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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Hello Nestlings!

    Another day, another few square yards 'hayed'... funny, I sorta feel/felt guilty because this place didn't/doesn't even feel like home anymore... yet, with every little bit of beauty I uncover outside, with every wall I manage to free of crayons and pencil, a little more sense of 'home' seems to appear with it - hard to explain. I so love this place.

    Mr. Wonderful is up on the roof again... new shingles are going up now. Not the whole roof - just part of the southern exposure.. it really took a beating last winter. The plan is to leave here for the first ferry back to the island on Thursday morning. That'll put me back at my desk at 2pm. I really need to work double time now, to pay for all this crap. On Wednesday, I have a carpenter (whom I know well) come by to discuss work for him. Not really carpentry work - but he does a bunch of other stuff as well and it costs us $150 just to get down here and back... plus time, gas, etc... it seems to make more sense to pay someone else to do it in our absence. I may end up coming down here for a week or two on my own, but then I'll have to set up a temporary office so I can work as well. We'll see - not sure yet. I dread the thought of being left here without adult supervision! LOL And, I'm only half kidding.

    Lav & Tranqwilly... you two sound so good and strong... kudos. Openheart... very sorry to hear you caved. As far as a 'start' date... nobody but YOU can determine that. YOU need to WANT to be AF... that's all there's to it.

    Sootie.. good for you for getting a break from the company (Who ARE they, anyways!?) :H

    Chicken Little... where are ya? Can't hear you clucking over there... I need some of your energizer spirit!

    Ok, that's it for me... back to work *uggh
    Will try to check in again tomorrow.... be good my fine feathered friends!

    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Openheart. Specifically about temptations? Hmmm... Sunni is right: don't tempt yourself. Keep in mind how the bad side feels - remember what you're trying to get away from and why.

      I think that the supplements and hypno cds have been very helpful. Like I said, I'm not really thinking about drinking too much. Thanks RJ for putting together a good program. I don't take any topamax or other meds though.

      I'm pretty active, so I would say keeping busy is pretty helpful. I've also had a tendency to avoid tempting situations, or making up an excuse that is difficult to overturn in social situations -- eg. going for blood tests in the morning... helps me need to stay committed for the duration of the evening. I've had a running litany of made-up "medical afflictions" to help keep me out of trouble.

      Most of all take care of yourself. Don't let yourself get too hungry or thirsty or tired.

      Sunni, I'm not that strong - got kind of lucky over the weekend. If the gang would've had drinks after golf on Sunday, a little arm twisting could've had me folding like a bad hand. I'm not really comfortable with deviating from the regular group routines, and dealing with the questioning attitudes. But I'm hanging in. It's really kind of dumb, and maybe I'm making it worse than it is -- but it's not high-school anymore; we're adults. Maybe folks are just threatened 'cause of their own issues. I'm hoping some this starts to get easier soon.

      I need to decide if I want to try to mod again to make those social situations not such a big deal.

      Peep peep to you to Chicken. C'mon out and play -- you can "self-reflect" with us! A lot of that going 'round this nest.
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Hello everyone

        I am new here, so I think this is the thread where I am supposed to be.

        A little about myself. In the last 3 or 4 years I have become a miserable, depressing blob.
        I have no life other than work because I have sat around drinking for so long that I have put on an enormous amount of weight..................I dont want to leave my house or be in any type of social situation because of this, which makes me more lonely and depressed and leaves me with nothing else to do but drink more. I have become such a recluse. I binge drink and I binge eat and I binge smoke cigarettes. I cannot quit smoking cigarettes as long as I continue to drink, and I will never lose the weight as long as I continue to drink. I have never felt so miserable in my life.

        Today I ordered the MWO book. I wished I would have had it shipped overnight but it may be a week before I get it. So I really dont know what to do in the meantime. All I know is I have got to make a change. I am not living life, only existing and I cant do this much longer. I hate the person I have become.

        I could probably benefit from a couple of years of therapy but unfortunately I have no insurance and cannot afford that luxury. I really need help and I hope this will work for me. I have so much anxiety and fear in my life and dont know how to cope. I am willing to give this everything I've got. I just don't know what to do while I am waiting on the book.


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Time to lock up the nest!!
          Skittles, glad you flew right in! As you can see, there's lots going on here. Settle in, find a comfortable twig, we'll keep you safe. We have all been in the place where you are right now, we understand the misery. While you are waiting for your book, why not do a lot of reading around the different threads on this site. The Toolbox thread is located in the Monthly Abstinence section. It's full of lots of useful information & ideas to help you make your plan. Take care of yourself, drink lots of water & tea to stay well hydrated. Get a little light exercise each day, walking, riding your bike, whatever you like. Eat good, nourishing food. Start slowly decreasing your daily AL intake. Start thinking about bad habits that need to be replaced with good have a whole lot to do so take a few deep breaths and jump on board

          TranqWilly, you are a strong individual - and if I may say so - too mature too fall victim to peer pressure. Tell the golf buds to buzz off, ha ha. Seriously, I've been telling people that smoking & drinking kind of go hand in hand (like Tylenol & Codeine) and I'm not doing either one any more
          Sorry, that's old nurse humor, just can't help myself sometimes..........

          Chicken - did we hear a peep from you today??????????

          Time to call it a night.
          Sleep tight everyone.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Afternoon All!

