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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    change=freedom;1400732 wrote: I'm not going to start from Day 1 again in the Roll Call because I don't do well with failure and I feel like I failed. I'm just not going to post in there anymore. I'm trying to remind myself that I'm a world apart from where I was just a short time ago... I'm not going to let myself think I've failed and be hard on myself. I'm unbelievably hard on myself and I want to learn to be a bit kinder to myself. I can't achieve my dream of being free of my alcohol problem if I kick myself into the dirt.
    I changed your post to describe myself. Thank you for speaking for me.:h

    AL is just one of many struggles in our lives, and we'll tackle it, just as we do the others.

    My best to you.:l
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Change

      I don't think you've failed at all, you've got to ask yourself what would normally have happened at that party?

      Give yourself some compassion, by god, you deserve it.

      The courage and strength of character we have within us in even realising we have a problem is HUGE. I'm at day 3, dreading day 5. You've got to give yourself credit for the guts you had in being on day 5 AND going to a party where the pressure to drink is incredible, unfortunately.

      I think you done just fine
      Honour Thyself


        Newbies Nest

        emily;1400880 wrote: Hey Change

        I don't think you've failed at all, you've got to ask yourself what would normally have happened at that party?

        Give yourself some compassion, by god, you deserve it.

        The courage and strength of character we have within us in even realising we have a problem is HUGE. I'm at day 3, dreading day 5. You've got to give yourself credit for the guts you had in being on day 5 AND going to a party where the pressure to drink is incredible, unfortunately.

        I think you done just fine
        Well done Emily, you have done a sound start.

        Why u dreading day 5 may I ask?


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Everyone

          Hope the people dealing with the storm are ok.

          Day 3 today and I'm just wanting to document that day 2 wasn't quite so great. I was ok once I got over being extremely short-termpered (Saturday night and no wine!). Went to bed with a good book, which was awesome, had some sleepy tea but felt I hardly slept a wink.

          I've been taking milk thistle and omega 3 anyway but I do have kudzu and l-glute - can anyone advise how much of kudzu and l-glute I should be taking - is 1 x 500mg kudzu, 3 times per day and 1 teaspoon of l-glut sound about right?

          I'll be fine today, energy levels (which mean a lot to me) are even better today. Going to go for a walk and do a workout. Tonight will again be hard as recently I've taken to 2 bottles of wine of a Sunday night(if work allowed - I'm self-employed).

          Looking forward to a hang-over free Monday and getting my business back on track. I'm still letting it all settle that it was in fact alcohol that has been making me hide my head in the sand and not face anything and not because I as a human being was useless and inadequate. This discovery has been huge for me, HUGE!

          Have a great day everyone, x

          Hey Kuya - on previous attempts I've always given up around day 5 - that being probably because I always started 'not drinking' on a Monday and therefore by the time Friday came along, well, that was license day, everyone in the world was drinking as it was the weekend - because I've started this time on a Friday, my day 5 won't hit until Tuesday so I have so much more confidence this time around AND I've never used the Newbies Nest before and can't believe I dipped in and out of MWO for years and never been here.
          Honour Thyself


            Newbies Nest

            It is quiet tonight so let's just focus on your day 5 fear ok?


              Newbies Nest

              You know day 5 IS the hardest day usually?


                Newbies Nest

                Hi change and Emily. That first week is really tough. I had lots and lots of day 3s and some day 4s and. A few day 5s over the past year. It is very frustrating. Keep on trying and you will get it though. Just as you are doing- stay close to the nest, don't beat yourself up but try to learn from your mistakes. Some newbies ( including me) like to try to stay away from tempting social situations at the beginning, if at all possible. Most importantly - keep up the good work.- you will get there!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Starfish1;1400897 wrote: Hi change and Emily. That first week is really tough. I had lots and lots of day 3s and some day 4s and. A few day 5s over the past year. It is very frustrating. Keep on trying and you will get it though. Just as you are doing- stay close to the nest, don't beat yourself up but try to learn from your mistakes. Some newbies ( including me) like to try to stay away from tempting social situations at the beginning, if at all possible. Most importantly - keep up the good work.- you will get there!
                  Would you agree Star that days 3-5 are the hardest?


                    Newbies Nest

                    Cross post Emily and kuya but I think we said the same thing. Have a great day !



                    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters,

                      Rain has just started, no wind yet. This storm is supposed to dump as much as 10" of rain on us & I have no idea where I'm going to put it all

                      Congrats Emily & others for getting a few AF days in. Just keep hanging in, day after day until you reach your goals. I can't tell you how proud you will feel when you win this early battle

                      Wishing everyone a good AF Sunday!
                      I'll keep checking back in until the power goes around here.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Yes, kuya- for me, for some reason, days 3-5 were the hardest. Once you get past those, you have a lil more confidence.
                        Still praying for y'all lav. Did you bring Stella inside?



                        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                          Newbies Nest


                          Day 5 was one of the hardest for me physically. Worst cravings I have had to date and I created one of my first threads that day. Emotionally days 30-33 were the hardest.

                          AF since 1st Sep 2012
                          NF since 1st Sep 2012

                          If you want to feel better visit


                            Newbies Nest

                            emily;1400888 wrote: Tonight will again be hard as recently I've taken to 2 bottles of wine of a Sunday night(if work allowed - I'm self-employed).
                            emily - Sunday night has always been a big trigger for me too. Most people rest up on Sunday nights to get ready for work on Monday, but my pickled brain has the mindset of getting in one last buzz before the work week starts. I have spent many a Monday morning sitting at work mad as hell at myself, wondering when the madness was ever going to stop.

                            I think I had that same mindset about quitting drinking. I was always telling myself that I would quit tomorrow - tomorrow - tomorrow, and that would give me the excuse to go get hammered "one last time." But that one last time ended up being all the time.

                            yogamom - oh, I also have a list of regrets of all the things I didn't do because of drinking. Man oh man, yes, I have a long list. Phew...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Change, your journey is headed in the right direction. Do what works for you. Dottie, glad to hear you are on the mend.

                              We had a great night watching footballl last night .... It was great actually staying awake until the end of the game!

                              Today....waiting for the storm....might lose internet.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning!
                                Starting out on day 2 here. Feeling tired after a bad nights sleep but I plan to take a nap later. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
                                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --

