC: You laughing at me? Hey.... you laughing at me?


                    Newbies Nest

                    OMG RC, you are getting worse as you are getting better! :H:H:H

                    Must explain to vet w t that RC is clinically insane and we are minding him here until his psychiatric thread has been mended. Tis a favour for a friend!

                    In between his insane but extremely amusing ramblings we sometimes discuss issues with alcohol!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        Newbies Nest

                        rooniferd;1399973 wrote: The LAST STRAW - the point where you are so fed up. Sick and damn tired of the chaos. We've struggled so much because we've looked for every reason in the world why our lives had become so shitty and just couldn't pinpoint it. Until one day....yes, I figured it out - you bastard ALCOHOL.

                        So what do you do? Treat it like breaking up with a bad girl or boyfriend. First and foremost, break up with/eliminate the problem (quit drinking), heal and recover from the abuse and mental torture, start to introduce new people and activities in your life....and day you realize that you've got it made!

                        All this could be yours for the low price of getting sober, folks! But don't wait, this opportunity won't last forever. GET A MOVE ON! Don't let another precious day be stolen from you!

                        We can do this!
                        Hi everyone

                        Just checking in, that's 1 day under my belt and, you know what, it's Saturday morning and I feel really good instead of the groggy illness of last night's wine.

                        Slept really well, had 3 of those herbal sleep tablets. Had no inclination to drink at all last night, which is great, but I know my danger time will be around day 5?

                        Anyways, my target just now is 3 days, going to have a good read of the tool box today and make a plan for action.

                        Been reading back a bit on the posts here too, to get to know everyone - came across this by roonie and omg, it resonated so much with me, was actually thinking about it this morning. I can't believe it took me so long to figure out all the bad stuff happening just now and how alcohol is at the core of it all. Will keep mulling that one around and let it settle!! My post 'what if' is exactly about the last straw but roonie has put into words exactly what was going on - I really did look at everything else as the reason why and only just figured it out yesterday!

                        Have a great Saturday everyone - I'm off to see the new James Bond film today, hope you're doing something nice too.
                        Honour Thyself


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Emily and welcome to the nest.

                          Good plan to get some time AF, it's not as hard as you fear I promise you.

                          Good luck, and any questions just ask


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning! I'm back again and more determined than ever.
                            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                              Newbies Nest

                              good morning all. oh no not the chair alcoholic!!! I love that chair! Patrick....good job on the party. KB, veteran welcome. People going crazy here prepping for the storm. The kids are worried about Halloweeen. Oh well. got to get to soccer game. Catch up later.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello everyone;

                                another saturday. have to work,

                                Great to hear it wasn't all the difficult so far. Hope it will be a good day for you again! Get your plan and if you have any cravings, just come to the mwo forum and read!

                                Hi, beginning!
                                Good to have you! Good luck today!

                                Why is my phone keep thinking the word "to" can be substituted with "Ro"? What is "Ro" anyway?!

                                Let's all have another successful AF healthier liver clearer brain day!
                                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                                "Only a fool knows everything.
                                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.