            I'm feeling kind of humble right now Nesters, things not running as smooth as I would like and quite a few of my feathers ruffled recently in different ways~
            Just wanted to say hi to the Newcomers and all the best!
            Tranq u are someone I truelly admire...keep it up....
            Lav,I'm peeping cause I seem ro have lost my 'cluck'!
            Sunni how goes the reno's? Makesure you get some time to rest!
            Det...Today is homeday for us and my kids are slowly driving me INSANE!!LOL.Why is it they can play together like angels one minute and then be screaming banshee children the next?
            Openheart I am having similar triggers seem rather diverse!!!Still figuring that out right now!
            Sooty.....stay cool my friend!
   easy are with friends here!


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Chicken. Glad you peeped in. It's Morning here. Thx for the comp. I've got a feeling you'll have those tail feathers back in gear pretty soon. Gotta scoot. Take care.
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters,

                How is everyone this Tuesday?

                Chicken, I'm smoothing your feathers! Everything will be OK and you will get your 'cluck' back, I know it

                Hi to Sooty, Determination, Sunni, hope all is well with you!

                Good to see you this morning TranqWilly as usual.

                Sending warm thoughts to you Chops.

                Skittles, hope your first night in the nest was a good one. Stay close today, check in as often as you can, we'll help you through the day

                I'm keeping the windows closed and the AC on today in this part of the nest. We seem to be stuck in a heatwave, ugh! I was able to creep out last evening and harvest tons of tomatoes from my garden. Fortunately my daughter stopped in to say hello. I sent her home with the tomatoes and my canning equipment

                Have a good AF day, I'll check in later!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Top 'o the mornin to all!

                  Welcome Skittles :l
                  Lav is right... there are months of reading material on this board... and a wealth of wonderful useful information. And, while you're waiting for the book... just start making some small changes. Baby steps, my dear... baby steps. You can do it - and we're all in your corner.

                  Tranq.. maybe it's different for golf buddies... but I had been SO anxious about Valentine's Day... we went out to dinner and then to a club/concert after... I spent DAYS making up excuses for not drinking... ya know what? Nobody cared. Nobody even asked :H And, I had a wonderful time!

                  Lav, my luv, are you still melting away? It's been hot and humid here as well (just what you need when roofing, lugging furniture, cutting trails through the great Canadian wilderness (aka gardening) :H

                  Chickiedoo... hop on up here and let us straighten out yer ruffled plumage. It ain't easy, is it? Especially, when things are going well and you start thinking 'Hey, this ain't so tough.. I can do this NO PROBLEM'...*nod* Been there, done that... most of us have.

                  Well, it's 8:30am - I should probably get Mr. Wonderful up... time to get started here.
                  You all have a great day.. hoping to check in again tonight!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks Tranq & Lav!
                    I'm turning in for the warm thoughts to all in the nest!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Must have just missed you Sunni!
                      Have a good one and thanks for the words of encouragment! I need and appreciate them all.
                      Obviously I am most vulnerable when I am feeling at my strongest!
                      Memo to issues and arguements with partner equal major TRIGGER-FACTOR here!
                      Chicken ( roosting now)


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am back to the nest. I need to be here. I need to come back to the nest when I get upset.
                        Hello everyone - I brought the bagels, coffee, diet pepsi and diet coke. Anything else anyone???????
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning All, Gonna go for it today and get another day 1 under my belt. Think I'll go to the grocery store and pick up asundry of interesting beverages to choose from for when the craving hits later on. Thanks for the bagel and coffee, NoraC! YUM!
                          Good luck and all the best to you today, everyone!:thumbs:
                          "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all.

                            Go for it Openheart -- day one is where it starts.

                            Hey Skittles. Yep. Plenty to read here. Btw - depression was a problem for me too, but right now I'm feeling like a lot of it was linked to al. Kind of a chicken/egg thing (no offense chicken) I think 'cause I'm feeling a lot better now that I've been af a while.

                            Lav, Sunni, thanks for the advice. I'm gonna stop obsessing about other folks. Trouble is Sunni, I've been using up a lot of excuses and I suspect they're starting to not believe me -- but I'm getting to the point where I really don't care what they think. I'm ruining a good thing for me by worrying about them. Doesn't make sense huh.

                            Gotta run. Take care all.
                            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello Nesters! How is everyone doing? Sorry, I have glanced through the posts, but have not fully read them. I miss you all, and I will be back posting on a regular basis very soon. As I stated before, I am in the midst of supporting my family right now.

                              Big warm hugs to you all, and know that I am supporting each of you all the time, even without posting. :l :l:h

                              Talk to you all soon!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters!

                                Well, just had a quick storm blow through here but I doubt that the heatwave is over.........we'll see Sunni! Hope Mr Wonderful is OK on the hot roof!!

                                Chicken and TranqWilly, I think what you two need is a big dose of Lavande attitude!!! I haven't reached the age of 55 without developing one hell of a lot of attitude, know what I mean? I just wish I could send some of my extra attitude to each of you to use in dealing with family, friends, triggers Sometimes it pays to be a woman with no hormones..........nobody that knows me wants to tick me off these days, HA HA!

                                openheart I hope day 1 went well for you, we're all pulling for you!

                                Chops, I'm sending you much love and strength during this time.

                                Closing up the nest for the night now - dealing with all this attitude can be tiring
                                Good night all!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

