Hope you are hanging on with both hands tonight!!!!
Nope much happening here yet, just very cloudy skies.
My grandson (4 yrs old next month) asked me today what a 'monster storm' is. He wanted to know if monsters were going to rain down from the sky ~ I told him that I hope not

Hello & welcome Laurel!
Glad you decided to join us today. Congrats on your AF time, apparently you know what you need to do. Do you know why you decided to drink yesterday? We have to address all of our triggers, every single one of them to stay sober. Take a look in the health store here on the site. The MWO Hypno CDs were exceellent in helping me to change my thinking about AL

Greetings to everyone tonight & wishes for a safe night in the nest.
I've been busy all day gearing up for the so called monster storm. I still have tomorrow to take care of anything i've forgotten. I will give Stella & the girls a good talk tomorrow, load them up with plenty of fresh water & feed & wish them the best!!!! :H :H