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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Katzuti,
    Me again. Try on the topomax,campral,naltrexrone thread. about 4 blocks down when you first log in.
    Hope that helps.
    Don't be frightened to shout out if you've got any questions.
    J xxx
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Newbies Nest

      Morning All!

      Just a quick hello as today is already flying along! Lav..I started on L-Glutamine yesterday,and am driving to all the social that is my plan!

      Hope everyone has a great AF day!

      Chicken (the Energized returneth!)


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Just a quick check in to make sure everyone is settled in for the night!

        Chicken you have a good, solid plan - good for you, enjoy yourself!

        Hi and welcome to kazuit! Yes, this program works but you have to do a lot of work! You need to have a very strong desire to succeed! Read the MWO book, it's full of useful information to help you make your plan. Do a lot of reading & posting, you'll learn a lot. I hope you found the answers you needed in the meds section. I did not use any meds myself. Stay close & tell us a little about yourself.

        Hi JackieClaire, hope you had a good day!

        Well, let's call it a day, have a good night, see you all tomorrow!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Da da daaaa!!! You Go Chicken! Glad you returneth! I like L-Glutamine too.

          Kazuti, I'm using all the recommended supplements and the hypno cds but not the meds. Something has helped me that's for sure.

          Lav- thanks for the pep talk. It's late friday and I'm doing fine. Skipped the bar with pals after work and just had a nice dinner out with a gf. Conquering the weekend would be easy if I didn't have to do anything and I could abandon my friends. I know that's a weak spot for me -- but i'm hanging strong otherwise. It's kind of troubling to look forward to the weekends, and dread the weekends at the same time. I don't have a problem being af, but others see it as a problem. I know that I can't do anything about what others think.

          A little tired... g'nite all!
          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


            Newbies Nest

            After rarely going a day or two without using my mental and emotional crutch (which coincidentally has the same shape as a wine bottle), I "got out of dodge" to trip up my routines in hopes of being AF. So far it has worked with tremendous help from reading the posts from this site (haven't had any A since Monday night and it's now Friday night). Whew! Haven't gone this long w/o for a while, even making sure I had my wine along with a wretched case of pneumonia a few years ago.

            However, I'll be back home on Sunday and feeling so very apprehensive about the return to the dreaded triggers and routines. Stumbling on this forum has been so encouraging and uplifting--creating the seeds of hope where I had lost my confidence that it could be different for me. Reading many of your posts is like reading my heart.

            Reaching out for hands to help hold me steady as I return to a place where I have not been strong. I hope to do the same for another down the road when I am stronger and have something to offer.

            Physical withdrawals have been tolerable--sore and achey, little shakey and sleepless. My brain is working to regain some of it's sharpness--hopeful about that! Hiding my intentions from loved ones--don't want to create expectation and fail. Also trying to hide my intentions from myself for the same reason.

            Thanks for reading. :new:
            "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Openheart. I just happened upon your post in a bit of a sleepless spell here. Great idea to get out of dodge, and an even better job at staying AF all week. Way to go. Just keep on keeping on when you get back. All those triggers and routines don't seem so bad when you see them for what they really are. You've really put yourself in a very good place with five solid days under your belt - you really do have it rolling downhill now. Those triggers don't stand a chance if they dare to stand in your path. Your achey shakey body is going to feel a little better everyday too from now on so you won't be needing your "crutches".

              It certainly does feel good to know that we're not alone in this fight. I felt the same way as you when I first found this place, and read through some of the thoughts here. I now know what's possible thanks to the kind folks here. I think you're going to be alright. Take care and keep posting! Good night.
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                Morning lovely nest buddies, I've got visitors arriving later today and they're staying for a week (screams loudly) so I won't be able to get on here as much as I would like. I will try and pop on at night tho after they've gone to bed.
                So if I'm not around its not cos I'm not thinking about you all - and I will be trying very hard to be AF during this time. I have some rescue remedy drops and pastilles as I'm anticipating quite a stressful time!
                Have a good weekend gang, talk to you as soon as I can and really looking forward to coming back regularly


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters,

                  TranqWilly, you're a trooper...........I know this weekend will be yet another good AF one for you. As time goes on you will find yourself fearing the weekends less & less. You're building a lot of inner strength now that will serve you well in the future

                  openheart, congratulations on your strong start. Wishing you continued strength as you return home tomorrow. Be proud of your progress. Be determined to stay on track!

                  Strength to you Sooty in dealing with your company! Keep your focus, you'll come thru just fine!

                  Wishing each and everyone of you a wonderful AF day!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello to you all,

                    I haven't posted in awhile.
                    I've slowly come off Baclofen. Been 4 days now. It had way too many side effects for me to take it, my health was in jeopardy.

                    I'm wondering why we are looking for a substitute for alcohol? Hey, I know the problem.
                    I think we jump on bandwagons, looking for a way to feel as we have in the good days of alcohol, or the first few drinks.

                    Just let loose of the anxiety, the personal failure we feel when it takes us to places and actions if sober, we'd never go. The humilation we've brought on ourselves and loved ones.
                    This is the first time I tried a drug. Did not work at all. Still suffering repercussions from that.

                    In the past I did go a months at a time not drinking. NO not easy, husband who drinks.

                    I also had weight gain on Baclofen. Now fighting that, chronic cough, hairloss, complete exhaustion, can't now stay up past 9pm, awake at 5:30 am. Can't concentrate. Can't produce as I could in the past. Have orders from customers for custom items, wow. Just exhausted at all times. Just want 'myself' back.

                    I do not drink hard alcohol anymore, hard. I want it. But staying with beer, I used to hate. Just to keep myself on an even keel. Don't want drunk, want the ability to function. It is a drug, we have to come off from.

                    I take a huge amount of supplements. I am realizing, I have to do this. No drug is going to save me.

                    I personally think, all the literature and groups tell us , we can't do this on our own. My best results were when I said I could. So many, myself included, are looking for a way to be social drinkers. To be 'normal'. We just aren't. I can cry in my beer about that, blame my abusive childhood, marriages, but in the end, I can't drink. No more than I can take drugs, thankfully never did till Baclofen. Now seeing I can't substitute one crutch for another.

                    Trying to get a functioning life going. What I do now is ten times as hard as it should be. I just have to again decide to give up the fight. As long as I 'think' I can moderate or take drugs to drink or not drink, my life is basically screwed.

                    Wish you all the very best.

                    Be very cautious. Yes, some of these drugs help people. I'm all for that, if it is long term. But, it does not work for all. I'm afraid we are going to see some serious health problems come from this.


                      Newbies Nest

                      I am starting day 10 today AF. I feel so much better, the best part is waking up W/O headache, & the fog of AL. So why do i still in the back of my mind, the better i feel, harbor the fantasy to be able to drink in moderation. I have tried that more than once and failed more than once. I am also attempting to be grateful evey day i wake up sober and not to forget the shame etc. 3 weeks from today my son is getting married in another state. I have not told my sons yet that i have quit. (i dont want to jinx myself or let them down). I have anxiety about will i be able to enjoy the occasion W/O AL? Any suggestions for AL free drinks besides water with lemon? thanks everyone..


                        Newbies Nest


                        Haven't posted in this thread so far but can anyone tell me what L-glutamine does to help?

                        Short term goal 7 days AF


                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm 'home'... away from home - huh? I know... confuzzling. Strange thing is, this doesn't even feel like home anymore And certainly doesn't LOOK like MY HOME. *sigh* Things are awful here, I'm tired, emotionally exhausted, but AF. Just wanted to quickly drop in on you chicklings and see how you are doing.

                          Queen, my dear, you are going to have a STUPENDOUS time! You will be laughing yer ass off at all the drunken fools and thank your lucky stars that you're not one of them! You've got TEN DAYS under your belt already! Whoohoo! No WAY you're gonna blow it now! Or else... :bat As for AF drinks.. I've really come to enjoy sparkling grape juice or any kind of tart soft drink. Oh... and congrats on getting one married off! :H

                          Chicken - you are my hero! Bawwwk! Greetings Lav (still hot and humid?), Sooty, Openheart (Big welcome and great start!), Tranq, Grace, and ALL! On dial up here and borrowed time, so to speak... will try to check in daily.

                          Much love to all! Follow the chicken and keep on going, and going, and going, and.... :H
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Bedtime Nesters,

                            I'm tired, how about you?

                            My granddogs left a day early - yahoo! Now I can have a peaceful day tomorrow

                            Saving Grace, I'm so sorry you've have had such problems with the Baclofen. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill to end this addiction. We all need to keep trying until we find the method that is right for each & every one of us. If you are just drinking beer at this point, maybe slowly reducing your intake will be manageable. Try using the CDs for a while, I really found them helpful. Just take good care of yourself, feel better soon!

                            Queen, congrats on 19 days, awesome. You'll enjoy your son's wedding for sure and remember the whole thing

                            Hi patricia, welcome! I haven't used it but the L-glutamine is an amino acid supposed to help repair your body and manage cravings. Wishing you luck!

                            Sunni, I'm really happy Mr Wonderful is with you & you don't have to face all that on your own. Stay strong, it will be OK. Yes, still hot & humid here, supposed to be like this for the coming week, ugh!

                            I hope Chicken is doing OK....................
                            I'll say good night, hope you all sleep tight!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              .........still going..........


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Again!

                                Just wanted to aplogise for not being overly supportive of others in the Nest lately,as am needing alot of self-focus time right now! Being completely selfish I know..but feel I need it! Sorry Nesters! Just did My Story and feeling woeful for self! URGH! but glad I've sent it out into the universe now....!
                                luv to you all

